Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 24 Dec 1935, p. 1 (2024)

tss sixryftrsrychrno 26 acton ontario tuesday december 24th 1035 fourhom*oprint pages five cents last session of 1935 acton council year end accounts are passed county rate same as last year at the regular meeting or acton coun ci on monday evening councillors mcmillan mccutcheon were present and reeve it harrison presided the twentyfifth report of the finance committee recommended payment of the following accounts general account ramshaw cterk and bal iff fees 00 pettlt treasurer county of halton cnr crossing 28910 pettlt treasurer county of halton m1u street sur facing 53015 pettlt treasurer county halton county rate 1935 863062 il mi petut treasurer county halton hospital account for 1035 45610 roy smith engineers fees re road 4000 tylers transport wort on road 50 jock mcmullen repairs at arena roof 200 bell telephone co four tor vices and charges 1310 georgetown lumber co tup plica 80 mrs mcdonald premium on arena 110 00 brown supplies 150 1020000 murray memorial pond watson painting 1400 mackenzie supplies 500 georgetown lumber co sup plies 851v 10507 letter from the insurance company carrying the policy on the shoe factory building suggested that the lower base ment windows be boarded up to prevent entrance to the building council decided it was not advisable to do thki for few weeks as prospective tenants were view lug the premises another letter was also received from the heweuoil co re endorsatlon of tlie insurance policies on the shoe factory building letter from st michaels hospital gave notice of the admittance of patient council disputed the claim as the individual was not resident of acton council dvcldel they could not make repaint to the house belonging to mrs campbell as they were not responsible for the damage claimed the clerk uus instructed to make in quiry from triu county council re snow fence on tlic mill pond road the clerk was instructed to inaert notice in tn fhkk pb regarding strict enforcement of the snow shovelling by law letter from the secretary of the acton branch of tlie canadian legion acknowledged receipt of tins arrange ments for the care of the soldiers mem orial plot these arrangements were sat isfactory the matter of clearing tlie snow from mill street was discussed briefly by the council the high school at home twkert pupu parent and friesida knjoy aftrtusl gathering last thiiraday evening pupils of actoif high school teochers und friends gathered last thursday even ing at the town hall where the annual at home wis the feature it proved fine social evening with the premier attraction of dancing and mmlc by anflynranic six piece orchestra the play presented by the puplkt on tills occasion kidnapping betty uas delightful presentation full of good clean conwdy and wit with plenty or tangles and the happy climax when all parties are contented lth the outcome it delighted all the parts uere all uell taken pupils taking part ere irene mclean fcueen brcen etta swackham rr helen lamb fred turner howard norton and charles henderson during the evening principal macrac was remembered by the rugby team by premutation of gift on their behalf bv geruld pargetcr mb mortimer by the basketball team presented by feather tuylor and mus belj by the baseball tvam presented by kay chapman refrehmenti were served during the rvriilng and when the home waltz and national anthem brought the evening to close it uu conceded by all to luue been most enjoyable cliruitnias mpbbagpb from artun ijaatarfl editors note with uiut luue of titt pmu pkicmi coming en christinas eve it seemed only nttlng that the ministers of acton should kivo chrlitmuu mestage to our readers we therefore requested that euch minister contribute mes sage and we are pleased indeed to present these messages to our reudersj selection of news items news of acton and the district factory building sold it is reported that the building of the halton glove workn on main street was sold on monday to mr louis brown of guclph by tlic georgetown lumber company no information as to mv browns intension for use of the build ing has been secured lucky admualon draw for the lucky admission ticket on the jontv boys hockey game the drawing was made on monday night and the fol jowiugmm4iuwlnnriamoxuulowcai the 100 ibti of sugar mvs geo lanu bag of potatoen mro greer 21 lbs flour miss mason box of choco lates and holmes chicken there was no claimant for ticket no 270 which alio won chicken just before the battle in termed iauat and junior get in first praettew last week beth team to present good uneup last week uiw the local hotkey squads get into their first action and shape up for the ucason and for the most part the rail birds arc satisfied jack greer got an initiation tap on the nose but says that after tills hell keep his eye on the puck albbans and scott are teaming up nicely on the defence with walters playing there as part of hli rote week of prayer the week of prayer will be ooserved again in acton with the first complete ucek of tlw new year arrangements have been made for services in the churches and the opening night mon day january the gth will be under the cure of the young people societies of tlie town detailed program ulll be given next week mohln sunday evening special meeting was held on sunday evening ut the baptist church by the bypu under the leadership of the christian fellowslilp group led by miss laura mcmullen the program was in tha form of christina pantomime consisting of gcrlpture passages and christmas carols vocal duetts were given fcy mrs veldhuls and mrs coles mliises bertha