C11 Eatt 663 Indiana 685 THE COURIER-JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1992 ARLING, 1406. 2 BR, air, fenced. $350mo. 968-4175 POPLARTevei 1 BEDROOM 1 Great Location SELLING YOUR MOBILE HOME? Top cash, old or new or assume your loan. Broker 893 3101 Beargrass Creek Barret Avenue Poplar Level Rnarl 18th Street! wtntrai Watt 661 I 662 Eastern Dixie Winkler ParkwavNoic1 Highway Avenue South 664 I Road "5T13.
Near 1-65. 966 0022; 895-68)3 HIKE'S Pnint Next to Post Office. 1620 sq. oil uihs. paid.
Move-in cond. Call 458-7110 OUTER Loop 4300, 1600 sq. ft. 966-3110 jHELBYVlLte 263 sq. ft.
up to 895 sq. tree parxing, utni ties paia, 44ijj. NEED 6FFICE tPktti Coll Robert Metts 966171, Our Personal Service Will save you Money. Real Estate for Sale 650 689 BLUEGRASS Industrial Park, 128,340 sq.ft. warehouse, 16 docks, flit up slab construction, j.jj acres, corner lot, zoned PEC CI, M2.
Coll 499-0613. Walter Wagner, Jr. Co. Specialists Commercial, Industrial 4 Investment Real Estate. 562-9200.
ppnl Estate Fxaei irts Commercial 4 Tndu Marshall Realty 89 lustrlal 897-5214 i 30 ACRES Spencer near Tavlorsville Lake, dead end nf road. Barn. trees, pasture. $39,500, Owner finance. LAND REALTY 894-1313 ACRES Meade wooded, good hunting.
owner finance. $250 down, 1 ACRES mobile home lot. J25U. uwner tinance. $250 down, McGehee-Humphrey-Dovis Louisville Brandenburg 1BV-UJ5I mm 1 1 11 ACRES Near Shepherds-ville, very wooded, level ground, mobile home possible.
$25,000. $1000 down, S290mo. Owner finance Land Realty 897-7744. 11 ACRES wooded, 1-65, ok labile home. SI 7,500 and Store, Inc.
955-8008 to ACRES. Elk Creek area. Spencer Co. 12 miles from Gene Snyder. Modulars okay.
Pasture land wsome trees. $27,500 Owner Financing LAND, inc. 896-1313 It ACRES, Hardin Co. mobile home 4 barn, $18,500, owner financing. Land Store 1 -800-264-0399 13.8 ACRES 2 miles from 1-71 Trimble Co.
Large pole barn, 2 concrete silos 4 small block born. City water, mobile home possible. $38,500. Lond, Inc. 897-7744 Vt ACRES Trimble Co.
near 1-71. Mobile home okay. $800down. $169mo. Owner finance.
xr Long 245-5300 i ACRES Shelbvvllle area, city water, good building site. $1000 down, owner finance. KY Land Co 245-5300 5 ACRES New Castle area. water, mobile home approved. $600 down, $147.60 month.
Owner finance. KY Land Co. 2455300 ACRES New Jostle area. water, mobile home approved. $600 down, $147.60 month.
Owner finance. KY Land CO. 245-5300 5 ACRES near Lake Jer-rlco, woods, scenic, water, terms. Owner finance. Land Realty 896-1313 ACRES Near Middle.
town. $20,000, $1000 down, owner finance. KY Land CO. 245-5300 5 ACRES Harrison 20 mm. Louisville, woods, water.
z44-iu6 5" ACRES. Close to.l-65, city water, ok for mobile home. $12,500. Land Store 955-8008 ACRES. Spencer.
Pan. oramlc view, large creek. owner financing. 244-1UB6 "ACRES. Spencer Co.
Elk Creek area, 12 miles from Gene Snyder. $500 down. $114 mo. City water. Reduced.
Owner Finance. LAND, Inc. 896-1313 .5 ACRES, Meade Co. Mins. trom Knox, panoramic view, water.
$6900. $500 down, $l75mo. Owner finance, LAND, INL. 563-1313 1.7 ACRES, 5 miles froi Georgetown, Ind. On Indian Creek, Ideal for mobile home, Water.
$500 down, 1130mo. Owner Finance. LAND, Inc. 948-2600 1 ACRE, Shelby South-yllle. Small cottage, Ideal for starter home, $1000 down, owner finance.
KY Land 245-5300 ACRE, 10 miles from La- orange, mobile nome ok, Owner finance, no credit check. $5Wdown, $120mo. LAND REALTY 896-1313 INDIANA LAND CO. 5 ACRES Crandall area, barn, wooded, gently rolling, utilities. $15,500 3 ACRES Henrwllle, wooded, restricted, beautl-tursettlng.
$11,000. 7 ACRES, Martlnsburg, gently rolling pasture, smollcreek. $13,000 I 4 ACRES, Corydon, partly wooded, great homesltt, ut lities. $11,900 OWNER FINANCE 923-9823 Open 7 Days WANTED: veneer quality timber, or without acreage, premium price, needed now, export buyers. Broker 583-1313 Athertons: Real Estate 4 Auctions, Adrian Atherton 1-358-3812 Frazler-McMullan Co.
bimpsonviiie, kt 502-722-5213502-583-4258 pOWNSBORXTndlon Hills Village. 1 BR. town-house. $185,500. Louis Partnership Inc, 895-9797 EAST END 750 ZORN STONECREST Brand new, secure, wooded hilltop location with spectacular views.
Marble, fireplaces, garages, pool and much more. 2 3 bedroom from $89,000. Peud SemU 896-1806 Models Open Daily FERN Valley A Lenturvzi uick vreeiand CHAMBERLAIN Estales 2 BR, 2 bath duplexes, fireplace, washerdryer hookups, dishwasher, range, refrigerator, own yard, private drive, vaulted ceilings wfan, other amenities. No pets, trf-aoi DIXIE HGWY. 2-3 BR mo-bile homes, country living.
Alt iriA i Alt DOUGLASS Hills, 11102 Berwick Place. 4 bk, z' both, vacant. $1090. 228-8863)728-0136 Bob Mayhugh EAST END RENTAL HOMCS Rental subdivision all 3 BRs, 2 baths, with fireplaces, equipped kitchens, cathedral ceilings 4 storage. Includes full lawn core 4 trash.
Call Brecken- riage urcnara, mnji. ASTERN Jefferson Co leasepurchose 3 BR, family large lot, garage. SOOSECREEK 2910. 3 BR, 2 bath, garage, family $890. 228-8863, 228-0136 Bob Mayhugh JEFFERSONTOWN.
9909 Hariecn ur. Available Jan. 1, 3 BR, 1 bath, brick ranch, $550 a mo. plus deposit. No pets.
Central heat zu-sua Street, 520. $300mo. $300 deposit. Fenced yard. See 6-8.
Call 969-1777. OLDHAM 7409 Sideoats 3 BR, 2 full bath home wdeck, painted. $515 per mo. $400 de posit. No pets.
OLDHAM 3 BR house in PeWee Valley. No pets. Non-smoker. Children welcome. $625 depositutils.
can 41-zuui. RESTONAudnhon Pork i BR, air, fenced, tua. i mo. tree! 491-82 SOUTH 3808 Baymeadow 4 BR, 1 Vi bath trl-level, dishwasher, range, carpet, family room, fireplace. No pets.
s6ymo. 36-4vog SOUTH 1506 Kahlert Ave 2 BR, hookups, crpt, fenced No appliance, no pet, no Sect. 8. SOUTH 4005 Churchman 3 BR, 1 both, hookups, no appliances, no pets, no section 8, $325. 367-4900.
