The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)



KEAL ESTATE AUCTION 8AIE8. HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE CTtm. Oluv Bungalow noiiiiiT, 10 'ifiuZ "Vliu'ji" on Roebviy I Suburb. CO. L.

AHllLEY AND ill id f*ckIR. 2a L1UCOMUE. 1.I1X U11I1E. Umulel Syilnrv, llealthv slid AUfiOLlTE BAKUAI.U. RF.M3.

tVS. PBIC'K, IUM. ETKItsIIAM. Home or lncktmeut, Bk. I inlti.

MI.EI r.Ui.tiLi.l, ji Aire, fril n. 4 i IuilI.Ih-.I tollMe, cow ujll, lol run. I II'. il rlwl i.r.l. I'lice alii.

Wl. lie. I AisnttutN tjisu -oJ Aoijitv mi rni.i. 7.777 LJOIIEOSLS CIIAXlE I lillllll l.ltl.Vt.. "-J, IT 10 a.m., iii.ii'itea MalltMi.

4-i I K.if.t... II to.) t-W. lUMl'AUK Tur.b run I 4S773, 7 UKI'tlsIT, 2o IVCKKLY (prill, end for Aurlioti' Stle. at u'utwk. in Hie ItouniK station, new, weu nnnuieu, nit, atui etc.

Immed. MMcaaion, HUM. Torrena. beya ut thia oUice. ASHLEY.

Rose bay hkmiiits. cuki: to oentle- MAN'S KEnlDI-rNCE. built of bo.1 brhk on fctone foiiiiilatlon, wliU c1ImI roof. Accomiiuhhttlon, eul. bull, lh Ins-room, dining-room, both opening on lo wry wl.le front frtaui-in verandoK.

Large kit-4-b'ii, Uun-liy nj bnxrnom, built-in prrMw, tip- TO-VORKUW, WtDNEsDAV, SSitb (KTOIIKIt, rei. TKUUS 1HHJ CASH. SHOWS ll PKU CENT. NET. Brick Shop ual Dwelling and Brick lloiue, room, kitcllrll.

TonfW. OrK tUZAUETH STKEKT. J. MKKCE1I. MB PHt-rtrwt Moueni ir.r.

uncK tuia, iiiv roorr luruc rooms, hiUI, Uuiidry, baib, cooper, tubs, sink, tpu, humlv. Torrcns. 00. Few min. tram.

Sex 805, DEI OSIT, ti: WEEKLY (prln. uU iitfpoll, Hum t.iU lfKvlt, balance eay rent. INTKHLM til P.C. Jiwt cumpleUal themt IJTtdt Houivk Prices from Ok I -and liu, lutiein. LOVELY HARDEN Inspect these AT OXi'E.

Absolutely l-ct offvring todav. STANTON and MIN, Lta Pitt it, ity tf3J7, or UoM.iiry uince. Macot 44. POSITIVE SALE AT A SACRIFICE. GEN LINE CLEARANCE.

OU NEK LEAVING. WARHAWEE-Vt AlllttKINtiA. M'rdcrn und AriUtlc Brick Ruddcm. contg. ROOMb, and all olticen.

LAND our 1 ACRE, Ton ens Title. Ilandv to Matloii. motor 'bin, IXVBSOIKXT. T)i0INtiTOK, ulaiH lielnxnti. nisiu it loom, wide HP 4 ALU CUV.sritt CTEII bLEKPINti OL VEUANUAII, lilel biithruuiti ttiid laattir', prrvMt, electric light Urk.

Hungalow, good appearance, i ut. hack and Hunt, gmt cupper, elcc. light. Land 20U Irct deep. Torrent, 1006.

ASHLEY. rEAT EV il.r. BKICIi V1U.A, tile tool, a nice rooms, lud), buUiroom, copper, tuus, gas4 Unii 4U IbO, TorreiM. WAR (IHATI'ITY BOND ACCEPTED. lucrriic, eats luruulicl oiuuie.1 I oliawr, leal IJITami.ii iu a ami all fa.iu l.n.l.'iiiiii.

I'mv only i.u... u. AtlltAMAMMI AlltMV IU Pitt IU HWiniJ -k" wxza tr iix-mcd tolttge, tii -lo-iuiie H-w, bear, bnt.i ttut, ienl. OWNEB I.KAVIXIl KTATK. CITV.

JIAnXIKU'KXT ULOCK OK IMIOI'KHTY. Tilt: ItOYAk IHITK1, AXl I'mil'Kimr Lnu'Aii Niw. 4, 4, I 4.vt, mu tin Wtuevii. Khijc Aiii) Murkl UecU. riTY.

FINK ni.Of'K AND imi.lHXUS, No. im, 174, Sl hSKX-b-ritKIil', Muei'M Kiatg ami Utirket etreet. lip, MOSMAN', ChannJng Bungvlow, choicest locality, con- aixl power, telephone; LAM) AHM liW HO. Turreia Title. A FL'LL-t-tZED TEXSIS C01MI1, WITH PLENTY OK ROOM.

GMHtlOUS PER ROBERT IIAK1.EY awl bONH, LliumUHK fono. Station). IIK.STS 1117. I'lUCL, ilUiO. KlliRKNS.

I Attnctlra HrlK a oii bonli'n of U.rlinehurt. J. HKIICHK, 0311 I'ilt urif). lug hows. II M.cken.

40 pouiiiv. it holM-a, w-u flPort olrit, Mu.vb.riv lim, City OOlca: Cu.tlereaih Uouse, SU CjsUereagU aUeet, MAXES I UAIUIULU Vll.UtJ. Price lor quicli tains null, d. and d. 3 bedroom, breukitnt-room, and all olticea, every modern convenience.

Etraiicu btreeU, niucd, poMewlon. AKMIiV. ploiigii, bmrow, etc. yuuk jfe, Pri-e l.lMViivii, II lUIUge f.Vj lo paw the propt-rtj'. PKltE U3tl.

Jittct and AHM II U1IU Mir -'l im 1 1 I' ONK SECTION IIAILWAY tnciir liiiiuefsuteij, pjmicj. Hood Brick" Sjv, 100 Cratuity Bonds Considered. U. JLlQIiU, I NCALOW RESIDENCE, built of brick UHOP INVESTMENT. ii none, witli tiled roof, fontaiiiittr 3 largi- rwep- RENTS GOOD.

NORTH SYDNEY, on Bungalo. replete (luri to pAiliculit. I It Vli: taVfll.t""-1 WOltTIl 4I51U. Aero, bot il, about cit culloiiailj ujoJ UU.III.IK I.L,KHHI I InM Ut HULIUL uou-i'Obtii, a uetiroum, Kuriirn, DJinrmmi, uiur.firy.i AMPLE ROOM FOR TKNNIS COL UT. elw.

I UAhli AX OKKhll, AILS EK N)LU JIU.i S'i'ANTONaiJllON, VSS pitt-alrcvt. BFRWOOD. EXCKPTIONAIXY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW, Corner position. Handy titatlou. 003.

Juat- Connileted. Natty Brick Villa, tiled roof. rvtrry iitvxieni convenience, uouiierrupieu view, con lahw i roonic, uWcea, motor eutiauce, 1200; 250. AKtll.KV. t'ltriu we!) waters), ctmdortable ottagr, gu.

UMial shed, fowl cultivation iwddock, i bore, cow, rait. pUughf, banows, rhadcuttcr, etc iuuu. Six Brtck tstio, 6 rooim, ffootl liuafniMi portion. LAN u0 ltri. 2000 CAN JU2HAIN AT 61 PER CENT.

J. UEIICER. 1KB rilt-tlrwL AliSTUAUAX LAND and AGENCY 163 Plll-nt hlx.eX'Llr-r- or I) llll.lXl7Ti;7-l 7 nanus, and IIOOM lull UAIIAtii: llnd i 1111. Ilepl, to Um" COOCEE, Good Position, Elevated, Handy Tram. VOIXT.


No. 159 pEH-rOKU HTia.rP. (DjJ Estate.) JERVIS IOTH OK I.AN'n. romr of WATT and I.ACKKKSIKtX' In one line or ipirately. sooit ncarooins, nail, lante ainuiaT-room, uniwu, Kaa stove, enamel batb, aink, etc.

Torrena. SW Very (botce Home. Brick Villa, tiled roof, a bedrooma, large dininx-room, Litclian, gaa stove, cupboarda, every poaa, luithroom. etc.

Built of Brick, iate root, tiled verandahs front and eirLVKD FARM. 2flu DEPOtlT. litftit ani power; KKWEU CO ECTED bnl I'M. Torrciu Title. 3 MINCTES TO DOAT NEVER BEEN OCCU PIED.

Price 5100. ROSE Residence, containing 7 rofitn, in-l all uhVei, full flee tennis court. PrW oikh). MasUAN.IUiiiUotne Doublc-tront Brick COTTAOK, Mtmio fnundaliim. tilml rrvif It mintiilna 8 recen- Mod.

urk. 0 land Mtt front, fWi'. and Diniuu lloonia combined. 4 be -MAI inn. r.

li iiiiti.iiUil. Ton-ens. IC6l. A Real Bargain for 11WU. Fur IrSU0IIK, INVESTMENT.

UEKTS PRICE. C2S00. ro.nin, breaklaMt-room, scwiug-routii, Latbruom, kitch-jii- (iriwni iitlljt 13 acr(k uuw under maUr, rutmhig niture inciuueu, AHMLEV. rtte, all modern coiivunicncv. Elec.

light, garage, fvru reck, almost new Cotuge, good timber lor ROBERT IIAUI.EY and SONS, opp. station, AUBURN; and at Castlereagb-st, near Hunter-at, city. TOnilLNS. 4 Brick Cottajrc, ikUte rook, 4 roomi, kitchejL Tuckuointcd ironU. KABE11 FIELD, close TranH Ilandwme New Bungalow, tiiin'roouti.

8 hrilrooms. Litchrio and laundry, all noiue, g.irueiui aim lawiu. north immeuule uiMectiuu. Only from -uit mics ouir, etc. it.

tiuw. iitp. AUSTRALIAN UND slid AtiEXi'V Jtit JMt -r-l. in perfect order, commanding extensive harbour A LULllrl. Small cottages, cneap, II Mill buy nock, inant, rMI3.

Waliul to Ui.d t.jllaje. Ktt Lj ry, on xm UiL ccki oujiimiu, Vijntwl Li aliout acre, aiih ilaiik.icn.n.Lrttlllo inw, lall Mauled KiiMul WHrtB. ti l)a j. air.m;E.n, via rm-Brcgt. city allot).

Smalt Uwellimr. 2 rooms, kitchen, view, iiiinuti'i. wan to trurn. trice ioo. niutiuu ouun, coniama rum.

una veranuau, land 150, motor entrance, Torrcns, lliij; deposit U0. vv LIMITED, iu.i aim buz, liu bi kivuuu ii.iaii, U473, or 1.18 Pitt-street, cityj 1JICS 1-OUL1RY. Neurit- 10 Acres. 15 mites cltv. 1C0 tniit trees.

tiAnnre an-i corman propiiiktahy AiH'tloiieeW. u-ntpr. Ml ft. frontinir 2 atreeta. YTOUliS ON EASY TERMS.

vt'n-eliiblM. Cottarre. ex ten. uoultrv ruiui. Iith.k t.roOitct- 1 Kiicnen, anu a nunuiei rroni i imp 3ot).

Neat W.B. Cotuge, a roams, kitcbeu, laundry, nlulu Inl.t Tnrr.lui. 2 yra. built, 4 XX OWN YOUR OWN HOME. 1 house, iiicuW tor-room, liiOO (toullry, 3 iiicubatois woU- c-tiMnv aiTva Motiuian tram.

Owner leaving for England; LS ilu-wl from cmn to 1400. A Banraln. I1E1IEER.V. PER CENT, PENTS 443. PRICE, 300.

TORRKNS. 11 Brick Bouses, 8 roomn, kitchen. Good onlir. Wide street. J.

MEItCEIt. uill Pltttreet we can offer you your choice of over 100 new ROBEHT BARLEY slid SONS, Ett. Agents. AUBURN. FACTORY SITES, FACTORY SITES, rACIUKJ COTTAOE RESIDE NCh.

It tr-intm itortirr uit tbe Uiu-ict. hacnticmg. ing, modeni piggery and runs 00-r nrecoiiig 38 iorkers feed obtained tree, 2 cows, 2 horses cam, compMe working plant. Price 1500, easy terms giaasea-in verandun, gas copper anil, stove, car entrance, Union flnUli, fernhouse, 'cardens, 1030; depoait 250. AS1II.KV HOIil'HN' HRICK VILLA, tiled roof.

1 SD lend id contains 7 rooms, tveule kitchen and lu unary, electric liuht throuehout. full aire tcnnli court. BRICK BUNGALOWS, ready for Immediate posws. Ion, from 25 DEPOSIT and EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS. Call and we us first.

Here are tew BAN STOW N. New 4-rmd. Bk. A min. iraln, TO 1ET.

JTwo linea fabout II vunU), a'; fslanlaf, irsi A'S III rfl. klti-licu, vu alo.e. elc. Tj Vir. l7r A M)A Lb.

CoVucTTti s. iw kllclicn, alo.e. elc. 7j AEMi.ALlA. i.m ana rm-n.

