Harry Potter and the Mother Who Lived - Chapter 191 - Gracques - Harry Potter (2024)

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The last course was finally over. Ron sighed in relief as the bell rang and everyone gathered their things around. Some quickly left, probably eager to enjoy the weekend that just began and to be done with an infernal first week of school. Others took all their time, as for the first time in days, they could actually take their time and not rush to complete homework or arrive in time for the beginning of a lesson. It was as if someone had cast a curse on time itself for the whole week.

For Ron, this was even better news, as he could finally look forward, without thinking about Divination, Transfiguration or Herbology that preceded it, to the try-outs of tonight. So he rushed to the Great Hall with Harry and Hermione to quickly eat something before he had his shot at becoming the new Keeper of Gryffindor.

It was because of the astronomic quantity of homework they received this week that it had been hell for Ron. They were still lucky that Mrs Evans didn’t give them homework yet. Even then, their workload was inhuman. How could Ron train in prevision of the try-outs if homework barely left him room to sleep? The professors seemed to all have fallen on the head. They seemed crazy about their O.W.L.s, when they were still months away from them. Couldn’t they give them a break for the first week, to give them a small opportunity to readjust before the year truly started? No. Even those who claimed they didn’t care about O.W.L.s, like Trelawney, seemed intent on crushing them from the very beginning. And when it wasn’t work, it was with something else. Like Harry’s mother did.

Ron hadn’t known what to expect from her. He had spent quite a lot of time around Mrs Evans. They even spent entire Christmas holidays under the same roof, either at the Burrow or at Harry’s home. Ron always had the impression she was a certain kind of cool mother. Being Auror was quite cool, after all. But he had very few occasions to see her over the last year, after the Quidditch World Cup. He wondered if his impressions could be relied on. Did he really know her? Well, he certainly didn't expect the kind of lesson she gave them on Monday. The kind of lesson where the teacher asked them almost philosophical questions. And then showed them photos and movies from both the Muggle and wizarding worlds, all displaying atrocities like none of them ever saw. Apparently, she had done the same thing for all years on their lesson. Only the first and second years were spared from the movie on what they called extermination camps. This meant that Ron watched the whole thing, which caused him wanting both to wretch and cry.

When Ron had asked Harry about this right when they left the classroom, his best friend had been surprised that he didn’t know about the Holocaust. Hermione, on her side, had been literally outraged by his supposed ignorance when she heard his questions. She said it was totally unthinkable that he had never heard about this massacre. Ron didn’t understand why she was in such a state. As a matter of fact, he had heard about it. He may not know much about the Muggle world, but he wasn’t an utter ignorant either. He knew there had been a huge slaughter during the Second World War in the Muggle world. Only, he was never told exactly how many people died, or how, nor was he ever showed any image of those… atrocities. And many other students were in the same situation as he was. The lesson became a topic of discussion for quite some time, opinions varying from outrage (some students claimed it was inappropriate and unrelated to show them these things in a wizarding school) while other viewed it as a novel way to teach and tell the real things, much like when Moody showed them the effects of Unforgivable Curses last year.

But now, they had the whole weekend ahead of them, and Ron was glad to put it all behind. He sat down at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall and immediately filled his plate.

"Be careful, Ron," Hermione warned. "You must not arrive on the pitch with an overfilled stomach."

Ron was about to add pork ribs to his already quite full plate and thought a second about it. What was to maximize his odds of being chosen? Eating to have energy or fasting to be as light and swift as possible on the field?

"It’s alright, Ron. You can eat," Harry said. "Ginny is participating to the try-outs as well, and it doesn’t stop her from eating."

Ron looked in the direction of his little sister, who was discussing with a group of friends from her year while, indeed, eating. So he chose a middle ground, eating what he already took while not adding anything to his dinner.

"Everything will be alright, Ron," Hermione tried to reassure him. But all she did was increase his uncertainty. When they left their last lesson, Ron was elated, excited, but now his fears resurfaced. The fear of not being taken. The fear of being laughed at. The fear to be a complete failure on the pitch.