VALLEY Station, 11702 3 BR, central air, fenced yard, $420mo. $450 deposit. 893-7350 WATTE SON Trail. Spa-clous 3 BRs, 2 bath, garage. No pets.
$695 deposit. Call 491-9690 3 4 4 BR available, various locations. Bill Stout Properties 425-RENT 637-RENT -wm OIXIELower Hunters area. 1920 Donald. Very nice 2 BR with laundry new mechanicals, carpet, paint, roof, etc.
Garage. On 1 acre of land. or op tion pians. BV-54 EASURE Ridge Park, 3 brick, 2 car garage. 'enced vard.
143(Vmo. 125O0 option, m-ui. SHIVELY 3 or 4 BR. Ac- cept section 8. County, $425 Pius aeposit.
44-tw. 21 ST S.529. Remodeled 4 BR, Insulated, new windows, $1000 option, $350. Open Mon4 Wed. 4:55.
3 EAST End. Professional couple being transferred to LouisvMIe January 3, 1993. Woufd ike to lease or lease 3 or 4 BR home with enced acreage 4 barn for norses. collect otter 5:30 p.m. (813)648-1345 EAST End.
Wanted studio and or efflcleny apartment for female, $150 a month. 458-3253 or 1-227-4245. NORTH Bullitt, Executive home, 3-4 BRs, needed Immediately. Call 957-3358 AMERICA PLACE. Quail ty space at exceptional rates I 6,000 sq.
ft. 4 up. Call Andy Blieden 456-4710. ASHBOTTOM Rd. Air-port.
4000 sq.ft. office, vard. Industrial. Well below market. 244-0024.
LUEORASS Industrial Park, 46,860 sq.ft. warehouse space for lease. 4W-U6I4. BROWNSBORO. 2 prime locations, 900-2500 sq.ft.
Kotn Keany y3-4u COLLEGE Industrial Park 3600 sq. ft. warehouse $1 .60 IpOO ft. office-shop $1.50 17,000 sq.ft. manufacturing-office space, heat, 53,000 ft.
warehouse $1 .40 Ray 4 Associates 267-8036 DIXIE Hgwv. next to Kroger. Officecommercial space, aoprox. 700 sq.ft., from $279. 447-6861 FERN Valley Road, 3113.
commercial units available woffice combined or uuiv yi separate. 968-0022; 8V5-68T3 HENRYOldham, near 1-71 exit, 3 tracts, 18 acres, owner financing. 244-0641 Wm. J. Cooper Co.
895-2427 HIKES 2206. Shoppe or office, 1st floor, park at door, great exposure, signs Avaiiaoie nowi 4j-4Ji JEFFERs6NV)LLE. 2005 sq.ft. warehouse, dock 4 drive-in, offices available, $600mo. Other sizes avail- obie.
ee-vuo, JEFFERSONVILLE retail store, work snop, manutac-Furing, repair shop283-9881 POPLAR Leveled, qrea at X-way. highvlsibin-ty. 950 3000 sq. ft. Cqmpetl- ve rates a.
tenant sn. Roth Realty 695-4880 4TH 4 Colorado, College Industrial Park. Manufacturing warehouse space, sq. Office, truck dock, rail, security, parking, zoned industrial. LUMrt I I I IVt I es Cliff Juckett or Corl Ray Ray 4 Associates 267-8036 BARDSTOWN WoT-ferson City, 1939 Goldsmith Ln.
Off ce space all sizes. AUSTIN BLDG. 458-5776 BROWNSBORO Near Zorn. 1650 sq. subdivide.
Call 363- TT3 SaXX" rr. win 4150. OWNTOWN In Historic evy 1500 to 10,000 sq. ft. 894-0300 VANTAGE 7 AST End.
350-3000 sq. ft. rhe NEW Bluegrass Office Retail Center, Plantside r. 4 Bunsen Way. S7-S9 per sq.
ft. 491-8377. MOTOR, 1988 Sears 15 excellent garage kept. $695. Call 454-5040 or 282-3593 offer 6 p.m.
POLARCRAFT Jon boat. 18 ft. long, 7 ft. wide, troll er, fare cond. No motor.
$800. Call 368-9573. SEARAY '84 Coastal 210 Striper ready, center style consoie, walk around cud dv, all canvas, Mercrulser power, tandem trailer with brakes and more. Perfect Condition. Water ready.
Must sell. $8,495 812-288-4125 or 502 456-1984. STINGRAY 17', Runabout, 140 h.p. Mercruiser, Inboard, new cover, $7000. 339-181 7 after 5 P.M..
3 HARRODS Landing Yacht Club. Slips for rent, saietr 3-vr. lease opMon. 0 down pymt. 0 interest.
Turn your rent Into equity. 1 Visit or call 228-339 CARRY 197871th wheel, 30 ft. long. Good shape. $5,850 Call 543-3461 34' Imperial motor home, 11,000 miles.
812793-2463 -MIDAS 30', 1979, 5600 "Excellent new Interior, new tires. Asking $13,900. RV'S FOR RENT Contact Mark Montgomery. 812-282-7718. TOM STINNETT RV CENTER 560 KoopLn Clarksville IN TOPPERS BIG SALE Leer, Swiss, Jason, Hop Cap, Bedllners $149 VisaMaster Card welcome FENTRESS TOPPERS 4901 DIXIE 448-877 TOPPERS FROM $99 Aluminum, wood, fiberglass.
Truck Sliders, Boots COLE INDUSTRIES 8098 Dixie Hgwy 935-3403 LOUISVILLE TOPPERS TRAV-A-LITE A.R.E BED LINERS $149 NO HIDDEN COST. -4125 PRESTON 368-8677 REDBUD CAMPERS 4040 Preston 366-1319 Newused RV's. 5th Wheels Rod McGavock's KKtWItK KV Clarksville, IN 284-1400 BIKES i ten speed. airlsT excellent condition. $30 each.
812-952-2154 MOUNTAIN bike: model Gary Fisher Tassa-larg, new, wpaperi. First SJ5. Lai Call 964-7938 AIR Hockey tables, pool tobies, tKXorts. i Steepleton (502) 5852396 colled lASY Glider 8, Stationary bicycle. Sale or trade far small treadmill.
Call 964-0394. EXERCISE workout stq-tion by Welder. 9 months old. Excellent Condition! $100 firm. 937-3033 oner 4., EXERCISE weights and bench.
All for $30. Coll 499-8404. i GOLF CLUBS, 1 set of let handed i Grand Slam. $175. Call 368-1933.
50LF Cart, E-Z-Go, 1987, 4 wheel gas, excellent cond. $950 Corf 239-0223 CiOLF CTubs: Powerbi Irons. 3 thru sand wedge. erapnite. $j5.
241-6466. SUNS. John Wayne Conv memnratlve Weapons. Buv or sell. (5U2) 4yi-iB25 FOOL table, 1 ft.
'Old'erv hausen. pickled oak, all ac cessories. Ping pong toi like new. $1250. 896-4209 POOL TABLE, complet good $110.
1.011 6J3 (OBJ SNOW Board, never usrc Kemper Agressor wharl binding 170CM. $200. Cal 429-0040. 1-673-3172 after 6 plrv; "YREADMlLL, Proforrp" 'A H.P. 2 yrs.
old, Excellent $475. Call 897-2627. WEIGHT Machine Tn wBurterfly. Used 3 times, Moved, must sell! New $1400. Sell $995, 945-2122 WEIGHT Bench waccef-sorles.