INVESTMENT. IE, MAIN STREET, large pantry, verandahs, nice STRATHFIELD. New Bungalow, brick, tiled roof, con- mtnutei from In aectitn of tram, shops, and Diihlic school. Price ItifO. siiiciiuiu wrucr, a miuum nun.

vuij jsjiw. HOBEUT 1IAHI.EY and SONS, opp. Stat ionAU BURN. MOMAS. COTTAOE, built brick, tlate rcof.

4l 1 lUL'LN, 3 liiiiulea kn. ilrf Lk.L.",:-i I 7WJ-I. U. lUtLj, AKE KAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES, rWATSWOOP. ON THE HEIUHT8.

roiiialns drjwinir-room. dlninc-room. breakfut-rm. nwnL TUKKEAS TITLE. RENTS o3d.

CRICK. 4000. Brick Houses, 0 large room. klL, slate roof, in nrsttlaa order. Land, 3th 100.

Mnclii'le. louft vacant, worth KK.) )U CAN REMAIN 5 YEARS. 0 unim rma. ana jllanlon nun, gas, water, ewer, elcc., land 40 1J, Torrena, 1075.


m.m; Miiau tivrofiit, balance rent. MARRICKVILLE. New 4-rmd. BW. near station, lurge e.

all corns 33 p.w. CAM1IK. New 6-rmd. lurgo so. bind 5tl 150, fr iiK'tO; eay tctnif.

DULWICH HILL. New 4 mid. Brfck 5 mins ir.iin. 73ii: small deDiwit. lent.

V' Deposit 100, bal. aj rent. MOD. BK. llL.NU..

tile roof, large living, HATISniXO. Iteiir-MHiu, kltcbvn, and laundry, electric light Prit-c i MO.lMAX.-Ser AMERICAN HCSfiALOW, 3 mlnute 31 ncrea tlun luaui. cnina Of oats. COHI. JobiMonJu.

"aiw and 3 Iwd rootns, tiled ycrundali, uilau mass, ticae. aud lucclne. very nice cottage, it c. gat, newer. 1-ajni J'.

fA mi; if lil'FF and 2iW Geome-ft: and Cbatflwoo'I, Iiall, fuinituic, stable, balla, dairy uith acpara. ,1, MERCER. IBB CANTERBURY. New 4-nnd. Brhk Cotbigs, all mod.

AftTARMON, i Mlnv. Tram, on Heigl.r.-MOIERN D.K DE lal'AE BUNGALOW. eAquislte design all 8 coua aud heifers, reedlnlt OV THhf HF.IOIITS. SIBIUVISION, HAiVKESUUltV RIVER, 1000 SELLING FEET. COMRINEO AND RAILWAY FKOSTAOE, COVUINEU WATKU ANI RAILWAY FKOSTAUE, Iinni.lialely otljjtcnt to CAM EM A STATION, with tlio ijuvrfiimeiit l(atljy Line rumiinc rfiflit tlrf i.n-iH-rtv, iiml DKEl'-WATKU rllONl-AliES to tho J'urranutU lilvrr, thr.c lJwl tui-tory Si' t'4 oih-r tint iwht iMviiili; t0 cumparrtM wiiu inntrtnplnle cririiin' new worU.

The 'ii'in1'" 1.11 nut Inn yf (he su ollmiiialcs All trantort tnlfl-(Mltieti ami li'-avy itirtam vtf, (ioocU can lmiloi ilitii lnii tnn-k nt Miitc for oountry orient or on to lilitct (or kltii'is. THESE ACXIKK'KNT FAimiRT SITES, THKMi FACTORY SITliS, Hrsl.t in thf liart of it l-iff manofm-luriiis. ctntrc, inTi bluiur is alwjvs aailalk. In cloc proxiniiiy lo I'uiranmitu ail worker ilwcllinjie. sows, 2 lior.e., carta, pcmiaiu'ia only A VWBN-i.

"and iVwcUlnV, f.i.ilu'," opp. Subway, Annum. A LAIlllK HilUprihreilbw," i A C-otUje, rninC to CrS rlelit lo I'liri'liuse. Annlr II. li Ci'lAUMIMi NEW BRICK BUNUALOW, verandalw i rout 22 12.

aide 22 10. and rear 27 12. hall Aft, ilea from rail, a lulu, from and scliool. itcau tiiuily situated, Willi distant lialf caan. irntii i) Mrtinu to tram.

It contains ft room. Kit and laundry, clfclrlr liarlit. Price 'J300. I SEI TIML RESIDENCE, gitarunteed falthfnllv built uf Un.t brick, on bid id Monc foundation. Bungor tlate roof.

It con taint draw-i'lg-nKiiii, dliiing-iivirn, 4 hixlroomi, bcbidea maids' phi-iis, kititien. nnrt laundry, magniHcept harbour i vffKit; minute' walk to boat. Price JMOOti, MOSM AN. llandwtrne lleiidtnce, well situated, nnly 3 i inimitca from tram. Ii.

contnins 1 rooim-, biltianl- W.111J uiiuigH, American architecture; conluixs 4 large bedroom, dining-room, tittlnjfromn, ei trance ball. Space will not allow tor dewripMon. liath-beater, gaa, water, elcc, light, imwer polnu. LAND, 5(1 210, Torrena. Lawns, garden, etc.

PRICE, Watrr-frontavre Subdivision, to Bridge and fltatlon. Sacrifice. J. MKIUT.H. mil I'ltt ilrect.

living-room 10 breakfast-room 13 13, 8 bedrooma, one 17 13, bathroom, pantry, linen P1 kitchenette, SUITAI1LR HtniCATIOX. Little 1-anti of 11 civ neb aod gaa atove and copper, electric light ana Pow'yftIftv Owner will aell for 2500; terms. Ol here, frmo Ambrose Webber. 4-, and iaj cons, 675; on lm lance 'J irt weeK. GREENWICH.

New 4-rmd. Bungalow, Ige. Mock land, h.o. ev. con, 1)75, on 23 dep, 35 p.w.

Nvw 6-rnid. Bk. Buimalow, c. L. nice lovely home, near for lo50, terms to cult buyer, from 5- deitoelt.

CHATSWOOD. i rind. Brick Cottage, e. eewer, al) mod. 4 in.

ll(U; very cav tem ARTAHMON. l-niid. Bk. Bungalow, handy train and tram, Ige. block of land, easy tenns.

ROSE BAY. New 5-rmd. Bk. Cottage, e. sewer, ill moil, convs, MJ5, small deposit, but.

rent. OT1D- RS ALL SUBURUS. OUR. HOMES AGENCY, 103 Pitt-st, Hwrn 7.2nd Floor. irtiif i-ai -i-t t-r j-, aurl CbsUWOOtl.

c-N A SIIIIKLII. -hurnbiied liuiiiiilS alSiiS AS1IFIELD. Modern D.F. Brick Bungalows, 4 roonn, bounded- by deep and p. riiuiticnt creek.

IV. It. Lot taite, a rooiic, green crofis, fin Iruit trees, tou piitne poultry, horM aaje) tart. CCBLINfl'S PICK O1 rtviiii, kitchen, and Juundrr. M(or garajre.

THE BASKET. XJ 26 DerrOKit, ilOOO, 30 week Pays it off. iihiil, gus. water, sewer, uoihi iiioi'Kii Und, Torrena. Prices from 120) lo 1(01); tenns arrkn-pd fn cntr hn-nn.

cow, incunauir, an.i ior MOSMAN. Very attractive and solid D.F. Brick Bueg. New BeL Brick CalifornUn BUNGALOW, 3rooma, A tiHOLMl Fl.lXllt to Lhc.nooi'aVr&Sinr-Xi. suit store, 2 ca entrant; 41h Floor, 1-i OWord -t i rio.v accept A Bargain.

MOSMAN. -Ilandi-'omc BiingaUM perfectly new, never been occupied, only ii in Inn I en walk to boat, containing 5 room, Price 1100. verandah front and rear, ei. ngiiu Tin CotL, FINE SITUATION, contg. fop.

large s.0. ver. KICK CAJIDEN AND LAWNS. TnrrH Prlc flisn cna -title. jcaju, mut-caMi.

uun turuct un mere 1 irrlitated laud ia worlii acres of any oilier. W. V. KAY, 273 Oeorge.Btreet, cor. Margaret-street.

LADKRCLIFFE, the Coining huborb CLEARV1EW E-tA'lE, on the helghta, ciccllent Bulhlhig Blocks, averavto 50 150, Torreiu; nrirea from 35 in, (ill ULht" aim sau ucorKe-i. "r' ARTaTiMON. PERFECT BUNGALOW virviTifn position. SEl'TllAL. Fine Roomy IN EXCELLENT A bu.fe.t Divelllng, nil lea.e, secure 7 MM UTAX.moue, close uhnston-st Sect, and Train.


A Choice American Brick Bungalow, attractive do- Ageuey, 337, city, onp. I'aline'. 12? iUflT10N, five largu rooms, aep. a.o. ver.

Built to nreaent occupler'a oidcru. Aid. Hlfl. A1RV It DO US pvM afor.v, II1IAY AND 133 Sydney: To Mllilary.road, and at Wliarf. Crenionie Point.

rooms, kitchen, and enclosed back verandah, electric light, gaa or.d fuel stoves, nice yard, lane AUbii W.U. COTlAtiE. 4 rooms, laundry, wide vermi wi. uepoeii, nai. in a years; UitercM 0 per cent.

Call In for fuller partlculan. CATKIN and WATKIN. AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, and REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 28 MARTEN-FLAtTE. Phone, naail, ym. 50 veara.

A mllablTrSS elen, bct of fitting! and flnihh, of trout Veraiulan, Enttaitce Ball, Urge Living-room, 2 Lovely Bedrooins, labs, innubator. and brooder bouae. 4 INGliltAIOltS, UANDWTCK, Pick Position, MAGNIFICENT VIEW. 13 netted runs and buiiecs. 4O0 CHOICE LAVKItS.

at rear, run r. i.rt, i.osn m. .1. F. UENTON P'haiu SKA, ror Jotinstonit ami Parramatta-rd, ANNANDAIX.

Breakfast-rooni, iuunen, nam. ocimreu; iitim. nnoir Vaaru riiui ttittahi for sleenfnir out: ran- CO. AY AND CIUCKS, stable, cart sbed, feeilroom, borac, sulky, anil APP'y nn 41b floor. KceneWhamWr, "nwg A FIXE I lllk of Und, nest" Ibirack'.

IUI. su, builder, ah 'ST AHOLT 1H ACRI'S OP THESE SPLENDID ACTOR ilTES WILL ME OFFEREn IS LOTS 10 Sl lf I'LltaiASEHS. cwuu urn. on Dione a large reception and 3 bed rooms, aep. etc.

A BEAUTIFUL HOME, IN IDEAL SURROUNDINGS. Price. trv. L.P., etc. Eiectrio UgbU I'ricc, 1030.

UepoeJt to St.i- jr.rtMt cue, ega; unxc. vceetaoie anil (HAT-SWOOD, on the HefgbU, convenient COTTAGE of ltri.k, A CTANMOl(K MEKillfS. Splendid D.F. Dct, Brick NEITRAL of 4 Flatf. aUolulely Hf-eontd.

nower Harden, fruit tree, ereen cropi. ideal -J ilia, slate roof, iron railinea. hall. 0 kitchen. Lajo, Biuanco as iteiii.

HAMILTON, SON, and at the Station, ChaUrwood, laundry, bathnxiiii. an) all convenience. Handy rail and sdiool. A IILAI. LIVING FIIUU 'lilt BUKWOOD, on the Helchta.

PANORAMIC VIEWS. ami all good yard, lane at rear. PRICE a minutes from wharf. Total rental, ililW per annum. Price CREMOltNE.

Set of 4 conUineil FLATS. Price lil.Ai; urriuc. as ritt-st-rgct, wo CASH OR TERMS. IsTAKl. alliaXJ, AIIKA.M.Ll).

P. HII.LAIIV. vyLvrvroitTirviLLK. Cach retjd. 500, A Good Fitinilv Home.


OHATSWOOD. PICK LOCALITY 1 AiirmrAV ihtxt.aiiw. UliPOSIf W. KKKNB. 13 Oatoi d-M, rilv.

A FINK Llgbt or Oltlce', near LirTSa street, StJa-fii 1,1 nJ Tffir about 43ft to bv Hi Oeep ajTbl? KKKSK. top floorls tuf.ird.irerii, A new tV.llai'iC5; s.J.'"SC XV. ni.lied 3fn, 3 for isj FurnLMSSf FlaU. 13, 30, 35. Mlnra.

I aGKSctS ANNANDALE, Jelmton-st Section. Wel'-bullt or Branch OIUcp, Milnon'r. Point. 34 AC1IKS. cllv w.ter.

COTTAtiK. 4 A Fine American Brick Bungalow, surrounoeo fallowing over J2 tier cent, return. REMORSE POINT. Bet of Self-containtd FLATS. Prlcij bhnwlng over li p.T cent, return.

COOCEE. Set of 8 Self 'contained FUte, IS per tent, rrtuni. Price veraudubs, lame rtina ami feed ei. nrictv siuie root, nau, 4 rooms Kit cli.ii, bathroom, l-iundry, tic ip nerfect order. rincE 0j0.