"How many candidates do you think there are?" he asked Harry.

"I’m not sure. There are a few. But Angelina didn’t tell me how many exactly though," he answered.

"Are they good?" his heart was beginning to run faster.

"I don’t know. Like I said, I don’t know how many there are, even less who they are."

"But you knew Ginny was participating to the try-outs."

"To be a substitute Chaser, not a Keeper. And I know it because she told us all. Remember?"

Yes, it was true. Ginny had told Harry and Hermione about this one evening while studying as Ron was training on the pitch. It had been like that almost all week. Harry and Hermione studying, sometimes in the common room but mostly in the library, while Ron tried to train to be ready for the try-outs. Harry and Hermione had told him Wednesday after he returned from the pitch. When thinking about it, it made sense, since Ginny did try to be on the Hogwarts team last year, when they organized a Quidditch game against Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. That was when Ron finally admitted he wanted to try to become the new Keeper of Gryffindor. Harry had looked really enthusiastic about it, even going as far as to train with Ron on Thursday to help him. Hermione mostly said it was a good idea, but she seemed to lack the enthusiasm Harry displayed.

"Yeah, you’re right. You’re going to come and see me?" he asked both his friends.

Harry looked amused. "I don’t have much of a choice. I’m on the team," he reminded him.

"And of course, I’ll be there, Ronald. What do you think?" Hermione said. "I wouldn’t miss your try-outs."

He felt both ridicule and relieved. His stress was getting so high that he was forgetting basic things. He realized he had not yet touched his dinner. He forced himself to begin to eat.

"Do you have any idea about who will participate to the try-outs?" Ron asked Harry as he forced himself to swallow some steak.

"You already asked him, Ronald," Hermione answered in Harry’s place. "He said he had no idea."

"Oh. Right."

The knots in his stomach truly caused him problems. He focused on his plate, trying to swallow something that would give him strength for when he would have to give his maximum to become Keeper.

When the hour came, Ron stood up and headed for the Quidditch pitch. Harry and Hermione followed him. He was almost surprised to not see Susan around, since she and Harry always found opportunities to be together between and out of lessons, as well as during lessons they shared. He didn’t ask why though. He had to focus on the try-outs.

Hermione went to the benches while Ron and Harry headed for the changing rooms with their broomsticks. Ron looked with envy at Harry’s Firebolt. He loved his brand new Cleansweep, no question, but right now he wished he could have the best broom to put all odds on his side during the selections. He was that close to ask Harry to borrow his Firebolt for the try-outs, but decided better at the end. The Firebolt was too precious for Harry to hand it to Ron.

Harry changed for the try-outs. Ron didn’t. Only members of the team could put on uniforms. Ron instead waited for his friend, then they headed for the pitch. There, Fred, George and Ginny were discussing together. Ginny had borrowed one of those old brooms from the school.

"Hey, here he is," Fred declared theatrically as Ron approached. "Ready to impress us, little brother?"

"He better do. We cannot let someone destroy the family’s reputation," George said. "A prefect who wasn’t on the team is already more than enough with Percy."

"Stop, you two. You’ll be great, Ron," Ginny encouraged him.

"Thank you," he muttered slightly feeling better thanks to Ginny’s words.

"Well, I guess you must take place with the others," Harry said, showing him the already half-dozen people standing at the feet of the goalposts on one side of the pitch.

"Eh, yeah. I’m going this way," Ron said right away.

"Do you think your mother could put pressure for him to be selected?" Ron heard George asking Harry as he walked away. "Increase the odds, you know?"

"I don’t think my mother has a say when it comes to Quidditch," Harry replied. "Anyway, she doesn’t give favor treatments, like I already told you."

Ron didn’t think it made him any feel better, as he walked towards the goalposts, to know that his brothers thought he needed help to get on the team and that one of the people who may have provided this help wouldn’t or couldn’t do it. He took place in the group of prospective Keepers, talking to no one, looking at no one.

