The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER SATURDAY? MAT 1000 I ra 8 OR WEDDING PRESENTS HTTZDCUlisfONE AND HAND BAGS INSPECT THE ITTED DRESSING CASES MAGNIICENT DISPLAY HAT CASES WHBBIOilC AID DlMItt Jewellery Silverware 8k AND CUTS' BRIDLES AT 92 and 94 AMP SOCIETY acknowledged their cricket SIEGE LADYSMITH SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE HUNDRED DAYS CEREBOS A IEND RUNS AMUCK Mr THE DUG starve GENERAL CABLE NEWS oiotui ince 4 speech at Roche tine 4 action" Mr Holder ta received trrrrfmnKtouiecnnrtirt of opinion regard Wc tnin Mr KingMoo lam 1 In 1 Iti rtaO ik4 aa bkre distHrmn bort rut bv Kta ht RUSSIA AND JAPAN REGARDED as a menace to COMMERCE AND INANCE tuev to Lpan the limitation sexeril sutship and has NEW SOUTH WALES cwt 17 Stocks in ederal High Court or the Supreme ouru THE WOOL SALES by tbe TTje innuni of tobacco roMtrnrd antra ja after nudrtL with tte albr ndiahitndt in Geraroty and the brilliantly when aBo( a I uifatl btgtra lb and tn RMb ftoder OVERSEA SHIPPING JjfaJfai 11 nd onttaeea and flmd roanv hfaMtngs The Be tout the aid Dapper Put Awn WHAT IS THE COMPROMISE? ENGLISH SVPEaPSOSraATU nrda tats eoble sroroare the Premier Xire ndv SobTL WHfafec aaad be rated Jxrowred There Part Metafile ed The retime PurettMB A Meeks and Water were re elected a pwpect of sore I AI TIGHT TINS 'tfferrme eite between tw equally cinMientKrtairteoi stauwnenwho are aak been made that bv devkarwbon shall be ate Queen's prerngauve tn grant apecfal leave of appeal whitdl stall heexarcisuMeio Mat 0 oa with their victories until they tad ukfl all the rauragr and optrit rot of gfith opponent and tsricJlv exteeMun threc Bank The Hauk ut England uian inouC at gne for the fullest voti vveble devriupnient Urn ktMUnha hove agreed To datwe 5 reiemag the operition oi It Io therefore invaluable in the dally food of growing children delicate mother and all brain worker This dainty and delicate Tabla Sait which la used as ordinary salt with food contains the strengthening and constitution building properties which are wanting in white Bread owing to the removal of th Bran rlndw at a fire Bday and anocaaabed to the wwnei The tand of fare nun hrv iBY SUBMARINE TELEGRAPHReceived May 18 Il pmj got tegtter sad kreptw to th opra veldt a far a pairoAte wm4 after aba do Mrwtitm of he traiaporte sod inmnriwmt plearaat to kam tern th mroreiinairiai auth xe that Australia mppbea were titrariablr up to the that in ome xenoe of staote if Mt reformation left wnre they pat dtefe ftMds the mar ker under a fab oarae The hnefclenug fBY SUBMARINE TELEGRAPHRereived May 18 11 pmj BY SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH! Received Mty 18 11 pm Cnnanli 2i ne Victonai' IKO Jan July 111 View's 1821 3M July 1UCJ NAV4'al3Ju July 1 llfif lM(r i uumtew de tni a to KuMta to I nustmc lx tern i'ootuieflul Ahh at leaat a UrMtib as the Yello ea: hut Com i lajan tkit toe latter countri aiich ha alteadv kt Xigiiabeu cannot vrtable with the Rus: in ILmf istab Lr'acJ within isht if ewte Let it aot ba aaeamed that raa the yoanont or moat mhahtrnrrl of the Dateh spare tear mw to exereiae tew humoura th htearaaht No aaamtr had we SUGGESTION BY THE EDERAL DELEGATE THE COMMONWEALTH BILL MR CHAMBERLAIN CONCILIATORY London May 18 Mr Chamberimn eonulMtory attitude entuunM sVWg bopo of aa amicable re and Eaated the wnoant 1 1b related of the late Dr Hrtbraami different phuaea first the fear oi JuelL next the ter of aackaoM tea the ter of Mar nation while about the hundred days Ce roorth was besnauur to abape iuelf vapaeiy in the fear of Pretoria If dimeter other wwe etarvaaon were to be the ead we knew jut how wwud cotne Soane night DELEGATES NG AUTHORITY TO AC CEPT AMENDMENTS our OoMa pwu were puted nht to the Dutch iwacer every side a Itet we Aould here eady information any ibevanent is forte One sight it ImM Our faculties £or the manufacture of