Ca-n reqd. 250. Torrcns. all flrst-clasa properties, and 8 mliiutca from iUtion. It containa Tiled Entrance Porch, Large Big Mod.

brk. on atone, Bangor elate roof, contg. flve large rooms, aep. wfde a.o. -crs.


on st. contg. 5 largo etc. Gas, elcc. and alt conveniences.

iL2bd. C. V. CURLING, CliallU Houee (opp. Q.P.O.).

City 7301. slied, 71) fruit trees. al7l, DEI'. i73, BAL. AS HUNT.

r. I lllLLAlt i ll.l,r. A 2 l-'LAT-S. Prli ZW0, t'liarlolle-rlreet, Awllticld, d'to'H wlall.n. ABE It FIELD.

Handsome Dct. Brick Cottage, tile 3 11) minutes' walk from clo.c Hall, Wcll-Mted Living-room, urcaKtaM-rooin, a air Uedroonm, tl Sleep-out Verandalu, Kitchen, Balh with HcAtei-. Srnnmtn Eaundrv. Eiectrio Licbt. and all (illAY AM) 1.13 PITT-STREI-r; HYDNF.Y.

IJ ..1,1. N.I..1. nl TTUSTER HILL, x.1, Good, Position, Close to Fern. BRICK COTTAGE. 011 Stotie, with Slate Roof, verandahs front and side; Dining-room, Brvakfnst-ruom, Beftruoms, Kllchen, Jjniiulry, Dctiiched Brick ttorkaliop, and 2 Garages.

Lawns and Gardens. LAND. FEET .) FEET. TORRENS TITLE. PRICE, te3H.

HA DIE and GORMAN PROPRIETARY, LIMITED, modeni conveniences. Price, only 1400, and Owner A 'I' Nelson-st, Anuandnlc Tnitaqc, Inre. ii.b'H X. make good motor works or f.imluite Hcimv. Brli-ll liuildlng, 40 9), make small liclor, room, tugetlier jir Sep.

lo HjJ rooi. nan, 0 pxmis, and all modem electric light, gas rtove, cnolotied back verandah. Land 50 150. PRllE 1150.

Caii reqd. I3). .7. F. BENTON, at the Section, cor Johnston-st and ParramatU-rd.

AXNANDALE. will accept tiuu ILAMILTON, SON, and at the Station, Chatawood, HbAllKit ILK. fc'J nit-streci. city. Geiitlenian'a DENCE.

in Ftiacloua crounds. MODERN RESI-contninincr Uvlne A IIAI.SIAI.V.-Siiperior lIon-, TIXK nml HORSi: will offer the above at Pl'RLIO JV AITTIOS, tl.e Kwinw, PiU-ttmt, ut M.i a.ui. on TWLHSUAY SKXT, 27th OCTODUt, UK I. go CTl TO BF. HELD IS THE REM ESTATE ROOMS, el CATLERLAOH-ST, TO-DAY.

T1 KRDAY, OCT. S- AT 11.S0 A.M. RACKHOlSK anil (iOVDER will offrp: -1. 1MLMATV 5 Hrick CollaKes, Nos. Palmer-st.

DMU.INti Blliliiie Site. a. ROHCVILI.E. Brick UmaJow, Kiliff El- wnrtl-elrofif. 4.

ROSEYILLE. RuuMhur Site, alj. almre King fcU mml-Plrcct. ft. DARLlNOHritST, 1 Brick Hoiiae.

Surrey and Lime Surrev U. In foiijunclfoii wltli It. Hurhult. ft. NEUTRAL BAY.

Brick Cottage, C'amora, Height-vlrw-avemiP. MOU.1P. i 31 anin-piace. TT-SMOHE. raiCE ONLY t30.

tcrniH cun be ar '1O00 SPLr. MONEY IN II KATOOMIIA, TREE ESTATE. A Few Siten, from 4 foot. Also, larg cood mil. from li )cr acre.

EASY TERMS. TOItRKXS TITLU Cull or write fr Pliui. INTERCOLONIAL INVESTMENT LIMITED, 4 and 0 CujitlcrcaKh-Etreel, near Hunter-street. MACSKT, i riMiin, 77ft lift 0in, breakfitt and 3 large bed opp. I'ajii -LJ nmged.

W.B. Cottage, tonuina 3 rooms and all wry liandv Mutlon and hollo Ciiureh. D.F. Brick Bungalow, 3 lioxinns, dining. RYDB.

30 4 only 3 liiiim. btatlou, 40 VJS, -75. water and ens in street, netted run, G7o, d'-p. all.5, cuv. Tor.

Null a man ulio can rcimate. rUMIIIilll.VNn ATKS Uoiid slrcct. Ci'KNTLKMAS'S ac.Yconii. D.F.

L.l. Cottage, ga- sieve, wbolc ppty. netted, accom. 101.) cow, lavers, loo Kull plant, city water and Iras from 1'1'IILIt; SIM'l'LY. Vlornin; and ev-eninp; 'bu.

to dtflf; 13 minutes' walk to stn. allSAil, dep. JI. onv-enlcul and good. KSTATBS 8A Doiid-alrcct.

170R IIOAlkS wlti" Al itiiS. apply to tlLMIIKIILAXI) rlSTATia 8A llond-tt. officef, ver, front and rear, lath and plaster liucd, WOLUTOXLCIIAIT XeW Hri'-'k IWr-. torrcns 'Due WADDY and POL" ETON, Pitt-street. Ige.

kiL, ueparaUt laundrj-, dec. light, 2 cos tove. nrciimiioii. irinlll nOallinil. Hour rms.

HAI.hi:il, FltKLMAX. and tl PETERSHAM. 150 balance weekly. New D.F. I.EICHIIARDT.

W.B. Cottace. 5 bathroom, kit. aTlAMPSIE. IHOUFIELD.

Picked Position. t.n iim. 4larki.t. 7 laundry, und all electric light and fiieu V' Handy to Station. ruoma, uicti nam room all apiwiniincnt, kitciicu, etc.

Detached laundry. Three lnre veraminhs, oiio apecLtlly erjnippcd for s.o. RIVER VIEWS. E.L. and POWER.

SEPTIC TANK. Thia is an Idea home, only minutes from city. Inspection by appointment. T. II.

IIARWOOD, a Few Yards Beyond Tram Tcrminun, Thone, J2flM. LANE COVE. 'Phone, .12011. "VfOiiTHWOOb. NEW Brfck on Storm Himalow.

con. u. liuuaiow, .1 rooms Kiicnen, eiec. ngni, gus stove, irooii iMKiLion. mill A' A LclcblciPlt siiitntdo lor cur.

Land az iw. lorrena line, CIIAItMIS'O XKW BRICK COTTAtiK: ARTARMON. 150 Dep. Vacant now, B. i el.

light. 47 150, IHJ0. gUy'ADY and POULTOS. Pitt-street. CiHOI and Dwelling, 4 near wbnol and P.OT, good opening for smart business.

1175. Terms, arranged. E. L. WADDY and POI LTtlN.

Pitt jdrect. Aiitilicalioii. Kl-ilc a.JL i.el.niiardt.' DULWICH HILIa-PETEUSUAM. Nothing better built. PRICE 750, 200 dep.

Ml.XKI) FAIi.M, 311 at-pw, river frontline, grow liny-tblnff, well improved, nicely intuited, owner ac. oiicning Friday Next. llot rpaeluus in lie rule l3 Sliopiiing Ceutte. Do not niiss neniriiijr WII.LOUGIII1Y-CIIATSWOOD. PRIOR 1130, 100 cent" low llcure ow nir lo clrcuJIIEtauces.

balance 370" per week. American Bl N(A-LOW, tiled roof, contains 4 good rooms batliroom, Ultl-'llAIII). JIIAKD FAIIMW. 3 IJIIililV till. SURRY illiLS, near Bk.

IIouscf, rents 'Price, Half Cah. SiibKtiintinlly built, tiled roof, hall, 4 pood. roams, kiti'Iicnctto, piDi, idectric liglit. (ins Stove, Porcelain Hth. etc.

LAND TORRESH TITIaE. 1000, Special Yaltie. Terra. INTERCOLONIAL INVESTMENT LIMITED, 4 and 0 CtisttcroHgli-Ftreet, neiir Hunter-street. Office On4'n Friday Evenitipi till S.

ADCTIOX" SALE, Xi talning 3 rooms, kitchen, verandahs back and front, e.l. and power, all conveniences, ELEVATED POSITION, permanent VIEWS of MTS. ami proved properties; one, 34', one allWUO; both give 1021, vvoiHlerful reluriis every year. ItKTI.ltXL!) SOI.HIKIl'S FARM, utockoil, big area, gool land, iierm. water, securely o-A-ncr in 111- li a11" rina.iON.

ts rn cTs'n 1275 OWNER LEAVING FOR ENGLAND. Ml'ST Skl.I WEDNESDAY, 2nd NOVEMBER, AT 11 A.M. UIVKR, min. to ferry. Price 1430, cash or terrnd Brick Bungalow, containing living-room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, separate laundry.

Ilea tn. tranMer to If AIA.N UA nciier, imeti prei, eiectrio iigni, juunurj-, gas stove and copper, cement tubs, and all h.o. verandahs gurden and lawn laid out, sewered. Land 50 US, Torrena Title. SLADE, BROWN, and BLOOM FIELD, Limited.

Dalton Hoiikc. U5 Pltt-Btrcet. City TOl. QkTLINE ESTATE, Ukciiiba, 50 10 ft- Bruntnell and Baimenuan, i.i Pitt-st. 6 rooms, tikif bathroom, glaseddn front and hick very fine d.e.

llrlfk COTTAGE, Oft hall, cross. hall, and or billiard-room, 3 bedrooms, very tine veramlahj, clec. light, land 61 ISO, lawns, fernery, sheds. 173. PETEtLSIIAM, Vacant XVaueMfian Immediately.

Well-built D.F. Brick Cottage, slate rwf, rooms, gas stove, vehicle entrance, vacant, 1)00. Others as follows: Lewlsham, House, ft rooms, 100 o75. Peter-ahum. D.F.

Brick Cottage, 4 rooms very handy, 150 deposit, 000. Bk. slate roof, 3 elect. Ught, vacant Ijosaeusion, in good onlcr, S50, offer. ZKITLER jindHOYLE.

Peteiyham, opp. P.O. and Stn. EASY TERMS. ll.iiajit.

AT BEAK OF OIIACK IIKOAUWiT i- TO LET Olt I IUI KMX. A toner l-ioro sit. LAND lln 114. Willi old Iml-uii I'ltll a. Tku*ms.

lUaia. SIDNEY AI.i:,"',,".i,,' Lii. aud Clialinirs in-idi II ooor. line sit" ci.B.-e frail .1. I band builder's yard, elc; al.i ol I iv.

Ing. mt to Cl.almerj and cn it. COX and l'KNMVN, 70 Hid door; City 7231. TJACOS and COMPASY arc Instructed by Uxor. late very.

nouns, iianiens, lawnn. Land J4h PRICE. and 4 Mnrtin-pli-1. B3H to sell by Auction, at their Room. JJ M.

FLETT iil.siitit-T HiAUbuii. Dairy and Mixed Farms, 330 fiOOO. "1 T.VNLY. ltrookvale ailioiiiiotr Ovfonl Falls.

K'u stove, copper, e.i. ana power. rnce csw. Deposit 100, easy tenns. T.

II. IIARWOOD, a Few Yards Beyond Tram Terminus, 'Phone. J3M4. LANE COVE. 'Phone.

(il NNLDAll, js above. Gloii sonnrior htiiit VIM. A. 11 rooms LANE COVE, TWO MINUTES FROM WHARF ous view, river front. Land loft 1'iu.

TJYDfc. favourite pleasure reMirt, 1 liour alanl.v. tbc HiiKy MOST lb and e-ttices. extenslvt- trroimda and nardens. For TjVjEMINfiTON, CLOSE TO STATION.

J-1 CONVENIENT FOR BUSINESS MEN. New Doutdc-frout BRICK COTTAtiK, tiled roof, hall, 3 largo rwiiufi. Kitchen, and offices. Sewer. ONLY i)i55.

OTHERS, FROM 773. INTERCOLONIAL INVESTMENT LIMITED, 4 anil CiiKllercatrh-street. near Huiiter-i-trect. Olflre Open Friday Evenings till 8. TTA11KRFIELD.

THE CJARDEN" SUBURB. tJl.Mr OK AHLK Olid SOLID VILLA of 7 ROOMS. Miinurn, close to tlordon lo proioaeil railway. 1 1 acres young orchard, tibro Collage, t'l lavrm, yur'U, LX Must bo sold Oils week. Owner leaving the -ui iour, -J I.M.ii, GARAGE, LAWNS.

GARDENS. An absolute bargain PRICE, CHASELLNG, and Maitin-place. D.F. BRICK COTTAGE, connr. 3 l.n State.

An opportunity to secure a Charming Home, in a high TjQbiUon. 10 minutes from tram section, one minute from motor 'bun. Double-fronted Brick Cottage, fdute roof, i rootns, wide hall, fibrous ceilings, large bathroom, (separate laundry, gua and fuel Klovca, tiled (rout verandah, Ironite pattia, nice rooms kitchen, tile roof, jra stove. Land J2It houses lor lfiuu, i.oioiiy oroouers, 'i incuimton, cnait-1 ioxol. Excellent FumUicd uuLter, 'horn-, cart, harnesM, plough, harrow, hnple- I ami on beudi, shoti, trmn vrrlr .1 nients; takings 15 wceltj tonus.