Nice X-Mas gift. Very reasonable. 935-2399 GOOSE BLINC? Coll 451-6608 'V Transportation 900 999 "CUE BONNEVILLE 1983 Brougham, all power. 4 door, black, one owner, 68,000 miles. Mint Cond, $4495.
Call 448-0574. EulCk '83 Park Avenue; navy interiorexterior, vi. nyl roof, wire wheel cov ers, 4 door, loaded with extras. All In good working condition. 1 owner.
91,000 miles. A great second car: $3,495. By appointment only, can: 4Z6-6V45 UICK. 1984 Centurv. it, Iter 4 cylinder, 28 rrtpa ilahwnv: new hnrk A tires.
Cheap dependable. Minor bumper damage front rear. $850. Buy by 1224 get free weights-4 bench, $250 value. 458 9354 after 7 p.myieove message $13,950 JIM COOKE BUICK 2ndBrecklnridge 584-231), BUICK '84 Century, 4 door.
local iroae. yya NEIL HUFFMAN NISSAN' In DuPont Square J97-3L5T BUICK 1986 Park Avenue. 4 door, oil power, one owner, navy blue. Very low miles. Perfect Condltionl LOU 339-1119.
BUICK '84 LeSabre. Limit. ed. 305, VC power everything I New shocksj. niuffler.
Air, AMFM. 933-7278 BUICK '91 Riviera, Tour Ing group, sharp. 417,995 NEIL HUFFMAN DODGE -4136 Shelbyville Rd 897-060 BUICK '92 Pork Avenue Blue wleather. $18,995 TOM PAYETTE 895-245v 6UICK '1992 Skylark Cvs: torn, ro cnoose. sio.yw.K TOM PAYETTE 895-245t biliii 1606 bUnl I I nui ji nice.
4 to choose. $12,599. TOM PAYETTE 895-24jV BUICK, 1992 LeSabre Cus torn. 3 to choose $14,995 TOM PAYETTE 895-245f BUICK 1992 Centurv Cus- tom, 6 to choose. $1 1,995.
TOM PAYETTE 895-2 SUICK, 1989 LeSabre Llnv itea, snarp. vvs. TOM PAYETTE 895-245T STEREO Technics Receiver cassette deck, stack svstem, Dolby RTR Acoustic loud speakers, 10" woofers. Very loud 4 Clear. Like New $400.
241-5080 STEREO Sony Stereo Receiver AV-220, 2 JBL Bose speakers; Almost new. Cost $780, sacrifice $450. Call 267-7732. STEREO, (2) Bose 901 speakers; Kenwood 7 disc CD plover; Onkvo receiver; Kenwood amp. Must Sellll STEREO Amplifier 350 watt, 1992 model.
Paid $800. Sell for $350. Coll 895-7761 STEREO. Cabinet style, dual cassette, equalizer, $150. 348-4717 TELEVISION, 45" big screen color, Hitachi, with cabinet doors, 6 vrs.
old. $1200. Coll 366-4195 TELEVISION-Mitsubishl, wiae screen projection. Like newl BURGLAR alarm system for home, still in box. Paid $365, sell $250; Various HVAC parts, motors and some tools, $250011 or make offer.
Coll 361-3488. FIREPLACE Insert, Concept II, $685. 451-7129 1 11-AAAE eat 5 piece, used one time. Asking $200 937-0657 SUNTANNING CANOPY, SUN QUEST 1000 FOR $500. CALL 448-1679 Tanning Bed.woiff, 24 bulb.
Great Christmas gift! $1400offer. 448-4478. TANNING Bed, Sontegra tanning bed, 20 bulbs. $1.100. Coil 459-7139.
MOVING SALE 19" TV with remote, $90. 86 cordless phone $35. ueen sized mattress springs frame $90. Olympus OM20 Camera $40. Reversible 637-1428.
Al Portable Buildings. storage, office, barns, any size. 1-65 and Outer Loop. Across from McDonalds. Coll 968-7534 lam -J ACCESSORIES -Antiques Paying top cash! Furniture Antiques Appliances Estotesl EM METTS 368-0431 367-4334 ACCESSORIES Antiques TOP PAID Estates Antiques Furniture Geralds 367-9823 ACCESSORIES: Furniture CASH Paid or Consign Antiques Collectibles Estates! Duncan's 499-0999 ACCESSORIES: Antiques, appliances, furniture.
Dealer. 583-3063452-6606. ACCESSORY-Antlques LU 8UVI hf TOP CASH till B0BBfL.93)-4t49 PIANO: WILL MOVE-PAY CASH Gist PIANO 451-1631 Wanted: Estates Antiques Furniture Collectibles 491-2277 Eddie's 228-3800 CHRISTMAS Tree Korfoge Flocked, See to believe, how beautiful. Huge. $75.
423-8838. RATIVITY Set, outdoor, Empire 4 $39.99 with tnisaaomy. tv643). HARDWARE 3 locations TREES; Cut X-mas trees. 4'-9r Scotch Pine, some white pine.
Wholesale to retailers on ana weian. Harris Mueller 502451-6671 leave message. Christmas Trees FARM FRESH TREES Twin Tree Farm Bloominjton, IN. 812-824-7458 So. of Starlight prive-ln Theater on Old 37 South Clearance Sale Fields to be clean cut WHILE THEY LAST.
$10. CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine-6' 9' White Pine-6' -10' Famous Frozier Fir-6-10' White Pine Roping Large selection Wreaths PRODUCE 582-3338 mm arts i CRAFTS SHOW SALS FREE ADMISSION! St. Mitfbwi SMIm. Corner Breckinridge Lane ond Shelbyville Rd. Dec.
4: noon to 8 Dec. 5: 10-6, Dec. 6: 10-5 CLOSE OUT SALE Tee Shirts Sweatshirts Bluegrass Tees; 11305 Bluegrass Pkwy. $1 Storting Fri. y-3, umu oonH.
Christmas Gift Show ruw 11 11 11 5TEWAHT 5 456-2244 RETAIL. Shoo Hess' you'll find special values throughout the entire store NEW ALBANY, IN 646 W. 9th St. Take Commerce off W. 7th go to the end turn left.
GARAGE SALE Dec. 3rd-4th, 9-5 p.m. Cher- K1 bed, glassware, dishes, ome Inter or, jewelry i toys. A little bit of lot, some cheap-some not. Some old-some new.
May be something here for you. vty-MU. Recreation 800 899 iii.Min.i-i ran BASS boot, Skeeter Wrangler, '80, 150 Mercury, fully riggea s4vuo. mi-ma CARVER 42 ft. 180 hours, gas, radar, loaded.
Rt-duced $149,000. 239-0636 PISHING Boat, 14 ft. seml-V. Aluminum. Trailer, no motor.
$500. COII 368-9573. 1991 used Pontoons i8 hp. Evlnrude. $5,500.
Dealer. 606-348-9733, 8-4 30 M6T6R, 1971 tVysler product. 35 outboard. Excellent Condition! Asking $400. Call 945-1403.
SOFA, Sectional, blue, w2 attached recliners and corner tables. Like new. $400. 957-3487. SOFA, beautiful Broyhill, dark blue, high bock trimmed in oak.