New candidates slowly trickled into the pitch. When Angelina finally showed up, they were about a dozen. Candidates for substitutes at the other positions had also arrived, as well as the rest of the Gryffindor team. Angelina Johnson, the new captain, along with her fellow Chasers Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell. Fred and George, his brothers, the Beaters. And Harry, who had been the youngest Seeker in over a century. All of them were already playing at these positions when Ron arrived at Hogwarts. They had formed one of the youngest teams of Quidditch the school ever had, only Wood being more than fourteen-years-old at the time. Today, they had aged. Four of them were in their last year, and Ron himself was about to get through the O.W.L.s. He couldn’t believe that time had gone so quickly. Even Wood had finally left, and here Ron was, hoping to get the position he occupied for years.

Angelina whistled, attracting everyone’s attention on her. "Okay, everybody. Thank you for coming at these try-outs. We’re looking for a new Keeper on the team, and also for substitutes on all positions. You will each have a chance to prove yourselves today, but of course, only a few will be kept.Now, I give you five minutes to fly and warm up before we start evaluating you. Use this time well. In the air."

She whistled. All around, people were mounting their broomsticks. Harry and other members of the team were in the air first. Ron quickly mounted his Cleansweep and kicked on the ground. The new broom his mother bought for him after he became prefect carried him easily towards the sky. If there was one thing Ron didn’t regret about his prefect’s badge, it was this new broomstick. For a moment, he forgot about the try-outs. He was simply flying and enjoying his new Cleansweep. From the corner of the eye, he saw Hermione in the crowd and waved in her direction. When he looked forward again, he saw another one of today’s candidate rush in his direction. Ron swerved to avoid him. His Cleansweep didn’t fail him, and he avoided a collision. He laughed.

Far away, he saw Harry flying with Ginny nearby. He pushed forward and joined them.

"So, ready Ginny?" Ron asked his little sister.

"Yes, I am. Good luck, Ron," she replied through the air.

And just like that, she rushed forward at full speed. Ron followed her, but Ginny then turned abruptly. Ron followed suit, but she then turned in the other direction. For about a minute, they proceeded like this, Ron playing at following his sister who proved to be quite skillful on a broomstick, even when it came from Hogwarts’ old stock. Ron had so much fun that he forgot for an instant his anxiety at becoming Keeper. Soon though, Angelina called everyone back and anxiety was back. They began with the try-outs for the Keepers, probably because this was the most important position to fill.

"Each of you will have ten minutes to show us what they’re capable of. No more time. You will each occupy one side of the field. Our Chasers and Beaters can try anything on you that might happen during a Quidditch game. Now, to begin…"

She called the first two names of people who would try. Ron wasn’t part of them, so he remained on the ground with nine other people while two figures took off and went separate ways to defend their own goalposts.

"Hey, you’re Ronald Weasley, aren’t you?" one of the guys asked him. He was even taller than Ron was, and obviously in his seventh year.

"Yeah. You are?" Ron asked him.

"Geoffrey. Geoffrey Hopper. You’re friend with Harry Potter, aren’t you?"

"Yeah, I am."

"My sympathies, mate." Ron frowned, not understanding. "It must be hell to be friend with him right now. With everything people are telling about him. And now, on top of everything, we have his mother as a teacher, and it’s already unsufferable. She’s been there for a week, and we haven’t learned anything new yet. I wonder how crazy Dumbledore must be to choose a teacher who spent the best part of her life living among Muggles. Really! They should choose teachers who have some decent experience of our world…"

What seemed to begin with some words of support turned into complaints about Harry, his mother, Dumbledore and everything about them. Ron was of the mind to punch some sense into this guy’s face. But before he could consider the idea further, he heard the characteristic cling announcing a goal. Katie Bell just sent the Quaffle through the left ring of the goalposts over Ron’s head. A few seconds later, the red ball went through the right ring this time. And it barely took longer for it to go through the middle ring. In the meantime, Alicia was making an easy time, doing the same to the second candidate on the other side of the pitch. Ron watched both of them letting red balls go through the holes, barely able to stop anything. This caused Ron to both feel relieved as it increased his chances to be selected, while also making him fear to perform as poorly or even worse. Fred and George also sent them Bludgers, and each of them caught their target more than once. Ron wondered if these candidates caught more Bludgers than Quaffles.