P. FOG ARTY, iiT7firrrVit Dxfom VanCBrookvalo. t' uVe'l a vTttZju? Ife 1 3-cre Fann, within 1 mile tifTLFvTl'iili lll.r Ef slalion. few young fruit trecf. new Brick Cot- r'SilfL'' ta7e.

verv uttrntive dt.igi. containing rocim ami 1 offices, telephone, Prh-o 128.5. dep. 25, biirgam. NGALoW, anl If nnd rent 5.

I price and terms apply to owner on premises, Yeriongu, llowden-strect, Hyde; or BRUNTNELL and BANNKRMANV 72A Pitt-st. BLOCK OF LAND, 180 180. Torrcns Title, good position and outlook. Price deposit 20, b'i lance BltUNTNE LL and BANNER AN. LTD.

72 A Hi tut. ABSOLUTE WATER FRONTAGE, Hunter's Hill, over 200ft, with Dwelling, will Exchange lor central rcnt-pioduclng property. 7017, 1 1 erald. SYDNEY, 20 mina. from city.

Block 60 iiw WJ.1-V..-.1 1 UAbAALK AS REST. roottiit and all ottices. Fleen-out rnranduh. well built. lawns ami nower oeus.

1005. NEW D.r. HRICK UfNOALOW. through hall, fine rooms, kitclu-n. linen nn-M.

iianirv THE FREEHOLD OF RAILWAY HOTEL, tH'NNEUAH, being Lola 0 and 10, Sen. 12, 3rd SSper, cor. Tempest and It'itlwny streets. OLOSE TO RAILWAY STAT10S. I.ARCIE BRICK BUILOIXG, 2-STORY, Containing 17 Bed roomi, 3 Parlours, Pining-rocm, Stables, etc.

SUBJECT TO I.EAHE EXPIRING 1st 1023. BACON and COMPANY, (j US XT. OA If, laiind fiO bv JhO. A Uanrain at 1373. If this docs not suit we have others from s00 to 3000.

modern convenience, two flreulaves. TERMS FROM 1 150 DEPOSIT, 5 SI ANTON and SON. LIMITED, Bt'RUOOD BHlfl tram, opo. Town Halt. Hyde 301.

LliGE LAND, ONLY 775. WUXOUGHBY. 100 D.F. Brick fl large1 roomb, all land Co IQ'J, T.T., cloee wet Ion. BARGAIN, VW.

AVILLOCGIIBY. 30 dep. Sally Brick Cott, 4 laundry, till con sewer, close section, C30. BALANCE 23, PRINCIPAL and INTEREST. WILIaOUGHBV.

75 dep. bnv Brick Cottage, 4 mom, kitchen, laundry, bath-room, sewer, LOVELY i'Otil- KURWOOO. Main"iiscs witabS'ftjilfeC WorLMon. Hi. TARMLETS, 5 to 10 Ac, clcc lo ilccp-waicr -l.

'lorrcns, new lence a wuta, cxcceaingiy easy OTHERS, 25, 50, 75 DEPOSIT. F. W. EMERT (late D. W.

Webb and Son), Real Estate Agent, 04 Ramsay-street, Habcrflcld. Right at the tram section. Telenhones. C'147 and I' Jill 1. terms, nnd verv rhean.

J- frontage, spienoiti r-iearfi tor pioniiii; easy 72A ritt-tt. BRUNTNELL and BAXNERMAN. lenns. Uir. PERMAXEXT WATKR, hplentlifl dairy LEIC11IIARDT, 100 DETOSIT, 100 DEPOSIT.

SOLID W.B. COTTAGE, vers front and rear, hall, 3 baUi, VEIIU LE 1 ruin, tram and gimps Price. 525. A GIFT. ANN AND ALE.



New D.F. Brick BUNGALOW, faithfully built. There are 5 flue rooms, laundry, and back ver-nndah. Electric light throughout, gas and fuel stoves. LAND.

40ft frontage. Motor Entrance. TORRENS TITLE. CASH OR TERMS. land, half mite from nation; small I'weHuig; lbv terms.

VEROX. 121 Pitt-street. Tl IOR N'LEY WARP and Ourlotte-st, A-SIIF1EL1). tT Kalthfully Built Itrick HUNOALOW. on aolM Klone If convenient telephone for appointment, 1 kitchen, ttc.

eanim-. fnr BAY, -Very Fine Cottage, bargain, main Au-ti-nlen Kniaie. RIVER WATER FRONTAGE, as) XT A ESB 1 1 liua, ULUhli IK AM. Si. before htivinu- pInAvIiofp.

shnnlil i.e sonrn rt, i roomtt ana omces, ei. itgnt, no mi mnii, 1ONDL- Uuni. Cottage, 1 montti irota Nm. aci-cn, 'JHX1 fruit trees, o-r. stone foliage, run Torroun, good order, very large yard (lawn).


4 large roottm, Excellently Imitt. Most bnmtitul fir rsli. Electric light, alt ofllces, select street, nice surroundings. Handy to tram and shops, 30 weeklv repayments. Price, from W.

A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR GENUINE BIT VERS. NORTH SYDNEY HEIGHTS, 850, Great Banntin. Well-built D.F. Brick Cottage, 4 large all WRAGGE, Gunnedah, Solicitor to Hie Estate. -U mi! 1...

dm litii'n u-ni i-il-o Hue (Iiiirj- farm, bails, yards, etc. No of Ihcc Uurgiiiiii. FOWLER, S7 l.ondf-r.t. at IVi.Vivi!. fuseil w.

liosli. I'ti ting-si reel, niv, REEKS and ONI wcif'iSri. ly furnL-hed. Rc'ddential. phuin imjii.k, tiisou, ohi.

years, o. n.q Inspect to-day. Kcunewon and D'burat. SflO Wtn. "IJOTTS POINT.

VERY FINE IN KSTAfENT. -L LARGE 1 1 -ROOM RESIDENCE. 4 FlaU if re-duirei). tncludinir all Furniture, ltlv Ipavinsr AiiKtrnlln Acr. 150.

TTn-tlWER-CROWING for 2nd Section. WBlMiehbjr. 'Phine. Riiige mid Pout IUA Pitt-i-t. uffrf.

facing the i.ark, select street, standing foundations, tiled rouf, containing 4 room-, kit-then, fruTit verandah nnd rear a.o. verandah, iml all including Rath-heater, Oas Stove, and Copper, Electric Light, Land 40 150. Torrena Title. This Property will bear any Jiispecliuii. E.

M. PERCIVAL and H. H. CORRIOAN, AuctjoiK-en an 1 Rest Aurnt--, iilouchhy-road, W1LLOLGHBY. Ph'ine5.

and Jgip. -3ANi)WlCK. TERMS; 75. U.K.

Cottage, dev. 4 rooms and kit. i-d Llui-k. Handy tram and shops. AND WICK.

TERMS, Rotidi Junt-tion. fe Vtx COTTAtiE. 21-wm. ck-sc bench, tram-, mid mikrr, iv at once. A genuine ihn tot.

Houso ar.d w-ll back in nicely laid out inirtlftis. DUNNE and GREAVES, Turn Trrminus Clovclty. can BI'XGALOW. I it ml doiirn. liejutifullv finish.

flMIE LAND COLUMNS of the HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE. ITwn lines (almut II 2': Saturdays. t76.1 Motor to Inspect. niort tan remain. sen tbis lo-lai will h.i.l i asi ur.itJiH.

Ci), everv' convenience mid art craftsman flntt-h. lead' KEX'XERSON and Larlimrhurst. Sftl Win. CRAMER laime Coye-road, SYDNEY HAIL" Trum.sTOXi: i-aiik. ABSOLUTE SNAP.

light windowti, contains 2 brdroomti, large living-room next io i-twi-omce, urow -ietu JLMMER llll.l., f. MIX1T13 STATION il Suiierior BIUCK Bl'XO M.ll", haviuir 4 rooms ir.i,r; aim mi.n, iimi nr.ica. vii-; hill heigh i. Uu vyt garwe. Uo-iMe 11.: yr.

UdTu; al! mot I. nmrt tc. fn champion the fanner and keep his interests to the fore. A HOME Ht AN INVESTMENT. TON.

Bungalow, 4 hath, pun- DOUBLE COTTAGE, rms. and ofih, el. light, nice iranlen. fenu-ry, g(Kid order. Freehold, Hi75, rah bal.

ten. KSNKRSOX and kitchen, nnd all otIUes ELEC. LH.IIT, GAS, and KENSI try, EN'SING niurinmrtii, niLviit-n vu uu'i, uaiurooin, ior-cdnin 1-ti tli. latimlry, gis caliper, cement front and return and back verm tiled rojf, de eetr liciit. leanliulits.

luru AND A DAI-GAIN AT M-r PEIt WEEK. MCWER, nice lawns gai'lrns tc Very handy po.s-tion. PRICE. e50. TERMS.

tram, land 33 140, at tte5, terms. Immediate hay, im. a iving fi inw, uiriingiim WW m. Ftglied and hulll under architects nnper. Iriiou.

Land A cry Compact WM. 4 and poj-fcsiion. NEAR ftTATtllV EXCELLENT CORNER POSITION. rju iiwooD, OiiiJy HOUSES, LAND, FARMS, WANTED. Two linea (about 14 2: Saturdays, 28.

HNSI GTON. W.B. Cottase. 4 rms. and kitchen.

PRICE, 750. 100. UVll P.W. mdetidld ordor, contain! ig front and iinck TorronP. Kxcelleiu portion, whleh ii Lcdmonis, kitchen, binmlry, electric! becornin? more valuable.

Price a' tonu ii tin, giiruen, vn. eiuniiif e. 1. liANDUlCK. 1 TEK.iy, m.

to Let, for few inoiitb. S-ilt sajall fuA RENT ivri.rsn AJ-ELTKAL BAY HEIGHTS. Overlooking Unrhour. FOR SALE, Nmv Brick Bungalow, 3 ruunis, kitchen, electric bath, land 44 120, fine position, near trutn, easy ternis, (30. Deposit.

Bain lire prr week, principul and Inteiest. A DUYLIt waiting piry. Farm, in Illawaira hmidy A GENTLEMAN'S TUODERN 2-STORY HOUSE. ir.iu r.iiihi.b sii'l 0.. 103 Ulffrt llgllt, gUJI, etc.

l'USIilO. liuht, fuel stove and cvpper. Land auoul Ji no. Torrena. lames Wilnoii and vay An-tid-, Kocadal-.

h. LAKKMBA. near station. W.B. (oltoce.

4 rooms 11 rooms kitchen, and nil ofncts verandahs sleeping LINEY und HULL, opposite Station. BlSINEsS SITE, 4 lit 1 .1 I ISA and CliaTlotte-rtreet. ASjii' i'-mji ramiiy Loitagc, oi 0, i-lied, fowl run, good yard, ulii'jle entrance, c. and n-wer. RAND WICK r.STTE ACF.NCY.

RELMOKIMIOAD fopnosite Rfltidwick A UIH 3l wm, Torrens, 17d. and kitchen, land 50 150, at email deposit, balance as rent. out naiconies. i.iecuic ugnr, nrst t.AKA'.r,. LAND about 100 VA.

OIRNEU lleiui- TKS, Temm. New llrlck Villa, 4 rooms, Cyril rc lar'p ktovp. AT ome, W.B. Cottage, Uiii dialrii.t. in or out of 0pP.

Dr. L's Rcdence XX reWir. for buytr. W. u.

SMITH, Estate I Donble Cottage Rcsideiiw. 8 rooms hithmii AgwrftCatcrt.ur. ikiRlien. siorer-om, a entrance-. laimd iW 5 USUI 1H'.

H' pi HXI deposit, balance easy, Trice 780. A hi t.r.MMl" BUI. tifiil gardens and lawns, Imrliotir Iews. D. MURRAY and 34 Martin -pi flee, Sydney.

B3517. EURA. Builder's New 7 min. XVDE OR CLADESVILLE. iitrw-, 3 6'.

It 4: irl .1 li 1 1' 1 u. 1 'J in mm 1 1 ii, i i h- lew el.4'l1:. iii iii'Mw In lilt1 jit: 1 'Hi mi in' -tfo'fti! 'JJUYKR wants Farm, suiiable poultry, orchard. jtiWUblo for ho.pital, Ifiar-Uiij-liooH, rj, We -an Build you a Cottage on Savings Bank iiou-'p at Micm cor. convert'! tit.i?.

Land cn Ijc subdivided. Further particulars applv B4S19. S1DNEV RAPEIi, SS Martin place. -1J towards links never, let, conif. charm, views, rvrc bath.

Laud 40lt I'rf'ft, Torr. Od. powu L1DCOMBE. Hrick and tile roof Cottage, 3 pantry, t-iuk. all Ilrjt-clasft- order.

J-md OOIt l'ft. Torrens. AUDUHN, 6i.i, 05 6 per week New hriek imin. 2 large living kit'ettc, gas stove and copper, ev. conv.