uristow and doris mcmullen several of tlie passages of scripture were dramatized knox sabbath school christmas tree tire is always excitement nbont ttiu kwnlvo meal oloestu he had wen fishing but with bad hick on hwi way home lie entered nh tnarkt and said to tlie cwulrr jlarry island over there and thrtiw me nve of the bluest of those trout tlirow vmv whai for asked uuj dealer in amncnunt want to tell the family caught em taay be poor fisherman but im no liar onrlstmas time last night it settled like the ucathcr around knox church and broke out into bunt of enter tainment carols and all the songs and stories of chrlstmartldc ucrc in the air and the spontaneous reaction of little children to this their glad season vai the jojou note that passed not auay the guild contributed the chief part of the program in the entertaining llnv ultli the presentation bj thellr plijttsof flrama of the flrtt chrktmas witlued the empty room this uus one act play of yreit beiut and pisslon and was uell portrayed bj ol character acting tlie part of harmur keeper of the khan of bithle hun ua taken by mr hurst hi otiin jcunnu by mrs de erlault rebecca his imfthvr by mlui hurst tile propliet uas taken by mr ross mary ol naiureth by mus orr iiwblemaii ol capernaum by mr klrk ness and the ervant at the kluji by mr henderson the school by indi vidual effort and by pageant and song along kith the well rvhdered support of the orehttiira brought tlie entertainment part to cloe but thu uos but he tntraductioii to the real purpose of the evening santa claus is little mun who goes about hkt work quietly and greeting the little rhudreil in particular well he was hi the tcluwl room lost night fcvrrybody saw hbn jstven tlie teachers he brought uood cliev and ho left huppy htirts long ihe to bantu claus and so was ended another bright christmas entertainment forward lines arc not completely or ganized yet and we suppose well sec them for the firut on thursday night with the juniors this year are ezard brush and bllno of the county town who have no junior croud to llnv up uith in milton this year theyre quite an addltldn to the local line our friend from oakvliie now broad casts from another station its star instcad of record tells us uere all wrong marzo halls fram guelph and doesnx play on the oakvlllc seniors first line supposu it fiounds more highbrow to have the boycomlng fromthe royul city well if you wait till the season opens youll see his brother on tlie intermedi ate lineup and wc see most of his folks every day matter of fact we eaw him in acton very close to the day he established icsldence in oakviue we mean when he was supposed to wniitdnr vrnnrtpr ti lfhn tt aoton almost as much as oakviue since cultcute ik positing seeniii to establish residence on the oakviue seniors as for the flnt line we clip the follow ing from the last kiue of tlie star oak villi goal tenu defenm sutcl*tfe moorv centre allen wlngu marzp campbell subs tounsley peer botton by nit week ue may both have some thing to urite about brother something doubly interesting and in the meantime merry christ mas to all in view of tlie fact that we have lis tdltorul page thlii wrk and coiimtjueiitly no plvc to give otu chrudiiiaa fcrrtinx we kuiut cntkli the front pjjje with uur simry chrutoiom thriv are hutulrrdj of wuytf uf uyln 1l ilut after all uuue of them ootvy it better than th old ctirutina trrrtln tutot hut to tho paint ko the kdiuw and surf sola with oh friend every wbre in bayta mkialty clikjstmak to all christmas message in few days it will be our privilege to cemjrate again the rcauit event in the history of mankind the birth of our lord jesus men of today would do well not only to behold him us their saviour but also to heed tlie lessorui he teachei nations and individuals riding on the waveu of suspicion hatred jcalousv and greed and by craftiness trying to gain advantage over others should learn meekness forgiveness justice love the story of the star leading thoughtful men across tlw wudcmls to bethlehem is the analogy of the magnetic draw ing of the infinite leading wakeful souls through tlie deserts of materialism idolatry and imperfect theism appealing to tlie instincts of human conscience on over tlie sand of things created that iglope through darkness to the oasis of incarnation tlie hlghtut demonstration of the cluiractcr of god take your plnce at the manger and behold tho saviour of mankind tear the angelic host sing glory to god in the highest peace on earth good will toward men then with tlie lowly shepherds humbly kneel and worship your lord to all happy christmas mtlton morrow christmas 1035 do you remember the wbh that wished you year agc of course you do it war tlie same an the year before why do ue remember it is it custom or there in us some tiling that yearns for the happlneii of others and ourselves have found this hnppineiij wherever there am lovers of life itself amused by the call of bird or tlie scuttle of small batit worshipful of the suns glory and the whiu magic of tlic moon thrilled with rjnac of being ono with life and above all among people forgetful of their own cares having dedicated their souls with fire of love to some work they do for loves sake this la the message of the christ child this la the message that bring you tonight the world just now is too much haunted by anxietler fear of the future fear of poverty fear of war do not be so much afraid face this life of youru uu1iiilught rplrlt of fcilou ship toward all men do not pretend to you that life li easy but much of 1u suffering is due to yourselves and not to any grudge of fate dm rorglve my frankness