Like new. $395. 244-9980 SOFA Loveseat, grey, good $200 Call days 775-8158 or evenings 772-1536. SOFA 3 piece sectional. Good structural shape but needs reupholsferlng.
3 years old. S300. 454-5062 SOFA Navy sectional, tux-edo style, spring down cushion. Top of the line. $500.
452-6582 after 5. TABLE Oak-Sofa, like new $275. Coll 957-3487 VACUUM Cleaner. Rainbow Cleaning System Only 5 mos. Old.
Paid $1100-Sellfor S800. Call 267 9041 WATERBED Super Single, padded rails 8, foot board bookcase headboard. Heater sheets included. $100 or best offer. 282-4812.
Moving Beautiful Contemporary Studio Furniture, all like new. White Couch, 65X26, $300; Glass Marble Coffee table, 40x21, $150; Gloss end table, $40; Gray laminate desk, 45 X25, $120; Gray and white upholstered swivel chair, $175; 6 ft. artificial tree $50. Coll 812 738 4312 evenings oraays, suz-evo-ouoe MUST SELL TO SETTLE ESTATE. Broyhill sofa, 6 yrs.
old, grev wfloral design, like new, $200. Broyhill Rocker, 6 yrs. old, grey velvet, good cond. $50. Re-cllner green vinyl good cond.
$50. 25" color TV console Zenith wremote $200. 33-3293 leave message. MOVING SALE LIKE NEW High quality furniture and more, Stratford queen sofa bed, walnut dining king bed and dresser. Butcher black, 30" table chairs, sofa ond desk, no aeairers.
z44-3jo EVANS CLEARANCE CENTER. Save 50-60-70. 5138 Dixie Hgwy. 447 4076 GRIEVE 2 Horizontal mill wvertlcal head, surface grinder, furnace, steel, misc. tools.
368-4579 HYDRAULIC Excavators VH7 Jonn Deere ftvoc S.T 39,500. 1976 Drott 40, $21,500. 1988 Case 144, 5U0. Hunt Tractor, Inc. 1000 E.
Market 502-566-63UO State permitted disposal site for rock, brick, dirt, concrete, asphalt. Central Louisville. 458-4374 blltTtoPsoil. Pulverized. Small-large loads.
Sand grovel. 968-4811 OTST; TopsoII, Dark, Clean. We deliver 7 days. I-34J-4UW LEAF Shredder bagger. Sears.
6 P. Manualat- tacnment. $260. 964-495. MOWER, 235 Case IH 4WD, Hyarosrofic artve, only 100 hrt.
with Woods finish mower dual loader, bought new 61591, priced to sell. 502-845-4798 502-845-4067 nights. 3 LIFTchair, recUher, topo? the line, full electric, still boxed, $490. can 933-153. WHEEL chair wfoot 6 ft.
electric hospital 4 prong Bedside commode $25. All In good cond. 339-8916 after 6 pm WHfELCHAlR, Folding, good cond. $100. Folding Walker, $35.
893-5188 9373700 BRUM Set, 5 rgfsf Is A nigh hat, wig, clear ain rvmhn hwiuv rinTw ttnnf. Ill me newi asking $950. Call284-9526 DULCIMER, hammered we(ectronlc tuner, stand ana more. mu. 4j-ujuj 5UITAR 1965, Martin $600.
5uitar Guild 12 string $450. Bass t-enaer precision with amp. $400. Guitar, Fender Telecaster $350. 935-5389.
KEY Board, Yamaha DX-7S, with hardcover cose and 2 tiered stpnd, never used. Immaculate. Paid $2300. Sacrifice. $1200.
Z44-UI0 KEYBOARTX Ensoniq PS wl Ih 1 6 track sequencer, 4X memory expander and sound disks. $850. Call 425-5818 HU.AII.li (- -L- electronic, wstand and adaptor. $95. 893-5188 6ROAN, Yamaha Elec-tone ME 35A, automatic rhythms, double keyboard, foot pedals, excellent cond.
Nice oiftl Sacrifice $600. Must see! tan zji-mov ORGAN, Hammond Con-sole, Double Keyboard, 2-Octave Pedals, Many Features, Excellent Condi S4UU. y-34V. ORGAN, Baldwlnlnter-lude with Wondercord, double manual pedals. S4UU W-JOI3 ORGAN, Kimball comput-erized, Excellent 5 yrs.
old, book price $2200; will take best offer. 897-1040. DIAMA n.t. 1IH1K, VIUllK, vrwt'M Why buy a used piano when you can buy a NEW piano from WllllsMusic for less? uxmoor iemer o-ioio PIANO, Like new KimooTU Spinnet piano, dark cherry. Moving overseas must sell.
Asking price $3850. Call 459-4839 PIANO; Everett Spinet bench, Beautiful cond. French Provincial, pecan finish. Appraised: $1295, Sell for $1150. 502 2ZZ-I3I IANO: Tuning repair.
hauling specialist. Guaranteed lowest price. we buy pianos. 44 nn PIANO, Starck, Spinet, Light-Cherry, wPadded Bench Light, Excellent condition, $85. 94S-ZUW.
PIANO. I lite Neuul Walnut. Acrosonlc Baldwin. cnrnra tAiinri twirH. 19-nlv pinniock, zuuu.
45HM. PIANO, Wurlitzer uorighr Pecan wood. Good condi tion. $1200. Call 964-3943.
PIANO Walworth Uprlaht Honev-Oak, Excellent Con dition, $595. 812-866-3470. PIANO Grand (Schaeffer) Quality tone. $2000. 426-0359 PIANOS: Kentuckiana's irgest selection.
INRAD MUSIC 423-9627, 1-800-264-3419 AXOPHONE Alto undy. Excel em cona. $500 Call 241-6762. SAXOPHONES, Alto, Conn $600; Vlto, $725; Bundy larinet izj. am excellent.
-633-7589 after 8 P.m. Sewing Classes at; Baer Fabrics, Beginning to advanced levels. 502-583-5521 1 JUKEBOX Rockola; Midway video gome, coin operated. For nome use only. LOII 634-106.
PIN BALL Machine, late model, reconditioned 8, clean, will deliver. $425. 944 2478 FlN BALL machine, old, Pirates Gold. $150. 584-4944 RECEIVER.
HormariKar- don HK670 twin powered 3 COAT, full length block lona haired ranch mink. size 10-12. Insured for J3800. Asking $900 or best Offer. 466-52.
COAT Short all leather, size 8. Paia S150, sen 150. Call 937-0657. COAT? Men's leather coat, size medium, S45. Lady's large tur coat, S35.
LOII lib-mi. 5RESSES 3 exquisite pag eant gowns. Look no more for New Years Eve or prom gown. National level Must see. Size 5-6.
244-0167 FOX Jacket, beautiful not- urol color kit fox, size me- aium. SJ50. ion 239-3549. FUR. Natural Brown Mink.
78 coat wsable fox trim, si2e 10-12, Yudofs-ky's. $1200. Coll 897-5203 after 6 P.M. on weekends FUR Beautiful 34 length muskrai tur. excellent cond $300.
964-8177. JACKET Beautiful Mink Jacket Worn 2 times. Paid $2000, win take svoo. 964-5S. JACKETS (51 uud.
lenth. er. Extremely from California. Mens large extra large. Makers in- ciuae; m.
Julian, Jeff Hamilton, Tannery West. Not cheap, but deflnately unique, J02-3-206I leave message MINK Stole, Pastel, small size, $200; Pastel Mink Mroner, s400. Call 937-2472 after 6 p.m. MINK Stroller, very good condition. Paid $1500 sell $500; Lodies shoes and boots, 5 S'A.