11 VElt wailing Pitrelusc up OFlianl or' PTj.RCY ETHELL ami VA YHUittti A HOME CA EASY ll.KSl. (On. 110 DF. POSIT. 000.

MOnERS BIUCK COTTAGE, tile roof, built aioiit 5 containing frvit and back verandah, large fUining room It), kitchen, electric lieht, gut and 'fuel stoves, copper. Land lSJft to lane ut rear. Torrena iwii'. 4ac ut cany. E.

and H. McCAUSLANP, Ry.Ic Rule and Cladeavflle. Hunt, ,:05. Brlt-rt ILL A. i-outg.

4 lg. bmndrv, ETn stove. Ijind 41 140, liandv to MO. A UIIU It D.F. W.n.

COTTAGE, gocd P-oins, laundrj-, bnlbrooui. niie nllotment of land, lo min. ctu. Price oidv Would let at 20'. AUBURN'.

Dmwilow of li targe rms. and pore. ennm. bath, gnu and fuel lgc. f.o.

vcraus. Land 40 l.W, 7 min. stn. AMBROSE WEHHKIt. 4S mid 50 Auhum-rrvid.

An'mrn. -s- I'ouitry Viirm, withm i n.ih-s of Sydn-y, up to' ia. i I.RHL I.H, Cottage, partly tun, tt luO acre-. ui to 15'W. ca-Ji.

betlancc urraiiied. I iwwk. Mrs. Iidlpriv. snug nns, b.r., shed, swing, ganien, immed.

poaics Sin. 27 Gamer-av, Marricktille. Pet. 550. L'EURA.

r.irt Cath. Church Craig, end-st, 0 ml os 6t.n. Luta, 00 170, gd. inil, 00, XJYL'E, N. Modern Bungalow, li mins.

sUtlon, 4 Collage, 0 jS I rp0 pos. llovre, ftnttrlrA r. opp. maiion, iKisitlou, near Parramatta-roaiT. 1 EiCtlHAKDT handy rooms ind laundiy.

bathroiin. large veran dalis, good ground clec. light. Price $50. Easy terms E.

and 11. McCAUVLaND, Tmui, opp. Town It.vde. SOL LINDSAY and INVESTMENT. 101 AGE, 0 rootiif, large vaid, fc Ar Hyde FUimato.

A- Now vacant, immediate possession can be given. A Natty Brick Cottage, slate roof, contalnimr hall. 4 TIURNITURE FACTORY, no rua-k. but containing '11 Ganierjav. Marrickvtlle.

Pet. 50. ELMORE. Fine VttTx 145, near high Lot, bet. school and cadets 41 Iim.

l.W. Terms, 27 Gainer-av, Mairi.kvtlle. Pet. 550. SB FIELD, ft MINUTES STATION.

xuii pariicujars to WATKIN und WATKIN, B321L,l:l'li:,'''i- (ILOVIXLY. We hmo a Buyer waiting to" inspect Collage, 5 to (I rooms, up to l'isi. to SLADE, BROWN, and BLOOMi'lELD, 115 IMtt-sliect. CASTLE HILL DlSTitit'T. Buyer, good Brick Cot-luge, 0 large loome, offices light, one.

complete 'set of Machinery, comprising 24ln planer sih'ield. Only 4 minutes to station. hakhim.i,t iv-n mii if ii cio-j I in ii.hnuiii.-iir i't QMJICll. 4 rme Lil rooms, kitchen, unit, room, mmdry4 in ilrt-rfiita order A SI IF throughout. Splendid Valim, -20 for quick 1 -Ci 1 p.m..

.1. WIIHams. 12 M.vra-rd, Dnlv' I PR a OAi Excellent portion. Great Fuiurn "alie. Prcsriit.

rentals PRICE Wii. only 2300 caeh required. A SAFE. SOLID INVESTMENT. It.

WEAVER and 7 Bllgh-strect, Syluey. PIU-TTV' MOIlFRN lUH'llLE-IIONTKO hlllCIC COT- TiANDWK'K. It ANDWlc'K. PRICE ONLY A M.R-sTANfLiL BRICK MUSE, tlate eon. R001 ami inicanetscr, joiner, nanusnw, jigsaw, i-wing saw, croskcut saw, ripsaw, spindle moulder, borer, grinder.

MindpaHr dr'im, electric motor, timher racks, benches, Al tines and fixtures, office table aod clialra. and Ii un XV WORTH L00. i 4.irTfl ft tthop. well llghled. pij I 70Ooul.iiru-,L fiflf, I ie e.

low rent. Ijf.ii iiii.iii 1 i.ifc.MMi..M, near i-arra-Inalta-rotd. Pair of Double Fronted W.B. Cottages, 4 rooms and and 3 moms and in good order. A BARGAIN 575 TIIE PAIR.

A PBIlrtt. HOME. Contninlnz 5 lartro and loftv rooms, kitchen, wide "IOT water, JO acres or mora land. Icrnif. Ssnd pait.

icining 5 rooms. Luetic: iti g.i- and all oiiii-e. IN FIRST-CLASS ORDER THROUGHOUT, (ioo-1 block Of land, vehicle entrain e. Terns can lu arranged. EARLY INSPECTION AD TAGE.

4 Ma. reo. The 'tc, 1 .1., tnu, luoJr ti Broleai, Iloiner-it, Lfih did! of tip-to date furniture p.itlerns. Sltuatol at Alexandria, in the heart of factory centre, 2 min. 400GEE.

tiled verandah in. front, EXCEPTIONALLY WIDE IICpCLI. COMPULSORY SALE. BRUNTNELL and .11 AN NEB AN, LTJ. 1 1 kt.

TGE, Just ont.alniig tiled front verandah and pathwav, 3 bedroom, dining-room, breakfaet-room, kitchen, lllel batbroo.ii, libroua ceilings, leadlight electric lirfit, power, flreplacen, aaa Btovc nnd copper, linen panto'. Land 40 140. Torrena Title. AN EXCEEDINGLY ATTRACTTT! HOME AT AN ATTRACTIVE PRICE. LINDSAY and Chariot te-reet.

ASH FIELD. and vu, rarramatta-roart, Petprsham: nnd' Tmm Tennln-w, Five IXtck. irom iram nup, i.irnu ooor uhcc, Finau rcoiai oi A SKASinK HOME FOR 1C00. Ho-jmj, 3 unf. r-oma, suit Apnly letter.

Jjiues. Ilavituriet P.O. Except tonally well-built and attractive Brick Cot VISED. HEICHWAY and HICGS. THE PROPERTY SALESMEN.

1VIUMMOYXE or D11 rict. Wanted a UoUfe to Rent, willing bey furniture, genuine. 471C, Herald. T.ttO HUNDRED POUNDS DEPOSIT. CROVDON, 1.125, TO STATION.

i1LUVKLLY Nice Home for Sale, 4 tf I liiahed, opth UI.117. AS II FIELD. 11 01 renting I oltago. occaa mi, I DEP. 25.

Cottage, w.b., large yard, handy I citv. 47 Dedtord-M, Nowtnnn. I tage, SLATE ROOF, contains Drawing and Dining ll'ioma connected, 3 Large Bedrooma, Kitchen, OftYen. Well-appointed Bathroom, with Heater. L0(-CI Verandah.

Well Stocked Fernery. Beautifully laid-out Lawna and Ganlcnu. o0'n e. BACK and SLEEPING-OUT VERANDAHS, Fernery, and Motor Garage. LAWNS and GARDENS.

THE WHOLE IN PERFECT CONDITION; gas stove and copper, e. light in everv room and on veraud-ilis, THIS -MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECl TED. JOHNSTON" and Ocean House, Martin -place. BARGAIN for the Newly-wed: 55. New S.F.

Brick Cottage, k'ettc, bplendidlv liiiistted, L. g. stove, fibtoux ceilings oak oermantel. 100 deposit, 25 week. W.

G. b.MITll, jter 5 jm. lease. oreasonahle offer refused. Anply J.

LEE, 'Phone. City 17U-. 11751. 410 Pltt-strcct, Sydney. II OS BAY.

This Cottage woiild "not' suit the up-to-V date- Uomc-huuler, but would uppeal Immediately to those in wnrcti of a comfortable, well-kept Home, with a nice irarilcn uf flowci-K, fruit, and vegetables. Living-room opens into dlntnir-room. hruiikfnut-room. SHFiELD. UXIOUE BUNG ii ir built 5 vears.

bv leading rlLAREXCK-STHEET. FIJOR, 10 W. ill I DULWICH HILL. Wanted, up-to-date Bungalow or Villa, 2 beUrwmis, dining-rom, in first-class ii rcli it tot, 1-efit position, six min. Summer Hill Afh- ences.

raiss. hdj noods a.uiaule in I an i.ii. ai.uw contain! Uf.lJlUMMls, DINING and RKEAKFwr kitchen, bathroom, pantry, linen press, electric light, gas stove, sleep-out verandah. NICELY SITUATED. NORTHERLY ASPECT.

DO NOT DELAY. URINO DEPOSIT AT ONCE. 2 Cars. CAPPfl and BUCKLER, The PKoriatTY ti in fikst-class order nn. win (million, about 1000 clt.

C. II. GLEEbON. c.u. rneo.

i nT-fling, un.I Martfn nji 100 DEPOSIT. mid "tunon. on neimns, cuiiuuiih ruuuif, iuuu tmui-room and kitchenette, electric light, bath-heater, lawns, Btiuwl any InapreLion. BLINDS, LINOS. 1NCLUDLD, lAI-E Drcmis.

aviiltW -I ONLY -1 WINS. IK AM AX 7 MM. CEACIL ie Block. lntu nuul.

rniC lis I una. garage. l.i'iiroonifi, klU'lienette, Kcwt'tnge, easv wulk to iram, FihooN. clcj. OWNER LEAVING FOR THE r.btaie -geni, t.aniermiry.

G1LBEY. 412 Oxford-wt, BON'Dl .1 UNCTION fist Floor). U1401. CROYDON, orai. TOp Entrance tn Station.

nnweeti lliintcr-st nnd Mart in-place. Vjanderfleld aiid Reid, Timber Glebe j'olnt. EXPEltiENCED Duiry "and 1'oaltry Fanner wishes to Leuie Fann for cash, or on aliares ttocked preferred, references. i)7aflleratd. 2500 AcivR, lovelV WlToat Farm.

Eipdty 'WW, for Subiitbim Fmperty, or Farm, or Hotel BALANCE AS PER WEEK. COUNTRY. INSTRUCTS ME TO SACRIFICE AT 1300. 150 DEP. 35 PER WEEK.

"PONDL IOOK1 1W DEPOSIT, 100. ')i)iJ. Splendid D.F, i jtrii'k Dungilow, new, 4 rootns, e. g. stove, hu 1 iiAMKi.i.Mi, and 81 Martin-n.

WHICH IS BEFOUE-THE-'WAR VALUE. reilinifv. lovelv hiuti DOhition. viewf. for hiiIotJ.

lieatl- PRETTY BRICK HtTNCALOW, contains large ATSWOOD, handy to ww.t. Vtf otlli-cH. Just coimileted. lho-I. liio TtnitiA I FIVE DOCK, MINUTE TO TRAM.

tifutlv ilctciie'l ami nmsneu, ana win siann any m- ROOM IS flirt bedroom 16 13. THREE bed I' LEWISilAM. For Sule. ut a bargain Price, -2 m. or P'mntla-rd.

Magnificent Modem D.F. Red brick Cottage, best slate tiled conLiiiis5 lovely rdbms, hall and nil cutivs. Elec. light, art. ceilings, real fireplaces, splendid order.

Jovcly lock of laud, cur ent. Garage. Lane at rear. Vacant tf.S4.ssioii. Ritig Peterrham JIK0: or call and inspect.

VIVV I-. IM.I I,..i,i Ront ner week. II. M. Carter, WA VUl-tUA I See J.

F. liEIRAX, Dover-road Section, Roso Bav. 'Phones, F7128 nnd F7111. Best ttuippel Property Properly. Mrongly ni oiriniend.

for vourseif. Bahinee U)! week. spectinn, HURLSTONE PARK, Amongst Good Homes. dfiwsit, nnd ao' week. 875.

Nice Biick COTTAGE, lta'd, 2 bedrooms, dinlrg and breakfa-l ea. 10 12, k'ette, electric light and power, leadlight, fib. cclK. gas stove ami copper. I'mcelain bath.

A real nice vard. See to-day. HUHLSTOXE-PARK ESTATi: AG XCVopP. Kalion. HARRIS Bk Cottage, 5 L.ln- tilp roof.

tuth. Cedar lin and fix l'lti-fiireci. SMITH right at i-tatioi, Cmitprlniry W. li. rooms, breakfast -room, even tern, tubs, gas copper, high position.

I.LEC, LKHIT and SEWER. Seleit locality. The LAND, i'S 1U0. Price, ONLY inw niKinci. Munr inspect lonu.

U111 ana rKh.SKS 10 i.M, FACTORIES. WAREHOL'SIiS. SlIOPS. EXCHANGE, FARM. BS rnek frontage, and Cot- TONDl.



RAH and CO RS PRV-street. TttlftJi. tiled Irremis-cs 10 to 6 to-day and tomorrow. ABSOLUTELY 11111 KY.KT HRICK COlTAGES. alate roofs, BLR WOOD.