to your own fears hatreds intolerance greed and naughtiness wont to remind you on this christina that life li rtill good 11 you make it so forget your cares so that tlie children may laugh forget your fears and be merry for their iake you will find happiness in their delight fear not for behold bring you good tidings ol great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day saviour which is chrlit the lord and because ue know beyond shadow of doubt that he shall not fall und his purpose of peace and goodwill shall be accomplished in the earth wo wind you this message may the spirit of peace and goodwill be yours at this season and the abiding presence of him who is the prince of peace be with you all tlvj dayu so merry merry christmas to you all why not ii bennbi the spell of christmas tlie spell of christmas has fallen again upon our busy world ah tlie year round little as it thinks of it that world paysits homagatotho fact of chrwt and his lowly cradle at betlileliem for there is not newspaper or cheque or letter that does not carry date upon it and thereby bears its witness to christ tlie civlllned world reckons lu time from that first christmas tjuy notronlyourtrlcndshlndand reading but even our commerce hears that hidden name upon its records but who when lio writes 10 ever thinks what these flgureu mean on christinas day however it is different the hum of industry dlen down the office and tlie shop aro closed there is even truce in political alfalrs and our world stands still for little in tlie busy year tills is tlie hour of the angels in tlie tender mood that clauns us oday when we arc touched by old memories and tlie gladness of home and the simple delights of the children the angels and slaplierds and the christ child of the beautiful old story somehow do not seem so very far away tlie first note of tlic christmas message is joy pear nnt rtnimm trng yn tld of grxjat joy were the words of the herald angel the earth peopte who never enter tlic churoh and whose allegiance to christ is very attenuated are caught up in tlie joy and gladneii of christmas but tlie joy of christmas the joy that christ imparts far deeper than thls thli deeper and more lasting joy was mark of tlie early christian church to thut day it is the tame victorious joy ui the fascinating mark or all thcie who go the sveond mile lu consecrutton who make their allegiance to chrbt more dynamic thing than most nominal christians do keep jour eyes open this christmas und ymi see unneonc about you who has the real chrlstnius joy and uho hail it all the year ask him about it he will be glad to tell you it is the gift of chrltt and for you the clirlstnuu scene claes with the shepherds hurrying to bethlehem uith their uondrous news they returned glorifying and prultng god they told everyone they met tlie good news the glorious tidings that saviour had come they uere ultnesjes and they spoke out their message that hiii been the mark of the chrbuian church from the very beginning the apostlui folloued tlie leud or the shepherds andrew telu peter and john brings his brother james when ever and wherever that principle put into effect the church goes foruurd there are several forward movements abroad in the church today the great thing tor each one of us ls can ue be counted in if ue have had an experience of christ that means any thing to us let us tell othero about it that is what the slupnerds did at uio first clirlsunos tliut fei what you should do at christmas 1035 pray that this may be your best christmas io far brill1nger won jcuahlon mv mcclelland 200 oak street toronto was the winner of tlw lakeilde chapter iode cushion the lucky number was 123 and the drawing was held ut the gregory tlientre on saturday evening carkkldded while motoring between waterloo and kltclhincr on monday mr und mrs john moore und mrs housard had the misfortune to surfer minor lnjurles when their car skidded and hit an elec tric light standard tlie front of the car wo1 rather knhly rumpcrd mr moore si albunx mrn club kodal the social night of st albaus men club on friday ut tile parish hall had splendid attendance and proved quite an enjoyable event prize winners were mrs benton ucwrs rawllngs jos kinlner mcbaln and fred crow son jtfudligchhalmaa moncyto fray fiw received cut on the nose and all tlw occupants were rather badly shaken up baptist sunday schiol chrktma treat on wednesday evening lost tlie annual christmas supper and tree for the sun day school children of the baptist church was held with supper being served in the basem*nt short pro gram of christmas recltationu wad given by several of tlie scholars from tlie christmas tree in the claims room santa claus who was in very jovial mood distributed the presents to the scholaw rural league tlic following are the starting dates of the acton rural league schedule tlie complete schedule will be published next week it will swing into action on mon day january fltli with three games watch for the complete schedule in next weeks paper on january flth jones boyti meet dublin york road are oppos odhy brook vll lo and roeu wood nnd limehouse clash on january 10th the opponents arc lome rifles vo lome farmers everton vs eden mlls rock uood farmers va dublin various interesting items of news mr veteran railwayman ii holmes of acton who just message of christmas tonight is the eve of the great feast of chrltitinas and our thoughts go buk 1000 years to the birth of christ our saviour and ouraod god sent his only be son hitu the or ldt become child among mii hi oruvr to lead men buck to god and from the munger he preaclies to us he conies ut the form