Call 491-6934. MINK Blackglpma, full ngtn, meaium size Mi-11. WEDDING Dress. Beoutl ful beaded plus sized satin wedding dress. Fits sizes i- Z4.
must een Paid $700, Sell $499. 637-9718, leave message. WEDDING Dress, Candle-light, with veil and long from, size to, swu. 1-358-8073 or 531-3665 3 DIAMOND Earrings, good Quality. Total weight 1 carat, appraised 14000, sell for SIV5U.
45D-SV60 RING Christmas Special Beautiful l.Ol carai dia mond w2 pear shaped sap- pnires. vsi, color Appraised, SeOOO, Sel $3500. 228 0143 RING, 2.16 carat radiant cut laaies aiamona ring. Color Is l-J; Clarity Is I I. Appraisal value $11,398.
jooomake otter. 426-0770 RING; ladles, brilliant, 1 .54 carat princess cut diamond solitaire; New sii.uoo only asking S4350. Call 244-8168. RING. Corvette.
14 Karat Goia, $175. 1964 Corvette Lnorrn, ss 8, ivo tnarm, SIUU. (.011 4VV-0J44. RINGS A carat diamond solitaire engosem*nt ring; 1 men's gold wedding band; 1 women's gold wedding band appraised value $1,900 for all sell for $600! Coll Greg, 634-8266 A leave message. TENNIS Bracelet, ladles 4 karat diamond, heavy link 14 karat, appraised $4200, asking $2100.
Mans omega ieamoster, automatic, gold case A dial, Wlzdrd strap, lust ser viced, S3O0. (812 256-6869 SuLDiMiT WHOLESALE DIAMOND CO. DEALERS ONLY 585-1370 ask for Karen KlREWOOD. Seasoned $75 truckload delivered. Call 937-7554.
APPLIANCES Furniture MOVING SALE Range color TV, block white TV, refrigerator, microwave, washerdryer, highback sofa chair, queen size waterbed, computer wmonitor. No deal ers. Call 634-9044. ARMOIRE Oak, $250. 3 piece, pea room suite, si5; can 584-4y44.
size wcamapy $475., His A Hers Armolr-e's $375. each, 2 matching nigni stands sizj. eocn. Coll 339-0964 hFDR66W set. twin.
1225 Solo and ottoman, $85; Re- cliner, $35; Contour chair, $40; Microwave, $90; TV, $25; Much more Moving. Call 957-4149 BEDROOM Suite. Canopy for girls room, off white, all wood, 7 pieces. Excel-fent Cond! $550. 423-7394.
BEDS Oh twin, $45 edcKT Trunk, Camelback, $25; Rocking chair, $18; 7 drawer desk, $40; Press bench with weights, $40; Striking bag, $35; Server, 4o. can vi4. UNK Beds. This End Up bunkhouse wmattresses, dresser, more, like new. S80U.
423-0890. Tile. Vlnvl. iabinets-Shelving-Racks UNBEATABLE PRICE IENJAmINS M2-776-10 CARPETS, hand Oriental, Sizes 8.2 made, to 5.1. ry nice Various designs.
Very COnd. J850. 419-4119. CHAIR lounge. Contour.
Like Newl Mode 100 with vibrator, heat, power slide, color flash mauve. Cost $4325 new. 3 yrs. old. $900.
Call 244-9387 CHAIRS, 2 lounge chairs $50 each. Call: 499-8404 COUCH, 3 cushion, navywhite check. LIKE NEWI $500 firm. 426-2707. DESK, solid cherry, $260; Porceloln top table, $50; Sears portable sewing ma chine, $85; Kerosene heater, $5- All In excellent Condition.
Call 239-6248. DINING Rm. Suite. Ma- hogany, dropleaf table w3 leaves, custom pods, extends to 4 side chairs. china closet, tea cart.
1 500. Very good condl Call 459-9602 DINING Rm. Set, modern, Fniltwood tab e. 3 leaves. wpads and 6 chairs, break front, buffet, $1500.
Call Coys 634-3666 nights 452-1232 DINING Rm. Table, Wal-nut. 6 chairs, buffet and china cabinet. Only $400. Call 894-9319 for appt.
DINING room table and chairs. 18th Centurv. cherry. $800. 239-2954.
DRAPERIES 4 pair. High iroae material. 65 long. pair covers total of 04 Inches. Spice color.
lined. $40all. Coll 636-1663. FURNITURE: 3 rooms, $135, delivered! Kramer's. 583-3063.
423 c. Market LIVING Room set 3 piece, burgundy rose, $175; 4 piece dinette, mauve with smoke glass, so. vse-wie. LOVE Seats (2), dark blue. $85eoch.
Coll 499-8404. uvcscAi-LignT ion. ike newl Cost $500. Sell 75best otfer. 239-2811 MATTRESSES.
Buy direct from factory. We manufacture anv size. Bowles Mot- tress Co, 1220 Watt StvJef-fersonvllle, IN, 812-288 8614 SRIENTAL rug 9x14, blue order wotf wnite tieia. ust cleaned, like new $950 244-4822 244-8868 PIANO, Grand piano, (Schaeffer), quality tone. $2000.
3x2 Commercial safe, very old, $100. Computer table, $45. Refrigerator, brown, $75. 426-0359 Moving, Must sen RfcLTNER-Lane swivel rntfatir Like new! Cust $419. Sell $175.
239-2811 RUG. Indian Dhurrie. 8x10, black wyellow floral, $150 GAME TABLE, square, wchessbackgam- mon inset, j3. SOFA, black leather, $1600 at Helerlngers, will sacri fice tor sbuu. 6o-voi SOFA block floral camel back.
Like new. $350. Call 452-6582 after 5. (2) 2 BR MOBILE HOMES (1) 10x55 $3000 4 12x65 $3500. New paint Inside out, new crpt, May heip finance.
Call 778-2444. PIONEER MOBILE HOME PARK. Large Lots. RV Spaces. Call 447-0146.
Auctions 699 LARGE AUCTibN TONIGHT 6:30 p.m. 1031 8. CLARK BLW. Behind Colgate-Palmolive 812-282-1142 Kentuckiana's Largest Auction Estate from Louisville's end plus additions. 9 pc.
mahogany dining room suite wshleld bock choirs, 1937 mahogany Packard baby grand piano, mahogany occasional ta bles, early 1900's grandfather ock (aoorox. 6'V 6'6 tail), French oak drop rrentn uu arop front desk, oak serpentine dresser, (2) style walnut BR suites, old quilts, Keller oak dining room suite, straight leg Chippendale camel bock sofa, like new lift chair, (6) Master-tone massage tables, modern BR suites, dining rm. suites, late model appliances, color TV's and misc. Rondoll Hall, Auctioneer KHfiTMU A Sat. Dec.
1 2, 2 p.m. AT THE SITE 68.33 acres on Hgwy. 403, Chorlestown, IN. 20 mins. from Louisville.
City services available. Ideal for development. Info: 812-256-2246 812-256-2024 Auctioneer Skip Rogers For aifyour auction need's con: n. b. SMITH AUCTION CO.
Shelbvvllle, KY 502-633-2746; 584-2836 Craia Realty A Auction Co. C. T. Craig Auctioneer Shelbyville 1-633-3253 "FAlRbALEAUCtlON-10713 W.MAN5LICK RD. 36-2yg Roy Butler Auction Concents Realty Co.