BURWOOl). Attractive Mmiern I'USOALOW, brkk, tiled roof, 2 halls 2 ROOMS, and offices, etee. light, gas stove, PERFECT ORDER, lawns garden, MOTOR GARAGE, EXCELLENT 1450. ORTON BROS. -it the Station, BURWOOl).

vi-ratidahs. each 4 Targe rooms, -kitchen, and i 1LOVELLY. rlo-ht nt Tmm uti.l .0 AGENTS. ill) to 12.iu. hugh TTi'CrNISIIED Coliiige wanted, N.

Syd. adnlLi, X1 good tenants. U'febvre, 14 Alfrcl-st, MiiMin'e Pt. iv-hed. Specially well buiH, good condition, 3 min, rail.

REDEI'RN. SPLENDID INYESTMENT. Suitable fine Rnanling-lnuse or Private Hospital. lawns front ami n-ar. ioi.

SPECULATIVE BU1LUEKS. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Miimivp S-storled. Haiconied Tirtck Kesnlence. snlidlv N-' Funikhfd Cottage, 4 rooms gas, elKtt'e ft I Hnori.

cutlerv, 3 mor.ths, rent AI2'I2(I. I CLOVELLY. New Brick Cottage, I rouw, conKtructed, slate roof, contg. 14 fine rooms, cedar IU- imnr Park. EXiVlkLli Nearly i-ncre Uind.

with ubsuluta water frontage t- TalNFlKLD, Elevated, attractive. 10.50. Half eafli. A l'INE SELECTION everywhere. Call on nn.

CO AT EH ami 14 Ciust leregh-street. 'I'lh. ABBOtSKORD. M5, 125 deposit. 30 week.

ii fOTTAfll-' i fine rooms, kit I WANT to Buy aa IS Eb'l MEN near lo CENTRAL If I.V. STATION, up to about 2UT0. LJ Mod. Rose Bay: tranw from city slop right at door. Large BUNGALOW'S, HEAL COSY HOMES, for ury, gas, cicc.

ngnt, aay, new umuure op. DUNNE nnd GREAVES, Tpun Termiim, Clsk I Xiti UAl-iM, UAL. AS HEX T. nrlrk. tiled roof, 2, ball.

3 785. tingH, Kttcuen, launury, oainroomn, goon aiiotmeut, Council' valuation, 3000. Owner mieriiicing at 3150. ARTHUR H. 272 VICTOR I A -STREET, WM.

Rff. DAHLINfJMURST. IbniMj or Cott. 2-ntory htilldlng, 1j rooms, easily converted Into 0 S.O. Flats for lei-s than 10i0.

Plan for converting, can bo inhpected nt thia offii. Price, 2400. Free WOll If ROOXrS, FACTORIES. OrTKHS, I AM BUILDING THIRTY OF THEM ON THE ONE ESTATE, AND THEY WILL ALL BE SOLD SOON. Applv NEW BUILDINGS, CIlOKER'S ESTATE.

ON TRAMLINE. FIVE DOCK. Leave Five Dock tram two stops before Five Dock Hotel. chen, every mwleni convenience, it's a tnap. 1 IN Cily, Glebe, or Enmore-Xewiown, with stable.

In. or noni nunc MANClH-lSTEIIf1 iutlfrbtM I ORTOS BROS. Mo'or to Insnect. BURWOOD. Price, partlcu hu offer you several omen at uargam jars, to F.C., P.fL hold.

W. SECCOMBK, ttoj Pltt-strcct, Sydney. new 1 min. L'pool-sL GoO1b and pats, I W. J.


mi l-'i. We have 100'. lor Investment in F. muTvii i L- i nv station. OV I.V atAS.V escape, power, etc.

Rooms a) it, lnwn 1 2ft 4 ft. 18 30 ft. Mod. rentals. Aoulr QttttM I iTURSTVlLLE.

haii.Iy BRONTE. PRETTY BRONTE. Beaut ttul Home, De-HghtfMl Situation. New D.F. Brick Bungalow, A lame RecenL Rooms and Hall, ft bedrooms.


P. TAYLOR nnd 'Phone. R2521. 0 O'Connell-ttrret. IWiCit; MOST SELECT POSITION.

PRICE, 1205, TERMS. MOST MAGNIFICENT und attractive Mod. Bungalow, 4 verv large rooms kitchen, nep. laundry, BUILT IX THE VTEST DESIGN, lovely lawns, laud 42 110. THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN.

WV'T- X0! SiA "1' k. R. BARGAIN. MUST BlT SOLD. J.

New Brick Bungalow, 4 large rooms, fctpllc lank. Und 72 230 ft. Torreus. Only UUl1 gndM ACI'ERMflTT, Pitt-st. Btliiii c-i'rii i-um rash, balance at fl n.c.

mnms. bill rltrht tllrOllgll. HintlSTONE PARK. A verv tastefully devigneil 3 Brick BUXOU.OVV. and one of the best ever built.

xi w.b. i orr. on nremlses; or Managing I Euirka gas front anil evtra large hnck veramlali. Und 4u 140. SCHLOEFFEL and PAUL, opposite Up-to-date llatlirooni, 2 Verandahs, Motor Canute, HOW ARTH, CARDEN.

and CROSS. 23 MirtlnjlW I Xai" FnipTi Mniwit.g pno-l return. 1DEIS nnd MucDERMOTT, tet PiO-st. Bj.l-W. LONGl EVfLLE or "'lAXE LOVE RIVER.

4-ROOMEI) COTTAGE wanUd bv GENUINE BUYER, up to illW. PEU4-Y JLSURPE, JPItjUrtrwt. WA RATA IIS AND BOIIONIA IN" PROFUSION. A PICTURE OF liOVKLINESS, Beautiful Mounljitn Lois, 22 no fu, right nl station, Only 5 each. Pay off Hd per week, no dejiosll, no interest.

Send for a plan. H. IMUTCIIARD. "Tlic LnnilialNiiun." 17110. AUBURN.

CROYDON. D.F. SHOP and DWELLING, flrst-elasi biiri- position lease. Stock optional. Suit 1 ROY DON, Sft DEPOSIT.

Spacious ample room leniiis Lourt. rernir. Ocean and Beach Views. IHnuto Tram, ,1 tn Surf. PRICE 2000.

flood Term. MURRAY and UV Macphersnn-street, BRONTE. WAV. HS7. 'ost-otlicc AXXANDAI.E.

Brick COTTAGE, 3 large rooms, andab. large rhed, buck entrance, ii75. tturuiml Pnd.nfiVe. Annlv W.A.P BALANCE PER WEEK. COMPLETED, MODERN IX TVOCTORS CONSULTING ROOMS, UwatM I t.i.-TL-ueii ii itiiic.

roTTAGE. rooms. MOTHER am! Daughter wantixl to rent a Cottage, imir.rn.. 5 min. any ferry.

Bon. Uitymnrket P.O. -LAND for Sale. TariKRIllILLL- adjoining Chrstcrton Owiier must reali.e, and this lovely' little Home Is to lie sold on the following easy terms: Full price 005, deposit 100, bal. as ent.

Amily HEATH, MA It LOW, Rnd HOE, Estate Agents, 1 1 tlrosvenor-crceenl. opp. Station, SmnmerlIIIL BONDI, iBONDL AgentT of BuyerB' rlng'or write. HAROAfN INVESTMENT. Pair Ooltiges, pick position.

Rents 14 per week. Sell one or pair. MUST SELL. A. MILLAR.

174 New Canterbury-road. 1174 Petersham. EUICK BUNGALOW, containing rtwms hall, kitchen' rite, puntrv, lutlmiom, porcelain liath, wash bafn( OADDINGTON. Best Residential Area. J.V Flats Chn and til lint tifitin nl -s.

UricK Ketiluence. 0 rooms. Oct. laundr.v. i'unhnH, IIoiie, t)-8 to 2200.

iews cafh. Genuine, Box 017, G.P.O., city. stt.ii nil cnblnet. 1pikIii llirlitrt. lllfHi Colliige, 7 k.t Unfl 70 190 ft.

lf-Oo front verandah, II Nortliern Sydney suhurhs; 2 minutes in ferry. and nllices veranuans, gjw, RTI'M) 151 Norton -wt. Iichhimlt. opp. Theatre.

Fl'FRSHAMi Holid Bk. splendid order, 3 luilL all 2 verandahs cement paths. Moffl Its-chambers, 283 EllubtUt-slrHL DI-NTAfj SUITE and Large Workroom, OrousJ R. J. MERCER.

02B Pitt-ittt DOUBLE-FRONTED COTTAGE, 7 roomi chen, rant 370 per wctk. Option Lino, elc rtlti las niirnknaaut fann. munn Innltf ft I tO sleep-on bnl. Ulai(pil-ln verandalis. Oarage.

Laud Fiiceiilng-oiilback verimdah, tlhroim coilings throughout and MAODERMOTT. 0 Pitt-st. MOSMAN'. Wanted to PiiRhaso, about 1760, moderate Bungalow, about 5 rooms, good position, liar. b0 iui to Jane.

Torrens. unxi. (toft frontage avnltahle for building on. WALKER CASTLE RE AO U-ST. B02U1 rrouiage uuraoeiiy-bi uv ihiic orop, then tapering lo to lano at rear.

Total depth, 102ft. Apply lo ClfARLES P. TOM, EvcrMnetd, Mtione, North M7. Klrrlbilli, North Hvdnev. "VTORTH SYDNEY HEIGHTS, 80 min.

Circular oiinv. i Pre-war D.F. Dk. 6 rooms, offices, TENNIS fXURT. fruit, flower, vrg.

gardens, Lund A ACRE. bour fide of iloitiiun or reuiumc. owneri coiiiraunt- only must sell. NoAgenta. MARRICKVILLE.

handy position. 4 mins. tram, train. New U.K. Wk.

6 1. hall, nice "HJll. llern'd. sUeet. Uairlckville.

Owner will be In itlcoiuciil 2 o'clock, Tuesday, Oct. 25 I WKINEVILLE.HOUSE. 4 rooms, kft, 1 HURSTV1LLE. 5-1 DEPOSIT, HURST VI LLE. In thli most delixntf'il Miburb.

bandv station. -vTiutTii il mtK 1. riHiiui-il fotlflirc. to TO-DAY. -pOR SALE JN Will give Land, 151, as depwIL J.

C. OHU Annlv to BRAY llniih, o. 1., pai. Prcttv BRICK BUN-iAIjOW on ion foundations. 4 grand rooms, 2 tile I hearUis, CENTRAL BATH, UAH Apnly o'clock.

41 Matcoim-st. and 11IA Pitt-slrcct. ii vSltl. Lnntl o.x iao.i. i.

i-xnuivri nevn BON'DL A modern Bungalow, smart appearance. rnltt-ninu finish, 4 good rums, and all olllcea. Situated handy tram stop and beach, with electric 10ULTKY or MIXED FARM wanted urgently for BRICK Cott4ge, Banksumn Ltne, nuns. room, close.1 back L. eonv.

STOv ami ltllngs iroUgr.out. 3.J. GEO. Tl f'KER. Ksta.3 Atrent Pcnshurst.

Kuff. 00. HORNSBY. New Brick -aud-MIc OOTTAtJE, Jiim com-plcteil, mid ready lor occupation, 4 large rooms, kiti-htHietlc, gas atovc and copper, enain. bath aim) lav.

basin, front and rear verandahs. Mission fliibh. Ijimi 50 150, elevated position, under 10 min. railway. Price 1025.

denosii 425. Intlatiee flxpil mortgage. DOBSON and DEMBRK'K. 100 Wall. HORNSBY.

ill din. ttnd sftt rm." nleo ti.j5S FALCOXEH. f-OEHRKCK. and 1HS PlTT-STw I genuine buyer, about 1" acrea, with good water Turrena. No rensonahle offer Sole cgenu-, A.

B. HEX'DERSOS nnd 50 Royal -chambers (2nd fl.vir). Hunter and Castlereagb streets, A GENUINE SNAP. ToOKr Took. Took.

JJ EXIT. Rockdale, Arncliffe, Carlton, and Dh-trlct B. Bungalows for Sale, from 705, deposit -0. MTicliffc. rreUod 0 vears, D.F.

H. stone foundation, slate roof, 6 large rooms, high rw. nandy station, sm denoFlt. AC, O. IT.

electric lights, power poults, gas stove, gaa copper. lulu, sewer, ai-phalt patba nt rear. Ijwnn i icclv laid out. Nice Block of Uind. Torrens Title.

KVad'y for occupation. limpectiuu invited with your oi'n architect. This I a splendid, chance to secure for yourself a Lovely Home, nicely situated, 8 minutes station, 4 ii'inoten tram. 1 minute motor 'bus. Leave motor 'bug it rorner of Ijimr-st and Parmmntta-mud, Crovdon, BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER AND BUILDER.


Anplv T. BRIDGE. Builder, Slioit-st'pft, near Lang-streetC ROVDON. EHTATE. NEAR SKC THiX.