The first ten minutes were soon over, and the two candidates were ordered back on the ground, defeated expressions plain on their faces. They knew, like Ron did, that they wouldn’t be chosen.

"Ronald Weasley and Geoffrey Hopper," Angelina then announced.

Ron felt his heart beat so hard that he thought it might explode. He had not expected for his name to come up so early. Given his family name, he was almost always the last one to be called. But now, he had to saddle his broomstick and take position before the goalposts.

"Ron, go on!" Angelina barked. Ron realized he hadn’t moved. Clumsily, rapidly, he mounted his broom and rushed into the air. Hopper had taken the goalposts above them, so Ron had to take those at the other extremity of the pitch.

"Begin!" Angelina shouted. Right away, he heard a threatening sound coming, and swerved just in time to avoid a Bludger.

"Good move, little brother," George said, his bat still in the air.

"Be more serious," Angelina berated them.

Ron then watched as Katie rushed towards him, the Quaffle under her arm. He prepared. She shot the red ball right towards the middle ring he was covering, very strong. Ron was surprised, especially since he had moved a little to avoid the Bludger, so he had to extend the arm to block the Quaffle. In fact, he didn’t block it. But he deviated it enough to make it miss the ring. He did it? He blocked his first real shot.

Ron also blocked the second shot, this time intercepting completely a shot Alicia made to the right ring. He actually held the ball in his hands and sent it back to Alicia who went to shot against Hopper, who blocked his own shot.

On the third shot, Ron didn’t have as much chance. Katie feinted and scored in the right ring. He didn’t see it coming. But he managed to avoid another Bludger Fred sent him… only to let a second goal, this time to Alicia.

Angelina joined the fray after the first five minutes. She scored against Hopper. It was the first goal Ron noticed against his opponent. But Angelina scored against him too then. Only did he manage to stop her second attempt, but Hopper succeeded there as well. Ron then stopped three shots in a row, blocking the three girls one after the other. But they then scored three goals in a row right after that. Fred and George always failed to touch him with their Bludgers still. Finally, Angelina whistled after Ron blocked her last shot.

As he headed towards the ground, he heard Hopper complaining while flying down too. "They should have given us more time. Ten minutes, it’s not enough to judge a Keeper. And this Quaffle is not well adjusted. It doesn’t travel through the air the same way as the one I used to train."

Ron hoped it wouldn’t be this one who would become Keeper. He only saw Hopper let one Quaffle in, while Ron estimated he himself blocked half the shots he received. Hopper probably allowed more goals that Ron didn’t see, but his guts told him he hadn’t performed well.

Ron’s hopes were further crushed by the two next candidates. One of them was simply terrible, a third-year who only blocked one shot over four. But the other one, a girl by the name of Vicky Frobisher, performed so well that she was obviously the best so far this evening. She looked as if she was born to keep the goalposts. From this moment, Ron lost almost all hope to be selected as Keeper.

This girl earned applauses when she flew down to the grounds after her try-out. Hopper looked furious.

"They got easy on her because she’s a girl," he muttered.

Even Ron found that the words were unfair. The girl obviously had talent. Even her opponent came to congratulate her. Ron did go to tell her she played well, even though it was hard to admit it as he knew he had little chance to win now.

"Thank you," Vicky replied. For a moment, Ron thought back about Viktor Krum, who he used to call Vicky when around Hermione. He began to wonder if there could be any link. "I hope to be chosen, though I’m not sure how it will fit into my schedule. Training is probably going to conflict with the Charms Club."