Hordlnsburg, KY 756-5859 Merchandise for SaleRent 700 799 DINING rm. suite, mahog- Sny, set of 6 transitional ueen Anne to Chippendale, 1870 centennials. Double pedestal banquet size table, banded Waved. $3200. 454-4992 Or 459-5191 DISPLAY cases, oak.
Dlf-ferent shapes sizes. Plus Charles Frace wildcat. 4-4y44 FENCE. Antique wrought Iron fence, gates post. 43Z-6V6 INDIAN Arrowheads and stone axes.
Sell 1 piece or all. Make nice Christmas gifts. JUKEBOX SEEBUftG, reconditioned re- coras. s6so. 944-24B LAMPS, Antique.
Nested tables, marble tables, crystal, silver Julep cups, btoi. can pyj-uio PEDESTAL Sink, good conamon, new faucets. $125. 584-4944 SIDEBOARD Mahogany e.1820, mirrors, Victorian dresser, chairs, 339-9810. SODA Fountain.
1935 with 8 stools, make otter. 5B4-4y44, TABLE. 54" round golden oak pedestal table. $575. 461-B2U VIDEO Movie Collection.
$7 each. Action, adventure and horror. Over 50 movie stars. Buy one or as many as you want. Call 636-0344 from 9 a.m.
-6 P.m. FINAL SALE Wood Document frames with gloss. 8x10, 9x12, jj; 11x14, m.w, luxu, 12x16, $4. WHILE THEY LAST ART ORIGINALS 2346 Frankfort Ave 895-9933 ffOVETAuroro, fireplace insert wblower, brass tone frame. $495.
896-696? CdOK Top range hood, $100; Wall oven, $100; Refrigerator, 21 cuff, wlce maker, $200; Dishwasher, $50. All GE top-of-the-llne, white ond In very good condition. Amana mi crowave, smi. tu-imi. DISHWASHER Portable unit, Kenmore.
Window unit air cond. 10,000 BTU's $200 for oil. 246-8715 DISHWASHER, portable, like new, $200. Electric range, $75. Coll 933-5878.
DRYERWASHER, RIceT 8125each, guaranteed. Can deliver, C. A. 283-1207. FREEZER, Gibson deep freeze, large chest type.
$125best offer. Call 812-952-2154 REFRIGERATOR Whirlpool, frost-free, with Icemoker, 22.2 cu.ft., $500. 239-2954 REFRIGERATOR, white, 2 doors. $85. 637-8316 REFRIGERATOR 2 door no frost, nice, guaranteed.
WASHERDRYER, Sears Kenmore, Deluxe 80 Series, large capacity. Like new $550 or best of- fer. Coll 266-8878. WASHERDRYER Kenmore, Heovy-puty Clus, Takes Oversized oods, $300palr. 239-2954.
WASHERS Kenmore and Westinghoyse, $60 each; Whirlpool refrigerator $100. Coll 375-0951 between 8:30 a.m. 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. 9 p.m.
WASHERS A Dryers. Re-conditioned. Guaranteedl $149 up Dealer. 361-8418. Lynnvlew Used AppII-onces.
Reconditioned used appliances wwarronty, starting at $99 968 8624. LUMBER, 1 6 white pine tongue groove. New material. 150? lineal feet. $720.
Coll 222-4326 days. MODELS Pointed Yard Barn Display models. Many sizes, up to 35 off. Harttamt 969-8204 933-8603 Camcorder, Sharp. 1 yr old wbattery, charger, accessories.
Works perfect. $400. 812-952-2154 CAMCORDER w2 h'. baT Call 348-4717. Sony 8mm Handycam CAMCORDER, Minolta Solid State, automatic zoom.
$300. Coll 895-4491. CAMERA, complete Pro Nikon outfit FA camera, motor drive, 2 lenses, Pro Flash wall attachments, $1200. Also Rollei 35, Tes-sar, Germany, $250. Call (812 256-689 CAMERA, Kpnica FT-1, 35mm, and 6 lens ranging from 28 trim to 200 mm.
$625. Call 955-8429 1 Huge Savings CALL TODAY 968-6049 POPLAR Level URGENT! Large I BR 2 BR town- nomes! Clubhouse, pool, weightroom morel Hurry only a few available! yog- 1 jo POPLAR Level, 4303 Nor- ene. i bk, townnouse, crpt. appliance, hookups, no pet. Sect.
8 ok. $320. 367-4900 PRESTON areaCooper ChopelPriceMcNeeley. 7100 Llesure Ln. 968-5378 FREE MONTH wAD (new occupants onlv) 1 BR $279 BR, 4 VS baths $319 JDK, baths S399 PoolClubhouseLake.
Next to McNeeley Park Quail Chase Golf Course. LAKE IN THE WOODS PRESTON-Fern Valley At 1-45. Studios from S219.50. Heat, blinds, appliances, hookups, I mins. to town.
968-5326. Tanglewood PRESTON at GILMORE FREE 1st Mo. RENT 1 BR S29? Garden apt. CALL US TODAY 969-9358 WINDGATE PRESTON AT GILMORE FREElst Mo. RENT I BR Townhome $374 CALL US TODAY 969-9353 WINDGATE PRESTON INDIAN TRAIL Special 1 BR $224 3112 Chinquapin Ln96-4840 PROSPECT The Wood lands On Harrods Creek Brand new, spacious, greet views, 2 3 BR, stprting at $1,229.
See our od in paper or can 228-3300 RIVER Rd7Mellwood Ave. FREE KEAT 1 month FREE- Spacious 1,2 4 3 BR Lounrdy hook-ups Minutes to down-town-l-71 Balconypatio area Furnished corporate apartments available. 894-8899 Crescent Ridge Apt. Selected floor plans ROCKFORD Ln. area, 1 BR, $245mo.
$100 depos- SHIVELYptxIeArea SAN JOSE COURT Large 2 BR, carpet, drapes, appliances, heat waterair poid. $360. 447-0006 447-4030. Ed Montgomery Realtor SHIVELY, 4319 Sanders Ln. 2 BR homes, $320.
Apply 1-6: Unit 141 Ul Alt UUHNS I SHIVELY area. 1 4 2 Bit, newly decorated, $265 UP. 448-0011 or 447-9397. SHIVELY area. 1 4 2 BR, washerfdryer hookups, 449-3231.
SHIVELY, 1 BR, on bus- line. app lances. utlls. furnished. 448-9919 SHIVELY, 2 BR, appll-onces, air.
century 21 Dick vreeiana SIX Mile Ln. Nice 1 4 2 BR apts. from Many, extrasi Bonnie, 491-2170. Bill Stout Properties SOUTH End 7503 Old 3rd St AUBURN PLACE TOWNHOMES Brand new 2 BR, VA bath townhomes. All usual appliances microwave 4 washerdryer and secur jnry system Included.
Special pi Dec. s- price, wv. Call367-6554 361-4525 Royal Garden PHASE II 2 BR, Hi baths, washer dryer hookup, patio or Daicony. jo SOUTH 4816 S. 3rd St.
IMPERIAL ARM5 1 BR. drnms. aop ance, no pet, no section 8. S25-S335. 368-114 benevue Arms Executive Arms Parkway Plaza 361-5710 SOUTH END YORKTOWN SOUTH A Nice Place To Call Homel 2 BR, hookups, mlnl-bllnds 363-5633 into; 361-923 SOUTH.