of innocent childhood to imprus upon us our rtrst lesu that of auch tli kingdom heaven and that it only the pure of heart that shall see god but tl hidfct essential leiboji is our boundless duty to love god above all and our neighbor for ood sake when he rculfiu that tlie apparently helpksis infant is the birlnlt god the kternal concluded on pace sour short time ago celebrated his eightieth birtliday is now observing hli sixty fifth anniversary since entering tlio service of the on for flftyslx yvaro mv holme was in the active service of tlic gtr and cnr and for uio past nine years has been pensioner he is enjoying the best of health and is about town every day with juut as muchsprtiigto hli walk as when lie uas agent at tbe cnr btatlan here nine years ago ills friends extend congratulations jlaiun ilouuhi trejeni mak high beoorda two hundred and twentyone choktelns completed roj records during october according to tlie hols te in fr lesion as sociation of canada in tlie fifteen classes reported ontario breeders won six three of the six ontario wins came from halton with victor lawrence of merton leading two classes with daughters of korndyko abbcrkerke lad sylvluti marie teiwen ilengerveld produced 404 pounds lai frnm ttlp pnjw mfjj three year old and tessy walker pon tiac produced 445 pounds fat from 13123 pounds milk us senior two year old in tho four year olds browns jemlna queen sylvia led the way with 400 iioumls fat from 13043 pounds milk these are real achievements and wo congratulate both breeder on their suc citj chair christ man cantata on sunday evening at the services of the united church tlie choir pneuted the christmas cantata the chrlitmas king it was under tlw direction of choirmaster bert mason and waii splendid rese tat ion of the chrlstmus story snlo parts were taken by miss ruth olbbon mrs gurdliur mrs mowut and mv dan taylor dueu by miss gibson and mr ted clifford and quartette by mlrs gibson mrs matthews mr gibson und mr taylor miss fern brown und mrs arnold played the accompaniment the cantata included tlie following selections prepare ye tlie wnyvolo far oer the silent eastern hills nolo following the guiding jtitar solo fcir not for behold brlkg good tidings solo hark the song is king ing still obllgato solo away in man ger duett fairest lord jesus quar tette there is room in my heart for thee concluding with the selection by the full choir worship the king dr morrow gave brief addrem at this service charles noble port credit narrowly escaped sentence of ten days in tho peel county jail for creating dlsturb unce in tlic streets by hclng intoxicated und receivod scathing lecture from magistrate bull noble admitted that was an relief when will you have the money to pay these costs tho magistrate wanted to know ill have it on tues day looble maintained suppose that the money was what was to liavo bought few christmas presents for your chil dren the magistrate enquired noble admitted tliut such was the case record mall thla year till christmas mall this year at acton post office has set new record for volume on monday morning hi splto of utuff of extra helpers and an hours work in distributing the mall tho tables and shelves were piled high with letters and parcek it required almost three hours to sort the two morning malls on mmiflny nwl thi miilhi nil thrniigh thw season have been exceedingly heavy actonlans have however through this extra christinas rush received the usual service from behind the wickets and only those who saw the stacks or mall realized the extra duties beck appointed to milk control board reorganisation of the ontario milk contrdl board providing for tlw appoint ment of un additional member in beck former mayor of brampton was announced lost week by hon duncan marsliull ontario minister of agricul ture under tlie new arrangement houck will succeed jolm macfcetcr as chairman with the latter remaining on the board it la understo that mr mcfeeter ouked to bo relieved of tho chairmanship but mr marshall per suadtdhlmto remain on the board the re arrangement will toko effect january 1st good new from eunia clattri santa claud is working full time again and his bag of toys for distribution lu canada on christmas tomorrow morn will be practically as heavy as it was in christmas of 1029 according to the department of trade and commerce im ports of dolls and toya into canada dur ing tlie first ten months of 1935 exceed ed the million dollar mark this was the largest figure for such imports since 1020 when the total was 1200000 pro duction of canadianmade toys tajr in advance of pre depression years indicat ing that tlie total amount spent for toy hi canada this year will be even greater than in 1020 exports of cunadian toy this year to the end of october amounted to sui003u compared with 35124 in the corrijipodlng period of 1034 and c140h0 in 1020 import of dolls and toys into canada during tlui firut ten months of uio present year amounted to 1031324 compared with 8db05 last dolls accounted for i05s60 of thu 1d35 lmporhi and cume mostly front oermany grout britain supplies canada lth the largest number of juvenile con struction sets and tlie united states sends mcit of the mecliunleal and other toy canadian mode toys are sent to 34 different countries most of them going to tlie british market coining events tttaa crtm of otbf vesta aadar tola baadlna ar cbsracd ccata per line wilb tainlmuaf caar cor aaj announce meat of jc sfcaung on chrutnuw day afternoon 230 to jo also in the efwitafc


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 24 Dec 1935, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.