Natty Tmkpointcd Brick Cottage, Hall. 4 rooms waMihoiise, pantr', linen preui, Eire. supply. ull particulars to TIIOUNLE WARD, and Tl UHLStONE PARK, fi(jb, Ileposit 100. 35 VVk Terms, HHl in wcea.

rrvv Acton and lignt, power, ami uain-ncaicr. a. unto, HAROLD BRAY, (Wov. Motor to Inspect. BON PI BEACH l.lianoi ie -til rei-i.

iMinrm, i Double HMPj recep. 4 garage, modfiBWs! T51I0DE.S. 1 want to Buy a Cheap Allotment ot XV Land at Rhodes. Partlful-irs and price to AX mins, stn, and built year. Mod.

D.r. brick, tile rL, .1 good larw boll, fib, cc fuel stove. Worthy immed. inspection. WAmtl'iiTOX'S at HurUtotie Park.

CJTA.VMORE. STAN'MORE, rEADOWBAXK. Level onnr iiiock, j. 31watcrr minutes sintlon, good site for at iw, per easy terms. GALE, ACTOR or Store.

A fiolden UJii'i'i, niraxuneio wi gus. wk. Aiso nrewy onnu. fl gns. wk.

J. n.jrhatirjdL T.v:, IAC'IORY FLOORS, 18 to 20 thoUMiert ,1 Melvlu and Acken, 24 ParramaltaArMW Biiltiilmr, Vi looj huge floor space, 13.115i.ft, extra hitrh Building, alxiul unit, windows all round, ONLY MINS. TRAM Oil TRAIN, P.R1CK COTT ACE. contg. hall, ii rooms, laundr," nml all SPLENDID POSITION.

fonting Harn'w Pet. 7123. C4TANMORE-r STORE wiititeu, falrlv large, ground noor, central position. Full purtlculnrB Box 1810. O.l'.O.

Det. D.F." R. COTT. 0 conv A Site, near beach, over WW, 01 road, Torrcns Title. Price only 1175, TERMS AUUGD.

ctiivo. motor s. ml. onlpr. 105n JTI IAACTUltv, uroumi loor, anuit, nsij all week.

J. T. Wall and 62 PltlA nt Flier, well Haldol nittl ventilated, electric light throunlioiit. Vacant land on side 15n 1-5, and at front W0 US, galvanise Iron fence li.ft. hiirh.

Freehold title. No rens. fiffpr ref. .1. l.e 410 Phi C.

at toJoaU-- i AMI rrfmlntre! Apply Owner, 330A Cast lercaglt. street, city; AXNANDALE, Imndy to tram. Brick liom, a rms. ami lioomv Cottage Rcsldenee required, close to Stn tion, mutt' have at leufd. 4 bedrooma.

Price and full riionc, i.iiy iik io. Blocks, total fttft fronUige; price Itt'lit. niii clove, hack mule root, tueii ColtSRe, B. a city Flat vacant. Braha jljgyB' New, well-null t.

modrni jTONDI. 3 mins. trim, surf." WTr ypll-dle'l SlcTtTFICE7D.F. bk. Villa, ail Oi5.

Mrs. tJI'lVn. Walena- Bk. tttagc, I mis and 650 cash. Owner.

jW-ofnce. Ni own. each 8Uft 15, lacing Minil-at, near station. 75; will Exchange for War wm. Ciirji 1 iNVf STMENT, NOItt" KYDSEV A7v Ing tif ceo.

net. MarrrdnVenl Block of New BrlA Brick RUNOALOW. 5 lze. kitchen. A.r o.e.

a rhtai: aod Jvogaraii. imn ruiioi-p, lano at rear. tuill irjo. ier, 'tPy. pri nbont 40 IS, eKell.nt llrat, X1 1R1 l'arranutta-rd.

Annandale. 115 Pltt-Vtrt'ct. bylney. inn glove, n. l.i., uep, D.

RITCHIE. rflO F'matbi-mid. To'. 02X DOUBLE BAY." Pretty fi-rnid. Cottagiv near tram.

Rnducd fr sate, nnly 2i0 cwt-h. Edged -Iivelv modem 8-rmd. Home, Darling -n-niid. Home, 2500. J.

D. THANE, E'g-rliff. ndjet. P.O. Edg.

615. DECEASED ESTATE. and Dwellings, In one lot, on tramline, al) let wtrnv.CTllVP.T. nt train at train mo ROCKDALE PROPERTV-O" NERS. Mop.

1000: 5-rmd. II noBROYO POINT. BEAUTIFUL PANO- on Ie4e for yenm nt 2-tm prr annum. Rales pav A MIC VIEW uf tin River. UNli, 50 LV, all able by tenants.

Liberal ternis can be arranged. Apply level, and fenced, Sin pi-r foot. A. I t. s-saall lli.crtlllli I have cncms pwjnmg propcriy 10 ine va.ue Il'LHMSIICIl COITAHE to Let, ererjtbiM noun.

(iendlJi-iti ttjaMI -lioosuSi irousK. opp. kfj at. city. Owner there at 12.

r-' Corner Cottage. l.w. W.V laundry, cleo. licht, nickel heater leadlight windows, doors, MOTOR ENTRANCE, BEAUTIFULLY fln-M-i-d. land H'ft 157 It, Price 155i.

Cash ROiVLIX Bulldrr, Wolnrol. BVjion'li. Wav. rti MANLY. For design, workuian-ddp.

and daintv flnic'i this New D.F. MISSION RUNOALOW, containing Jm 11, 4 "ice rooms, offices, 2 lendliirltts, gaa stove, I cxccrdinglv good value at 1450. W. A. VETTIT, 2 MMrttn-pbice.

1102111. OOD Block of Und, 223. 0 min. to station, I XGLE-VroNTED Wi'iithcftward "Cottage, conlaliilnir be Iroons. dlnfng-rooin, kitchen, lAundry, and SNAPS.

of 750, 850, lu bricit pieferred. and lioar stn. let us have pars, and statn whether terms ace. lmnvd. Inap.

Aip. curly, .1. Wilson Rockdale Propty, TriimwTy Rockdale ANNA X'DALU. COMFORTABLE HRICK COTTUiE. CHANCE FOR RETURNED SOLDIER.

('OXColfO I-X-- D.F. T.ll. B.C.. 4 Kith EieilHARiiT. Owner, on premises.

21 on prcm lintlirm. combined, land 120 40, 7 mins. iiuticr. 48 St. Georgo's-panide, Hurstvllte.

IJICIIX. COTTAUE. Chatswooo, Ji't Ice. imnittds, min. W.

B. 5 rooms, e.l.. gas, Bridge streets City Roscvlllc. XVd.K. Brick Bungalow, I'oiiuui, kitcien, wardrobe, near tho tram, Brick Price 4fio.

II 575. URGENTLY rent, imrchuse, part tenants wait. Grill 1111 it, 50 D.F. W.B. Cottage, 3 rooms, Innd at'Eo-uo'ck, liinimcK fjjlj X1 4 rooms, kitchen, all 8 Entlr'J lANFIELD, THOOKVALE.

Elevated, glorious views, 4J acres, milRER Fine Building Sltcfl fono Block), together or separate, total fnmfnge lfttft 2W)lt, filcaied anil tciierd. w. and min. Wnliroonira 35 4(1 150. ca-vb '0U.

App. 143 Btn-woud-rd, Enfield. ANTED, 6-r. Cottage, Pctenliani, Diitwlch Hill, 17 F. Buss, Sydmy .1.

STKAll. Heal lintato tl" ff Tom'ns. 8 mins. from station, in Bromboniugh-1 S. W.

SHMtMANjRiide 100 and tmlPii'c rent, nrw, llepim. COLLECTING II KM in. uiey meat, t-mif uro tifivlnir vour money uwjv.for nothing. AXNANDALE RtIDFIl, INVESTMENT. LIVE IN lot the ntlier.

Pair Brick Cottages, each 4 -oil's. ML, in lnutitul order. PRICE 1250. Slate Mv.f. tilel M-r.

ALLAOHKR and HA.LETT. font for quick sale. M. McFadyen, nr. Wahroongn Hopo-st.

Splendid Allotment, 50 TTATOOMBA, iroorn. kitchen, tasiigiit, built. I LAND. 00 OA RACE FOR TWO CARS. IMI1CE, "50, DEP.

150, itt PER WEEK. flEO. V. WjiATHWlll.l.AdifteliU nd 113 Pitt-st a Vooiiik, tank, hot" water. BOWRAL.

Teiinii Court. 20 acres. or Exchange. XV 21H, 1011. F.

Basa. 63 lynne Arcade. TANTED to Rent, 5-r. Cottage, p. Dulwlcii VV Hill or Peteniham.

MMJ, Herald; TAY ROAD of 2 Flats, well The Walker Plnn lias neipeu otuors 10 nuu uui ANDWICK. LIBERAL iiouiiium-. a I1 Power, and basins, auto, lilt, JJJJ 1 I'lllCK. CH.VSKl.ISn. iltvl ii-HSSSf IJMjItNlallKI) Cotlasw.

i ul i aurf, 3: 0 moiiai, piano, PJJI ''Fl RA 1 in.WKll HILL. Superior D.F. Brick CotUge. -s' room, ti-s-. e.

inni, '1 l'V8IUHtUi1l, 1 spnrioua moms, pantry, good lurbo'tr view. Live in one and let the noier. Uulw. WANTED I'urcintKe, good Shop, rd or Hill prefd. Warren, Beaufort -at, t'roydon.

llircliase, Shop, or Illll prrfd. Warren, Heaufnrt-sl, fnydon. nhfirmlntT Bungalow. 4 rm. and fc ette, el., gas. wncoier 11 cm neip iu. THOMAS W. WALKER, hom*o Building Speclall-t r.ld.m-chnmb-rs. IB Pitt-street, Swlney.

DJ2 11 II iff; HE HHiff; 7UNTHHOWL. HELTIIY. HANDY. close tram, blcc'. land, select locality, good povltlu: 1050.

HORSMAN, Bay Boad. iwit. mTTAOK. 3 rooms. itTtdien.

laiin- PRICE. 200. tove, vnc, beaut, lawns, v-n lrt-A i TtwT nnd a.A llclnmre-rd. JrJL. 80.V.

Henihl. irniaMM. hers. Hon.ll Huiiip. nwifctaiice If Cl.t1-..

TV Vhll nwn ntfwu of IOfL aiiv we will TiTANTKIi, Cotlaxe, 4 alwut Uedfeni. buy Winds. Ia3i Uoreliend st, lldfn. blNk. fruit tree.

eg. garden, -to. tTEALTHV f-NAP. Only ii mins. X1 hull, mltitiiPt from tram.

In excellent onler: 2 Fli-st-chiH W.B. CVttnoes. 5 1 X. Ded-l-lttK. Iloom.

I Ti-UBN. Minntei to Station. onn itncs tTAHRIS PARK. MTKEV. Estate Anenr.

PUNCHHIW It. I Siation. A coiy, well-huilt W.B. Cot Build you a Home without DtfosiL If your Und is in country amall deposit required, and Daklng House, Rawaon-place. Open Thursday 11 and fl bathrooms, kitchens,, 550 V-7 i.e'cn nAiiir imitidrv.

and bath. 14 vcram prtco 7i. CRAIG. SMITH, nnd DOWNING, Fam- X1 TS'ANTEil to llent, furnUlitd or unfurn. IIOI1HK, VI fl-7 m.iniK.

.1. 2U3 yinloria.stj Uirlinshurst. n.XrJS ttmtl.41-4.1 j. i. Utter, In high pOHition.

and In spletiiHd order, 3 1 lLNCHBOM'fi OWNER I'AYH LAW ifWTS. (MIssl K. KUMMERTON. and tt00. matta-roud and ardlgan -street, ampertiown.

smart VILLA, tistefully fitted and tlnlshed, a Ut pantry, imtit. on ver. i-unu hu, tlo. mtti, InteresL ATi-vvTni'V eif. nmimlt.

10 Wklv. 2.0 Anua rrnai uignta wo cioca. WlSB fiWrXLlSfJ ofTlUHT I.AII0S "fSn'il 1' as three flats, ill the mo.t .1... .11.. nv.Mkl,, Pork and Btatiun.

Ill TTnwtfsKKKK.HM.--We build Modem Cottages on easv il Brick Cottage, 2 vacant, 425. half cash. FRED I1ROWN and npn. Station, Ilurttvllle. dabs, all elevated land, ttom trt build another cottage.

Sacrifice i75, Terms coiwkc. TtROn-x Jrrnmtn. TlnW "EDGED "INVESTMENT PROPOSITION FOR SMALL OUTLAY. 8 Floors, eontg. 14 oftVes.

imliirooni. linn, gas. nil oinccf, etc, 1'ltltt 75 deposit only canh reipilred. fl. II.

AITKEN, E-tate Agent, PUNtJinOWL. VlXti. PRICE LEFTWICII. Station House. George-st, llaymarket.

F'ESTMENT, 20 p.c. Terraco Propcrtv. Torrens. tn pcrf. order, splendid rents 520 p.

a. Only 1000, terms, 1000 cash, bal, 01 per cent, 4 vears to iL terms, principal and Interest, lowest weekly payments. Suburban Home Bldg. 82 Pltt-strcct'. WANTED, for cash, liiock Land, between Ifockdale and lemiie.