Watterson Lake-vlew. Beautiful roomy 1 BR starting at $252; 2 BR starting at $289. Clubhouse 4 laundromat. Near buslineshoppingchurches. loaay, jo-4mii.
Irews 9 RR. blinds, carpet. appliances, neatair No Section 137! sir paid. 935-6940 367-4900 SOUTH 160 Kenwood Court KENWOOI 3D ARM: 14 2 BR, drapes, crpt. appliances, heatair paid.
No pets, no sect. I. 361-5030 367-4900 SOUThV ITTTBIuegrass BLUEGRASS ARMS 1 BR, drapes, appliances. Heat, water furnished. No Section $275.
Mgr. 366-735 363-4603 S6UYH End. Ask About CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2 BR, washerdryer hook- PLACE SOUTH 5452 NewCuf 2 BR, blinds, appliances, heatwater paid, no pets. $350mo. 367-4900 SOUTH END -Large 2 BR, heat, air 4 water Included, city Section 8, 361-7261.
SOUTHLAND 100 Americana Apts. 2 BR $210 $99 1st Mod. Rent wAd $100 Deposit. 367-0164 T. ANDftEWrChurch: 2 IR-redecorated, air.
hookups, drapes. 367-0744 TAYLOR1422 Arcade 2 BR $259 New appliances and carpet available. Washer hookups FREE MONTH wAD (new occupants) 361-3395 Arcadia Ploce ALL 6 Station. TBT5 Free month $299. Dishwasher.
361-2943 WAER4RlQ6PlACE WESTPORTMurphy Ln. 11707 Nansemond, near Ford Plontl-71 425-3112 FREE MONTH wAD hi uf (vniDont on I IB 2 BR fownhouse 3 BR. 2 baths olCJubhoyseTi A BRIDGE STA S459 Pool 'ennfs CAM ATION WESTPORT 3906 Accomack, near Ford Plant1-71 1 BR $289 2 BR $309 FREE MONTH wAD (new occupants only) Washerdryer hookup, pool POST GR0 OVE 425-2250 1 RQ nnnrtment. Noreda temple, 581-2324. CITIZENS FIDELITY BANK 4 TRUST Co.
TALKINIjAP Hpp8E orl-800-933 1APT r-Kfcfc i 945-5APT or SSL FAST End. Executive-type 4 3 BR townhomes with garage, fenced yard, Wllflamsburg-type setting, next to park. Also lease option available. PARK PLACE, 491-8377. PLAINVIEW area.
2 BR fownhouse. 1H baths, fireplace, new appliances. $550 Call collect 313-434-4507. ISheDherdsville DORSE area" 1st offering Very privatetreed .86 acre direct access to lakepark, all utlls. and financing.
Miso acre magnificent view overlooking lakepork Tom Lockard 425-0000 Durst Moert 244-1212 MT. WASHINGTON Area, nigniona dorings suoa. Tom Luckett Real Estate iSliUJ Lake lots $100 DOWN $100 per mo Buys a 1 acre lot NO CREDIT CHECK price -12 APR Simple interest 6 'A yrs. Steve Hale Keaity 606-336-396 5 AC for $7500, city wa-ter available. Call Steve Hole Realty.
1-406-336-3967. FOR LOTS, ACREAGE cflnft a Keai esrafe Ltr. 241-8435 228-0171 Lots Acreage Tracts All Types Of Real Estate Clore Duncan 222-1435 We Specialize In lond sales. sman Large farms. Lond Realty 896-1313 YYTTTTTTTTTT No Down Payment! TAYLOR BUILDS ON YOUR LOT! New 3 BR ranch, energy efficient, brick home with 2 full baths, fireplace, central heat 8, air, vaulted ceiling, dishwasher, range, wall-to-wall carpeting, skylight, conventionally built on crawl space.
Ovrr 1550 sq.ft. Only (18.900 Bsmt. garage optional MODEL AVAILABLE 7 davso week TAYLOR BUILDING CORPORATION $02-426-5793 502-429-677 AAAAAAAAAAAAA umt 1 SH FOR HOUSES FOR MORTGAGES McFarland 897-6060 rowbdvins; Fast Close Too tit ttio osui Foreclosures Divorces Dick Vreeiand 968-4175 H6MesMOIfA3ES." Top dollar paid! Get my offer before I sting. Not an agent, ta Melton 895-4oo ACRESBuslness-Home-Mortgage. Buy-Trqde-Sale M.L.Hale Co.
361-1500 Farm-Mortgage Fast Close S.G. Priest Co. 368-1607 WE BUY HOUSES pay cash, see us First! Tillman Assoc. 448-5570 We Buy 4 Sell houses, Fair Price. 367-4444 ROAD RUNNERS Realty 4577 937-1800 897-1414 964- 454-28 2 I 812) 923-9888 BLACKETER Company 423-9300 HALLAAARK APTS 491-2135 KEY ASSOCIATES BUY 894-0011 SELL Parks Welsberg Ralney, Jones Assoc.
897-0151 426-6664 454-9100 REMAX PROFESSIONALS 423-1331 897-1200 SYD WRIGHT REALTY 893-2577 Wakefield, Reutlinger 4350 Browmboro 893 655 unison OHIO Riverfront acreage building lots. Clark County Indiana. Now ready for sale. Private boat ramp, many amenities. 256-4200 Mobile Living 690 698 RHFORO, 70x14, 3 BR, 2 baths, vinyl siding, shingle roof, fireplace, many extras.
Must see! 502-935-3131 uiscount MODiie nomes 13013 Dixie Hawv. We welcome your call I Commodore 14x60. 2 br 1 bath, stove, refrigerator, air, S800. 893-3101 broker. ELCONA.
12x60 newlv dec- orated mobile home, $1500 down, on lot financing, monthly payment approx. $120, 60 13 A.P.R., LOII 440-14U, FLEETWOOD 1991, 14x70, Mint 'cond. $12,500 or $500 OO' lown and assume pay. ments to qualified buyer. Call 968-0500.
1988, 14 50, 2 BR, cei more. central olr, cathedral celling, mini punas, ceiling ran. Asking $9000 negotiable. Call 2-f94-24e. I6LLV Forest, 1986, 4x70, 3 BR, 1 bath, centra air, stove 4, refrigerator ana More.
Buying nouse-Miitt Sell. tllOOO or as sume payments of $187.49 mo. 363-69W otter 3 p.m. HOLLY PARK 1986, 14x80 wexoandable. 1 BR.
2 full baths, fireplace. REAL NICEI 368-1207. H6LLV PARk, Widow mui ful itice Like home. Like new. Must see.
$8000. 812282-9297. LIBERTY 1981 14 63. Nice 2 BR, central air, kitchen appliances. $7000.
937-5500 offer 4 p.m. NASHUA 14x70.2BR.1 bath, appliances, washer dryer, air, blinds, deck, shed, Must see. Must sell. 367-4359 REDMAN 1987: 14 70. 3 BR, 2 bath, dishwasher, stereo, appliances.
$2500 down, assume to qualified buyer. Setup In parn. ion oj-pji. tilt Bn ktc- pnMIVIKVWIk DK, lorgv MVinv kitchen $5500. iww iu, iiwv.
all 502-454-0995 5 DOWN PAYMENT! Available on selected Fleetwood products. Buy interest rates For example: New 1993 3 RR. 9 hnth $15,995. $850 down, 180 mos. $199 mo.
