The Alabatna FFA REPORTER€¦ · team proudly displays the first-place trophy. Shown during the presentation (I-r) are: Dave Rapp, Homelite Division of Textron, Inc.; Robert Lee, - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Alabatna FFA REPORTER€¦· team proudly displays the first-place trophy. Shown during the presentation (I-r) are: Dave Rapp, Homelite Division of Textron, Inc.; Robert Lee, - [PDF Document] (1)

The Alabatna


Vol. 16 WINTER 1989 No.1


Jim Cravey

What's right about America? Hyou have ever attended a National FFA Convention, you can recall the events of that convention and readily answer this question. For those of you who haven't, try to think of the most positive, exciting event you have ever attended and multiply the excitement factor by ten, and you will begin to approach the thrill of a National FF A Convention.

I just recently returned from the 61st Na~io'nal FF A Convention, and I wish every young person in Alabama could attend. It is the most exciting, positive event with which I have ever been associated. There is an electricity in the air that is generated by each of the 20,000 plus young people from all across America. It is a contagious sort of enthusiasm and excitement that infects all who come in contact with FFA'ers in their "blue and gold" jackets. They come representing small cities and communities to receive awards; compete in contests; serve as delegates, and participate in the largest, most outstanding youth convention in America.

As I sat through the second general session, my mind drifted back to how I became involved in FFA. Prior to entering high school, I chose not to take Vocational Agriculture and FFA. After all, I knew about all I needed to know about farming anyway! Well, the local Vo-Ag teacher, Mr. Wallace Rasberry, noticed I had not signed up and came out to the farm to inquire as to why. He talked with me about Vo-Ag and FFA. I realized I didn't have a good excuse not to participate, and besides, I was so impressed that a teacher I didn't know cared enough to drive all the way out to our farm just to ask me to be in his class. How could I say NO? (Vo-Ag teachers are a special group of people.) Getting involved in FFA was the second most important decision that I made as a young person. It would shape my future and affect the decisions I would make for the rest of my life.

Through four years of agriculture and FF A, I learned firsthand the importance of hard work and commitment to excellence. The way our FF A was set up we could all be winners at something, if we put forth the effort. I remember

vividly one of my earlier questions, "Are there any free trips available?" I'll never forget Mr. Rasberry's answer, "No, we teach you how to earn money so you can pay your own way." My first lesson, there is no free lunch! To be successful, you have to earn your own way. FF A is the best organization I know which gives you that opportunity.

This year's convention exemplified this. The programs stressed the important part FF A has and is playing in the development of the agricultural industry in America. You could witness firsthand this process of leadership development in the young people at the convention.

As the meetings begin, many of the FFA'ers are timid and reluctant to speak-much less introduce themselves and shake hands with strangers from some "foreign state". However, as the convention progresses, they find it is really fun to meet, shake hands and discuss family, farm, and even school topics, with their new­found friends. Names and hometowns are exchanged, followed by friendly handshakes and hellos each time their paths cross throughout the convention.

For many of these young people, their paths will cross again as they become agricultural leaders from their respective communities. Some will become prominent farmers, business leaders, state representatives, Congressmen, Commis­sioners of Agriculture, Governors or maybe President of the United States. I know several former FF A'ers who do serve admirably in such positions.

As I viewed the excitement, talent and enthusiasm evident in the FF A'ers, it made me see all the right things about America. The free enterprise system-where hard work and diligence payoff through awards and recogni­tion. FFA'ers compete in various contests and proficiency programs for awards, trophies, plaques and monetary rewards. Young people open meetings and banquets with prayers from the heart to a real God. A young fourteen year old, who had never sung in a chorus, is asked

(continued on page 2)


James M. Cravey (Jim) is a native of Covington County. He is a graduate of Florala High School and served as State FFA President 1964-65. He holds a BS in Agricultural Education from Auburn University. Cravey has served as Director, Department of Commodity Producer Services, Alabama Farmers Federation since 1974.

Cravey is President, Alpha Gamma Rho Alumni Association; member and past president, Alabama Agribusiness Advisory Committee, and is a member of numerous civic organizations. He received the Honorary State Farmer Degree in 1972.

Cravey and his wife, the former Paula Daniel,reside in Montgomery. They have two children, Chad, 16, and Ashley, 13. He is a Deacon at the Eastern Hills Baptist Church and is a Sunday School teacher.