Ron watched the seventh and eighth candidate perform very poorly. For the fifth duo, one was just as terrible as the other ones. Ron was almost happy to see he was better than most candidates on the pitch. Even the second candidate in the fifth duo showed talent to avoid Bludgers, and in a very impressive way, but he let easy throws between his hands. The eleventh and twelfth candidates seemed decent enough, and Ron thought he might be better than one of them, while the other seemed to be of a similar level, although unlike Ron who avoided all Bludgers, this boy got one in the back on an occasion. As they flew down to the pitch, Ron felt anticipation and dread grow within him. He wondered whether Angelina would wait to train the other candidates for substitute positions or if she would announce the new Keeper right away.

"Vicky, I need a word with you," Angelina shouted as she climbed down from her broom.

Ron felt all his hopes vanish as he saw the two girls walk away and discuss in ushered tones. At some point, he thought the discussion turned more agitated, but Vicky came back towards the other candidates with a serene expression. Angelina then approached them all, with the rest of the team, including Harry, Fred and George, getting close as well.

"Before I announce who is going to be the new Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, I want to thank you all for coming today," Angelina first said. This was usually the kind of things you were told before being refused. "You have all shown talent and determination, but only one of you can have the position. After consideration…"

Ron felt his heart racing. That was it. He was done. How foolish he had been to think he even had a chance to replace Wood. To join the team his best friend had been a part of since their arrival at Hogwarts. To play with the people who won the Quidditch Cup two years ago and who made up over half the team that faced Krum last year. To have a chance to join not only Bill, Charlie and Percy as prefects, but also in the same year become a Quidditch player like Charlie, Fred and George. It was too much to ask. He shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up and content himself with his prefect badge.

"I decided that Ronald Weasley will be the new Keeper of the team."

Ron was so lost in his thoughts that he barely heard Angelina’s announcement. When he realized what she just said, he thought he heard wrong and that his mind was playing tricks.

"What?" Hopper said behind Ron, sounding outraged.

"Vicky Frobisher will be the first substitute at this position, and Geoffrey Hopper will be the second substitute."

But Ron barely heard her as Fred, George and Harry, Ginny following not long after, rushed on him and literally bore him on their shoulders under applauses, as Ron truly realized this was real. He was the new Keeper of Gryffindor. Even Hermione applauded in the small crowd. Ron couldn’t see how the evening could turn even better, but it did. Later, Ginny was not only chosen to be a substitute Chaser, but the first substitute Chaser, making her the replacement if either Angelina, Alicia or Katie was ever injured.

Later, back into the Gryffindor common room, Ron celebrated with his new teammates. He couldn’t believe that he was actually part of this team. Fred and George’s jabs looked innocent now, kind. Ginny and Hermione came to join their celebrations, along with a few of their other friends, including Neville, Dean, Parvati and even Lavender.

"I knew you could do it," Hermione said. "The odds were on your side."

"I thought I was done," Ron replied, all smiling, Butterbeer falling a little on his chin. "There were other candidates who seemed better than I was."

Maybe Ron had been wrong. He had found Hopper was better than him, but perhaps Ron didn't notice shots the guy let through.

"Well, little brother," Fred on a falsely official tone, "you just maintained a great tradition in the Weasley family. You got into the team!"

Everyone raised their Butterbeer and cheered. Ron was probably happier to have been made prefect today than the day he received the badge. If he hadn't gotten it, he might never have become Keeper, not without his new Cleansweep. This was the best thing to come out from this badge.

People separated in various groups throughout the evening as they celebrated. Ron eventually found himself discussing with Harry as they watched his brothers juggling with empty Butterbeer bottles.

"So, they haven't teased you too much?" Harry asked him.

"No. In fact, they've been quite nice. Much better than when I became prefect," Ron answered, relieved.

"Don't give them too much importance. They would have behaved the same with anybody receiving a prefect badge. That's how they are."


Though Ron knew they didn't tease Hermione like they teased their brother. His eyes wandered towards her. She had her back turned on him, sitting in an armchair near the fire. The flames gave a slight golden coloration to her brown hair. Ginny, who faced them, was discussing with her.

"Do you think Ginny might get her chance this year?" Ron asked Harry.