Urueiit, L'raklncville furchaso, St. Leonards, llrick or W.IL I'Y tliVI dep. Wlinlmore, bl Mmmt-at, North Hytl. Hvnt, filiop, suit, boot rcpaK, any sub. I Write Ilradley, 2w lliley-st, rent.

uuwiwi ences. ncnt 010 ner ween. BIUCK HOUSE, fl rooms, ur-r HI PA tit. A Gsmrine BARGAIN. 07.V 1UNCHHOVL.

For Mountain Air. PnnchltcwI. run, spain giio iixiorM-sir-'ei, A GENTS, Take NotlM My Cottage, Rail way -av( li all let, lea-ea: JiKASB neariy POHITION. J- UoOcrn D.r BRK VILLA, IOKAI DL Nice, comfy COTTAGE, 4 rocr and 100 per aim. Pncrlflct 2B.

THOMAS and KINO, onn. station, petomnnm. XI- sold, .1. O. Major, Wnhrooiign.

1 1 (l'l nABERFH Hungalow, 4 large rooms, balh. hashX; elec. light, tiled fireplace, gas stove. ni'it'T, tiled verandah-. Torrens, 50 150.

motor entrance, open vlewf. Best B-raaln In dinlrlrt, 1050 Applv 22 Walker-aven ie, Ilabertleld, PUNCHBOWL. 50 DEPOSIT. DEPO-IT. i DEPOSIT.

noms, verandahs, gas and electric light. CRAWFORD. 85 PHtalrect, city. South itandwick. one stnn past J.J largo near Iram, shops beach, Absolute Iim oi'.

A Hlockfl l.sntl. eacn vra. eievaten. 1 llawjntii.chsmbtrs Itawson-pinne, wf TJftOOlT, m6A f.S,"wry fine wJKsi suitable Mlllkwrr, any bualnes. dejlroua of beliiif In I In-emler ulionpln, position to tin.

'). nje-i' lillliXTXKl.f.'.nd nANXEtlMAX. I.TPiSiJya TiTlUIINIKHED. JJ It mi, to ii'ft. Mali.

LtieViinw. Lnkcmbn-st. Lnkemba. IOW PRICK, DEPOSIT 50. O.

II. AITKEN, rflbtr Agent PUNCHBOWL V7SOH, WTtfAtHFIELD IliTll, close't'o'T rnm and New Brick Bilft.ilow, tile roof, (lliro cuing, I Bargain. Ring wav. tw. SltOYDOX, i10 dep.

D.F. Brick Cottage, 3 rooms, kitchen and aide stable, 720, 15 STATIONS, yAEMS, AND STOCK. (Two lima (about 14 words), 21 Saturdays, 20. WANTKII, "a Clean Cottage, lor 2. A.H., 100 AlbloiislDarliiiitliiirst; WANTKlTlo Buy, House.

State firm, and land, P. Aliercromlile-st. Hcdlcrn. WANfLI) Iluy, Dlock Land, small Poultry Hun, faikeniha. or near district W45, Herald.

Il rARRICKVlLLE. -Wcathernonro lounge, ism ami plaster, flb. 3 sen. laundry, i-athroom, art mantel, In or.ler Irnil 40 120 Torrens, 525. A Heap.

COHEN nnd FIXDLW. 40 Iltawnrra-rd, Mnrrlckvllle, next New Picture Theatre. PRETTY RED TILED HUNG LOW, 3 room. OOHK PAHK, i-rtHi. House.

4 mm newly renovated, In perfect itm t'fllhrwmi. 2 s.n. veramlihs, PHCK. ONLY 550. nwwnv.

w-w. ll-iliK ui. It.l.I.e.. M'Vr'IIIIOU't TViiiniuiVfl fllaif. A i rooms, uaiiiroom, enain.

hath, inn. tnl' ln e. and all readv for ocruimMi.ti. 775 order. Gift, 750.

BUTT, 14 Crown-street. VV 1 acre a-nitiM. Mild 6 larze rouina. romi imiefi, city waler, 1 acre lnnd cultivated, outbuihllngM, 37 well-built' D.tte.1 runs, 141)0 nnnliry, ANDWICK. Dep.

Bungalow, i. Ige. 7., nftlco. el. light, gas stive, cor-per.

I2.0. ceptlon nioirj, etc-. 1 fj nent. tsjtl nu.ler5!.l but. Ml week.

XEAI.E. Broad wav. Enflebl, 1 li t-f ii" iiL.imrru" i ESTMENT, shows 15 p.c 4 2 2 W.B. splen. 175 can remain, 64 n.

Vt r.v,m- rlV L. land 4o'r nice nr. treni, CV-0. Wall. 778.

J. Dalgalrn's, Hamp-len-nven, n. incubator, 9 nrnouer. rnaitoutter, cotn-cracKer, nlnualis. 1 irardrn tools, 2 cows, 2 homes.

2 Kent, Unf. Cottage, 2 or 3 gar "tr" lc- xaTg N. I'll fljorge-st Went. WANTED, Rent, UnfumisEed Oittaga or Half, any. where, Western Suburbs.

Genuine. P.O.. Enfield. nno t- p.c CLARK and SOX. no fcninore-m, r.nmorc, to B.

Buiigalow, Hlc Mof. fllirn' d-n. 050, terma. 1 Edgwllff-rd, Hllnvua i Hill wm.

Lit nnd nil in.wl I.ll. rxtinnaiTa Vf Ctim r.amwn a tnnnt flnnniiiivllla New Bungalow, erected suit you, cl. beacii, lovelv views, small deposit, '-250. T. PENROSE.

Frenchman's-road. Randwick. 1020. rarta, fiarncm, in. flrst-clasa locality, close to IV mod-rn.

ef. iiHln, ex7ptlonnlly cheap, 710 XtlRiiT FLOOR, over comef 'MKt0tV i FOR title, frrbamedrick "House, tcrmt tfh. 4(1 Helvolr-H, city. schuol ami store, nl miles 22 city; 1200, ilep. uintug one rwm Open for liny Inspection.

Can recommend, im)5. 1 11. Villas, 4 JLM7.1, fiHIW. Hendrrsoii, 0 Martln-p. weekiy incntne.

wi rpner ruysireet, t-orner i arKos-st. T. m.s. Ready In 10 daya. iii.

Vlllii7TT COTTAGE, 3 lnrge rooms, 4AM1SIE. 50, bal. weekly, or will take il.l.l. hal. rasv.

tllllSON la rlleli WANTED, Shop, siilUblbootB, busy suCurbTApply Shnn, Knmoro P.O. enclosed Micony ana IOR Sale, Block Uml, 40 100, 3 mins. itatloli. Apply W. P.

Parson, Fore-st. Canterbury; light, moaertto rant, ,7 yifllijtwrtg. I.VlYK-Ai'lIK KAfiM, with irooii" llomei i 340 fruit trees, vctf. willd up-ti-dnio Cot- nntnr mr. New Bungalow, 4 largo kitchen, rl.

lighr, large yard, W0. M. MULOAIIY, 100 PoL loll. i nuns, KUia. Kenned v.aveniie, Betmorff, r.rti.r nron'iway.

un 1ftfo. 1 c. Henderson. 0 irt.lti p'. large mocK or innti, i 1ET ERsIIAM.

17a. PET EitSHAif ri pw-r DAWN, WANTED, Cotmgcs, In or out of repair, must cheap, cash buyer waiting. W. LEFTwICH, Ei Cottage, tW by 137, 100, terms. RrWnl, rrtlBtr-st.

off Nomian-st. A OR. 5 elec. llghl, V''T. 1 of 'fl.

Iml. S3. 'II wK -Brick Hnngilow. r. EtCHHABDT.

BHek COTT, OOGEE- Detacticd Iniiidry. bath. and wte flgenc. niaiion iionse, ucorge-st, 10 mins. Valtarn Htn.

8 Rk. Coltagis. 4 1 cash; imtiieMate 7 O'Connell-sl, jjuoons, rortsTonAW. FACTQnv pinrost8- LEWIS WIIITrV. No.

01 l.l.-s.I. liri.h i ottnge. slalff ff 7 iio.kin,,, (., n.mVflowu. c.crv nmi large kitchen, laundry, elect nu 't urir.i..L-" slon. Annlv P.

BE A HAN tth; lixet riii nil tage. 0 Isnre rooms, Dniai oiitnulldtntre, netted mns, nud all wnrkliltr nlant, In (rood lorallty, clo.n to Ih-hool, 18 mile, rlt.v: CKiD, termiOmsON IJIlUHtAlll OlicTlAlll) Pl'loi'KlftY, 121 Ma roil. 10l treey, ehlefiv citrus, xt.ll. t'ottaxe. 0V.

6W. 7.tfl. Leslie, nailara. on gas stoves, nncg on sionc, mr t-i. mm v-ji.

TAi-rr. tl.Vl. Terms. FINCIIEIUS. Taylor s- WANTED to Buy, Brick COTTAGE, 3 rooms and kitchen; ternui good deposit no agent.

TO English-pi rcrt, Cainpenlotvn, I ghl. gas t-Unr, etc. Built nlVut 3 Jears. I -n. tiiti i.v iflV l.rm.

Ooltago. Rose Bav. bsth- I.ATO()nA.-lo1(eVn totlfirr, select 7. tenns, Iteplv fat imp) 1 Bnty-st, Nortli Sydney. Tlirre Mlimlos Station, dianiber-'.

mrn'-r OtfoM and FHnder. sts, Darlitifthiirst. ifu Mnrloni llrick llongnlow, 7 roont'. a1! Im ft llcl.i CI 'I'hmto. It ami llKtlXJ pimtry, rl0i mng trms, small nop, nar- 4 rooms, nnd shed, horse, fruit cart, and cnls on nrrni.oi lu lo I, jURRY Mmp, yard, iJtablci, offlcM, anrage.

tekphone, elewted posillon, pear hamuli, drav. jonti nrn-. tools poultn a tnllee tram. TRICK CiaV). terms.

cash. Cmwther and Ocean 34 Martin-place. IOW: I U'EnFIELIL-TO lNVETORS. W. Ilrl-k A ill nns.

Land il 130, clo T. and T. ONLY I0V IIRII and Iti ski.i.. 21 3. Pn hln" TANTED.

Block LAND, handy Iram, Kensington or II Maioubra; Torrens; each. Apply Dolphln.street, Bandwlck. VyANTED to Buy, Brick Cottage, Vrooma kHchrn, mlL fact or win oner. rtuxr IIHOlK tottage. 1 sep.

ga 11 Krtvos. el. L. nlc rtoe tram; rn.s. 1 Ft-'ecHfTMid.

Bellovne Hill tram. 1 Mid. Be oviie I tram. Ham and iveacrt, i'ricc nit-r mil ironi 1' Wo hare still 2 Moon hot eTceaa and nn-lo-dsl. MWInj.

-J. nA MiihwlaU ls. alert Ho BgM 'V waii) Sf v.itrtl r.irim liioT lir. "rnUiiao. 4 etc.

2 halanc. easr. I)K( IHF.I) 11 MIGA1N. SLACK and IIW'MI, imv 1 II EE, mitnites walk from D.l lIORHlH 1 iiioane-st, Mimmrr Mil), XJ 111I11, Irani, rluap. no Cam, Anncaley-st kw Kslale Agents, rnrramatta.

-V H. foltaae, I kilihm, Inuiidrv, 1 --vnVn T-nA 1 tnln. from stn M. WADOKLL, ltandwlclt b.O. ample gfcommcdatloii for I UnnA.lONO.

lo Acres Orrhanl laind, 0 rfOTTAGE, bridt, .1 laundry, bath, handy Kj r'wac, iwfi, Walker, 90 Vlctortfl-st, Uwls'iam. jtMt deec. Torrn-, -inltie nn.l inimni. A "A nrrni il I11111 rl Hon.

-ST. ALBANS, 7 rooms. KllPiieii, np-n U. M. Etlnmnds, niui, -Intloti.

Arncliffe. t.1VF, Brick COTTAGE, 4 rwtns, rrniien, nninr.i. ,) Tiint, fternoons: no nt-rnls. oercs eleared, 225 cltnis bearing, 'i am, neaa, Tl in-i, oynrinw. jwiw, iwvihwi- wt.

to Puruhnae Block of l-and, oTIerile, fTos to ruruhnao Block of Land, odenle. close misiT.n from a swes. iwVsirrt'MHTriKht, glor, views, ni. tram, level, lrPiuifi, 1 corni TortrtiMi quiclt t-aie, i tram or train, nud within 4 hour of Central P-'nmuars -J VU ft, Cremornc. YKM10.

Mombi-n-road, Mosman, Telephone, Y1802, Station, cash, Iraduanian, Newtown Post-ofllct), SA MnriM-et, rorner block of Lund, 1 00 J- no- vacant, convrnlencos. Veiy Tj IAIAIX', near Town Ihill. latr Brick 500, i 1 chains 250 good positioti iiolnesK, for null, very easy (erm iirran-ted. A bar- fK WW, Fl 1 11 1 ,1. ii tiM t'0fJi, bal.

ttuv, J. Wllrv, 70 Pltt-st. 1 osT No 1 11 nnc ard -st reel atcr 00. gitin. LONG, Lancelot-id, min, linuiH, shops, aud tdioul.

K-l luge, chumt. house. U.s Diggen. Dugoul, Manly tBW'" vur)t IV.UUIIUULU.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.