11.5 A.P.R. No immickS or closing costs. vmt. nc urtes Kenfurkv sales tax 1 yr. insurance.
Trading Post Homes 8103 Dixie Hgwy. 937-1515 REPOSSESSED HOME 2 BR, central air, skirting 8, deck, set up in Wellington Green. Financing. CLARKSVILLE MOBILE HOME MART 502 Kaoo Lane Clarksvllle, Ind. 284-2239 EAST End.
New BR, 2 baths, extras oalore The Pines, Caso Sendita, Los Arboles Condo from $64,950. 896-2106 Koauito Kity. Biag. (j iST Lakevlew Cor 1, 2 4 3 BRs, newly voted, startino at $30,9 Condos, reno- Equity Solutions Realtors, HURSTBOURNE Pkwy. 176 NEW Condominiums.
451-7751 or 429-5976 45TH Street, 108 $7 NEW LISTING Cape cod, 3 BR. new carpet, furnace, hot water neater, oak kitcnen cabinets, and oil bathroom fixtures. By appointment oniy. o-Bi. CHECK SUNfjAV'S PAPER FOR HUD PROPERTYLISTINOS.
CAMP Taylor, 4032 Fayette. Totally renovated 3-4 BR, 2 both, central air, fenced yard. Selling below market at $49,900. $3000 down, 8Vi APR, joumonins. CRESCENT Hill.
182H N. Stote St. Super nice home In sought after neighborhood. Plenty of room. 3 BR, 2 baths, 1 car garage, front porch, make Stter.
f-ora 51-2429; 448-5570. THE HOME SOURCE CRESCENT Hill, 176 N. Ewlng, 2 BR, central air, back porch, no down payment If qualified. $54,500. Winters Realtors, 896-6253 EAST End THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Call Now For Details Polo Fields 244-8819 Windemere 426-9901 -uraatora erove 491-121 Forest Station 244-881 -guoii Run 499-73: Four Seasons 499-241 426-3020 Estates Glenmary 239-7015 Old Dorsey Place 426-3020 Four Seasons 499-1476 (Garden Homes) -uien uaks 'Eagles Cove 423-7370 429-5676 OPEN DAILY NOCLOSINGCOSTS Countryside BUILDERS 451 -821 EASY Shel-bvville! Brand new maintenance-free 3 BR, 2 bath homes starting fhe $60s, 4 models available.
Call 267-8855 daily for Info. EAST EN UFW HOAAFS Cheyenne Dev. 426-1729 GTfTMANTOWN remod-eled 2 BR, garage, no closing costs, 7, $7500 down, $431.93 per mo. for izyrs. vn tuat GLEN AFTON CaneT $92,500.
4 BR, 2 bath, updated kitchen, den with fireplace, full basem*nt. Winters Realtors 896-6253 HIGHLANDS. Well decorated 3 BR, 1st floor family rm, M.ysu. mum Hi lelp-U-Sell 896-6848 HUNTING Creek $149,000 7905 WesTover Dr. 3 BR, i'A bath, 2 car garage, 2000 sa.n., goir course, owner wants offer.
228-8663 Bob Mayhugh 228-0136. HURSTBOURNE Ln. S. HURSTBOURNE WOODS Don't miss this chance to nvest tor your future 'he hottest subdivision In town. All the conven ences of the city In a wooded country setting.
Buy now while you can still select merinisn. Paul Metzger pg 332-5959 491-4645 Pnrknr Paul Semonln Co. 426-4577 Models Open Daily NEW HOMES Coppcrfield Shelbyville Rd. Falls Creek U.S. Hgwy.
42 Sprine Creek $150s $170's Spnngdale Rd. Sycamore Creek $90s In Lyndon TOWN COUNTRY HOMES 245-0543 AUCTION QUESTIONS? Free Consultation Price Rearty 244-1509 i.f.miji mi CAMP Taylor, 1523 AAc-Kay. Small, but nlcel 2 BR aluminum, 1 cor garage, 9683344; nights 9694016 CaVetiuHcek Keoltor AlRbALE Rd. Older inme In need of repair. 30x60 garage walr, furnace, good Income.
BISHOP Realtors 955-91 TO KOLONA. 3407 Bennett. BR, garage, fmava, 1.950. Ben Hammons. roker 1-543-7821 fCOTTSESTF" 7905 MockleT-n.
OPEN J-41 New listing! )l 3 DK Drick ranrh. Inrae sforaae shed. 1, ic ous aynouse yarn. Eire Excellent tona.i ELL Real Estate 222-9772 SHELBYVILLE. 4 BR, .5 acre nisroric nome.
$133,000. 1-633-8091. rucc MSI or unicwa homes for sale with price, Help-U-Sell 896-6848 TAVLOPrntrnl nrea 3 BR, i bath, completely remodleled, new central air, quiet deod end street. Shows like a new house. Low income loon available no down payment low monthly payment possible If qualified.
Warren Jockel, 454-7164 Winters Realtors, 896-6253 TlpRV Mp i hR'. big of, all utlls. HFA appraised $57,500. Call 33-4431 or 368-367. VALLEY Station.
Large family home, almost 1600 sq. ft. 4 BR, 2 baths, fenced yd. Owner wants Offer. Vera McKeey 937-4604 PIERCE Co.
Realtors 933-3333 VILLAGE Green, lust off Terry Rd73 BR ranch w1 baths, valuted great room, eat-in kitchen, master BR, walk-In closet. Maintenance-free exterior, treated wood deck. From $69,950 339-1441 alter 5 p.m. CltatlonHomes 426-1729 3kr BULLITT Co. 1 owner home.
Excellent neighborhood, 3 BR, 2 bath, fireplace, full bsmt. 3 car garage. 955-7342 Thom*oson Sonm Realtyn HURSTb6URNJE. Elegant 4 BR, 1 both ranch walk-out lower level, drastically reduced. S165.9O0 4M-320O 647 CommercialIndustrial For Rent U.S.
GOVERNMENT WANTS TO LEASE SPACE IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY AMOUNT: Approximately 11,500 net usable square of office and related space with 2 assigned parking spaces available. LOCATION: Space must be located within the following delineated area: On the north by Westport Road, on the eost by 1-265, on the south by Toy-brsville Rood, and on the west by Breckenridge Lone. REQUIRE: All services, supplies, utilities, partitioning and tenant alterations are to be provided as part of the rental consideration. TERM: lease will be for ten years with the Government having cancellation privileges on or after five years, in whole or in part, on 90 days notice to the lessor. OWNERS AND AGENTS: To submit a location for inspection, contact this office by Dec.
4, 1992. GENERAL SERVICES' REAL ESTATE NiTSJON, PBS, (4PEA-F) 401 W. Peachtree NW, Suite 2500 ATLANTA, GA. 30365-2550 ATTN: CINDY JAMESON 404-331-3224 (FAX) 404-331-1293 820 Boat Storage Slips I 1 i Captain's Quarters MARINA BOAT SUPS FOR SALE Cash Rebates $1000 to $3500 Financing available For a limited time only Floating Docks city water A Fourth Ave. Corp.
Developement. 339-7401 458-2780 coumea uuro woe bund onvtm stereo receiver, 60 watts, recently cleaned 8. tuned, excellent $700. Coll 456-5162 RECEIVER 'Nakamlchl. Top of the line.
Only 8 months old. Paid $1,000. Sell for $650.957 2261 SpfSKE RS, Marantz. 12" woofer, 170 Watt. $400.
Coll 244-3486. 1 li.