Harry seemed to hesitate before answering. "Neither Angelina nor Alicia nor Katie has ever been injured since we arrived."

True. "Well, with the same luck that I had, she'll get it next year."

"I think she already looks happy by being first substitute Chaser."

True again. "You think she'll become prefect next year too?"

"You want Fred and George to treat her like they treat you?" Harry asked, looking quite uncertain.

"No," Ron said, almost outraged at the thought. They both laughed. "Anyway, they won't be here next year. I even heard them say that they may not have come back if it wasn't for our mother."

"Yes, I heard too. You think they will succeed? With their idea of a joke shop?"

"If they do, they might be the first in the family to really make some money." An idea came to Ron's mind at this moment. "Do Aurors make a lot?" Harry should know. His mother was one. But Ron was disappointed in his expectations.

"I don't know. But I guess they should be. With what is being asked from them. Like for Healers. I mean, Aurors must have top grades and follow a training of at least three years before they finally get accepted, and that's if they succeed their training. Most of the people my mother studied with didn't make it through."

"What kind of grades do they need?"

"Four… No, five N.E.W.T.s with at least Exceeds Expectations. And I doubt Divination or History of Magic… or even Care of Magical Creatures count among them."

"You would be surprised. With the risks we take in Hagrid's lessons, Care of Magical Creatures is a good experience to face danger. And surviving Binns' lessons is no small feat. Even getting through Divination with Trelawney is a miracle."

"On that, I agree," another voice said. Parvati just joined them. "I thought interpreting dreams would be easy, but it is a nightmare."

Ron and Harry exchanged looks, and Parvati giggled when she realized the wordplay she inadvertently made.

"Please tell me Trelawney is no longer predicting your demise," Harry said.

"Not anymore," Parvati said, all smiles. "She stopped last year. I find her quite fascinating now, truth be told. Though she didn't make another prophecy yet. I tried to talk to her about that, but she claims that she never said those words."

Ron rolled his eyes. At the end of their third year, Harry had told them about this supposed prophecy Trelawney made in Parvati's presence, but Harry and Parvati seemed to be the only ones to take it seriously. Perhaps this was why they began seeing each other the following summer. Another good reason for Harry to break up with that girl. Now that Ron thought about it, he never considered the fact that unlike Parvati, Susan Bones never took the inventions of Trelawney seriously. This was a good point for the Hufflepuff girl.

"Do you think about continuing Divination next year?" Harry asked his former girlfriend, who also happened to be Ron's former date to the Yule Ball.

"Certainly," she replied, very seriously. "Lavender and I made a pact to continue." Her expression then softened. "Oh, by the way, Harry… I talked with Lavender during the week. I think she believes you now. I managed to convince her."

Harry looked surprised. "Oh. Good, then. Thank you, Parvati."

"You're welcome. By the way, are things going well between you and Susan?"

Seeing where the conversation was going, Ron walked away as Harry muttered he preferred not to talk about it. When Parvati instead asked him questions about how he felt having his mother teaching them, Ron was barely within earshot. He headed towards Hermione and Ginny, but he was intercepted by Lavender before he reached them. She had a Butterbeer in hand.

"You were great today, Ron," she said.

"Thank you," he said, a little surprised but pleased.

"I'm wondering…" But Lavender couldn't finish her words as Angelina thundered.

"Team, gather!"

Ron headed towards her. When all the players had gathered around her, she talked to them in lower tones.

"Okay, look. I didn't tell you right away on the pitch, but we're having our first real practice session tomorrow at two o'clock. Missing it is not an option. Everyone must be present. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone confirmed she was very clear. His first ever practice. Ron felt excitement growing within him again.

"This leads me to my last announcement for tonight." Her face took an ambiguous expression, as if she wasn't sure what to feel about something. "We're going to have visitors at our training tomorrow."

Ron frowned. Who would visit their training that could cause Angelina to not feel well about it?

Harry Potter and the Mother Who Lived - Chapter 191 - Gracques - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.