The Alabatna FFA REPORTER€¦· team proudly displays the first-place trophy. Shown during the presentation (I-r) are: Dave Rapp, Homelite Division of Textron, Inc.; Robert Lee, - [PDF Document] (2)


Editor . ........ ... . .. ... ... Troy D. Newton Secretary ......... . ........ . Betty L. Wright

State Officers 1988-89 President ... ...... .... ......... Kim Sanders

Marbury Chapter Route I, Box 131, Prattville 36067

Vice President ... . .... .. ........ Shane Black Oements Chapter

Route 12, Box 433, Atbens 35611 Secretary . .... .. .......... .. Mindy Stringer

Castleberry Chapter Route 2, Box 59, Castleberry 36432

Treasurer ... .. ............. Kelvin Whltaker Kate Duncan Smith DAR Chapter

P.O. Box 236, Grant 35747 Reporter ...... ................. Chris Cone

Cleveland Chapter Route I. Box 60B, Altoona 35952

Sentinel ......... .......... Beckie DeBruler Daleville Chapter

Route 3, Box 14 W. Forest Park, Daleville 36322

State FFA Advisor ... . .......... c. W. Reed State Department of Education

Montgomery 36130

FFA Executive Secretary ........ Troy Newton State Department of Education

Montgomery 36130


to sing a solo to an audience of 20,000. The response-a standing ovation for her effort and excellence. This same group of young people say "Thank You" by giving a standing ovation to adult leaders and corporations who are introduced for their financial support of FFA.

All in all, I just shake my head in wonder at this outstanding group of young people. What a better place America could become if we could just show these FFA'ers occasionally on the six o'clock news. Again my thoughts return to the wish that every young person in Alabama could attend a national convention. These young FFA men and women, with their infectious excite­ment and enthusiasm, are truly "America's finest".

FOREST MANAGEMENT - AI Griffin, member of the Lineville FFA Chapter, representing the Southern Region, was declared the 1988 National Winner in the Forest Management Proficiency Award program. Griffin is shown accepting his award during the 61st National FFA Convention. Shown with Griffin is (left) his FFA advisor at Lineville, Lamar Dewberry, and (right) Kevin Oschner, National FFA Secretary.


HORSE PROFICIENCY - Steve Beam, member of the Arab FFA Chapter, was one of four regional winners competing for the Horse Proficiency Award during t he recent National FFA Convention. Steve is pictured with Dr. Larry Case, National FFA Advisor. Sponsor of the National FFA Horse Proficiency Award program is the American Quarter Horse Association, Amarillo, Texas. Steve's advisors at Arab are Randy Britnell and Randy Wilkins.

NATIONAL CHORUS - Two Alabama FFA'ers were members of the National Chorus. They are Lisa Peavey, of the Uriah FFA Chapter at J . U. Blacksher FLORICULTURE - Rusty Hays, member of the Opelika FFA Chapter, was one of four regional winners High School, and Dewayne Owes, Thomasville FF A competing for the title of the 1988 National Floriculture Winner. Hays is pictured here with Dr. Larry Case, Chapter. National FFA Advisor. Rusty'S FFA advisor at Opelika is Jerry Williamson.

The Alabatna FFA REPORTER€¦· team proudly displays the first-place trophy. Shown during the presentation (I-r) are: Dave Rapp, Homelite Division of Textron, Inc.; Robert Lee, - [PDF Document] (3)



FIRST PLACE WINNERS - The Alabama FF A State Forestry Team, Lineville FFA Chapter, placed first in the National FFA Forestry Contest. The team proudly displays the first-place trophy. Shown during the presentation (I-r) are: Dave Rapp, Homelite Division of Textron, Inc.; Robert Lee, Champion International Corporation, sponsors; team members Brannon McDonald, Eddie Duke, David Price, and their FFA Advisor Lamar Dewberry.


THE J. B. PENNINGTON AGRlCULTURAL MECHANICS TEAM was Alabama's entry in the National FFA Ag Mechanics Contest. Representing the sponsor, the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, is (left) Robert Smith. Team members are (I-r) Mitchell Dunn, Bryan Aaron, Allen Murphy, Greg Jones, and FF A Advisor Don Jones.


THE MARlON A VC DAIRY JUDGING TEAM was Alabama's entry in the National Dairy Contest in Kansas City. Shown representing the sponsor is (Ieft) Mel Kunstleben, Associated Milk Producers. Team members are (I­r) Reggi Smith, Jeffery Ford and Stacy Heard. Their FFA Advisor is Fairest Cureton.

THE OPELIKA FFA FLORlCULTURE TEAM competed in the National Floriculture Contest during the National FFA Convention recently. Members of the team are (I-r) Derek Kellum, Tim Williams, Clay Henderson, and FFA Advisor Jerry Williamson.


THE ARAB FFA LIVESTOCK JUDGING TEAM represented Alabama in the National Livestock Contest. Representing the sponsor, Purina Mills, Inc. , is Don R. Mauery. Team members are (I-r) Joe Wallace, Shannon Pyar, Trey Williams, Mickey Donahue, Lenny Franklin, and FFA Advisor Randy Wilkins.


THE V ALLEY HEAD FFA NURSERY ILANDSCAPE TEAM represented the state in the National Contest during the National Convention in Kansas City. Shown congratulating the team is Doug Fencl, Kubota Tractor Corporation, sponsor. Team members (I-r) are Chris Jackson, Dempsey Millican, Paul Turner, Brevin Brown, and FFA Advisor L. A. Smith.

THE AMERlCAN FARMER DEGREE RECIPrENTS attending the National Convention were (1st row) Alicia Edson, Opp; Noel Danner, Ariton; Tommy McKenzie, Fairhope; Allen Knight, Louisville; Scott Lewis, Ariton; (2nd row) Danny Miller, Collinsville; Denise Summerford, Arab; Eddy Outlaw, Ariton; David Ruf, Elkmont; Lee McDaniel, Ranburne; (3rd row) Scott Britnell, Russellville; Mark Blackwell, Collinsville; Peter James, Russellville; Kipp Platt, Abbeville, and Duane Wales, Elkmont.

1988 STATE AGRlSCIENCE TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD ­Lamar Dewberry (left), teacher of agribusiness education at Lineville High School, was recognized at the 6Ist National FFA Convention in Kansas City as the State Agriscience Teacher of the Year winner from Alabama. Dewberry was honored for his efforts in agriscience and emerging tectmology. The Agriscience Teacher of the Year Award is sponsored by the National FFA Foundation. Shown representing the sponsor is Jeff Brazo.

The Alabatna FFA REPORTER€¦· team proudly displays the first-place trophy. Shown during the presentation (I-r) are: Dave Rapp, Homelite Division of Textron, Inc.; Robert Lee, - [PDF Document] (4)


NATIONAL CHAPTER A WARDS received (I-r, front row) Dondi James, Russellville; Rhonda Hood, Daleville; Scott Pace, Scottsboro; Melissa Merk, Marbury; Richard Schmitz, Jacksonville; Jeff Smiih, Brantley; (back row) Jason Cross, Russellville; Brandi Powell, Daleville; Shawn Hubbard, Marbury; Brian Phillips, Jacksonville, and Robert Prescotl, Brantley.

HONORARY AMERICAN FARMER DEGREE RECIPIENTS - (left) J. L. Holmes, Educational Consultant, Killingsworth and Associates, Montgomery, and Jerome Campbell , District Specialist, Agribusiness Education, were honored during the 61 st National FFA Convention in Kansas City.

NATIONAL SAFETY AWARD WINNERS (r-r) Chris Etheredge, Daleville; David Grissom, Russellville; Blake Boozer, Jacksonville "Gold"; Leslie Plunkett, J. R. Pittard AVTC; Gary Collins, R. C. Hatch; Clabe McGuire, West Limestone; (2nd row) Cliff Dozier, Daleville; Patrick James, Russellville; Chris Young, Jacksonville "Gold"; Regina Fulmer, J . R. Pittard AVTC; David Mines, R. C. Hatch, and Tim McAllister, West Limestone.


BOAC AWARD WINNERS (I-r) Joey Ray, Fairhope; Darrell Smith, Jacksonville "Gold"; Robert Simpkins, Opelika; Tammy Stevens, J. R. Pittard AVTC; Richard Scott, R. C. Hatch; (2nd row) Jeff Manarch, Fairhope; Chris Young, Jacksonville "Gold"; Dana Miracle, Opelika; Mindy Calfee, J . R. Pittard AVTC, and Gary Collins, R. C. Hatch.

AGRJBUSINESS TEACHERS HONORED - Teachers receiving the Honorary American Farmer Degree in Kansas City were (I-r) Jerry Williamson, Opelika; James Turner, Attalla; Randy Blacklidge, Elkmont, and Bob Moorehead, G. W. Long.

ALABAMA'S OFFICIAL DELEGATES - Shown during one of the sessions at the National Convention are the official delegates (I-r) Kelvin Whitaker, Kate Duncan Smith DAR Chapter, State Treasurer; Mindy Stringer, Castleberry Chapter, Secretary, and Kim Sanders, Marbury Chapter, State President.

TAKE PRIDE IN AMERICA - Southern Regional winner was the Opelika FFA Chapter. Accepting the award for the chapter is (right) Dana Miracle and his FFA Advisor Jerry Williamson. The T-shirt and cap were presented by the Moody Brothers Band.

THE JACKSONVILLE "GOLD" FFA QUARTET participated in the talent program and entertained at various functions in Kansas City. Members of this quartet are Joel Wilder, Stephen Johnson, Darin Williams, and Bill Williams. Their advisor is John R. Whaley.

The Alabatna FFA REPORTER€¦ · team proudly displays the first-place trophy. Shown during the presentation (I-r) are: Dave Rapp, Homelite Division of Textron, Inc.; Robert Lee, - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.