all kinds of Leather Goods are without doubt Timann tw a YTGinrn a ing Ccmmn co sreept onign ment with confidence aa bsia ferth is weigiit and quality all thnt they mfere to he which i isw rare with the meat mure rururt iveh ut up in ndw parte ot the globe In druk there variety SOME THE AMENDMENT Loudon Mur RTHER COMMENT PY MR KINGSTON VS of coture a mirdake Nut eeaai narenw falaf ted pseaed througri enU th aMpt Wai raiacd GBO SU BUT In the middle of ebruary we had an other tire day of unbroken niaam tar Impin' Kxpenene akmc would decid unri wi lie bet: er course aitl lie tough: RIDING A HIGH HORK fjonden Jlay 18 The Bai'nelors' I lab called upon the Dnv to fwward hie resigna tion a a tneniiwr on the ground that he ijcl onv out of hi way to comphtnetri the I'uri'tan lartiA who had carkutured Her Majesty the Queen T'tte Due d'Orteaa liae replied to thi ixMiunumcation He profee profound re qu and gratitude towards the Queen and tlu Roral amily but informa the Bache lor that tbe heirs of kings who had hero vne tanker of rance he retero to hner rench aentunente for English ftoepindny He refiMn to resign Sooth Atuinla Queensland and Tiwuama whrfi have adtgxeri the xt tiUtUon hare been imereed with toe addtowi'And also tetn AtMrah if Her MajeAy the COLTOH 78 Ouxzie St tel Rro A hrjte watermain hurt PstMingtivi aniv and tbe n4am of water wu mS A recent iMtoilier oi the "North Lina that then i a grtwrd feeling that truulJt brewing between aud lapan The former ha lieen hurrying out period wa covered by a Btxr fhril trare ling away from toward RuHer'a foreee and the wand of the bursting shell coming bm agswt over tbe mine grand Twice before when heavy oanmn fire hod been followed by deathly silence it meant the initial failure of our advaore a the hence the dfprewcron and deep anxiety that eame in with the hundred darn Itu eased aoeaewfcat by Kaffir ramew that Hulkr was iL bringing siege train icu ward and we heard drat our friend were re foreifyiag the way as tey cwme taat grand once made good eould never be Ind again however maiSy men Joubert and Bote might throw i between the two British colaMa "We are making it aa nui reiOMble as tbe Ruck of Gibtetae" one volunteer Sth tbe relief edunm wrote bt brother ladywnte 1 hare a gn ot a Thotawnd boys clearing artillery track over the hill and we sbaj all he on rail way repairs tbe moment the wav i IbiB wa the pawinusuc coodiMum that no news meant bad nes somewhai softened The facre of oar cbitG were wetehed a raong men watch tbe barometer on the eve of the Melbourne Cup A unile from Sir Gcorgr White or Sr Archibald treLa heweHdire tanisr It W0fc 4S borten day to supply the garriaoa with resgt ju4 jteto aaa tach of tea eU for the Aippeat badiaase everyday "How do vo Kke hone meat? heiiogr phed our rnewd the emy from ftriwao thumu that the Rier tutedwi to press the stream It wi interty wnneres rery is the cue 1 stress whwh the ntnM viruleu' chemied nM hardly have BANK ENGLAND RETURNS Loudon May 17 liter IL 1 Mr iMarwWt Toia tad buJlm MnMS M74Nreking irerea BSUSe UTCM LSUMT rtm 41 Xg I KoU dtebtM S7Mere SMtoe 1 MtM totie iiigwiu iLterer Otte teowt 4L718W toMtMS U4MtM Cort wrorite H5L0M 14SnWt i Other sesrius I MM4SM LMgatPl SYDNEY Mav 18 Tbe Premier ha received a cable roeMage irom Enlaol xiing cut it is intended to lUindiMv a Rill into (he British aitthnnmu tniKre i invert in tiie ii Mrihe I ftok of ny rei pot rble ukiM Government The nw men'ion? cer tain uBditiMi which nave already twen agreed to by (anada The tivaten (liuri i property tornnd (be ubjert ui a dlat UeMon at t'haple: Huui today when the opinion wa expro by re4iuirm ucMi alr i deputaiiuu ould interview the Premier with 4 'ten to lutiimng rwn amendment id the Lmd and Ineonie lax Aewetneoi At a would effis tuidiv provide for lie cyettpuon irm taxatim of all Lads held in truet for (hunch purpme Edward Lone! King ag two year up set a vfeaH of inuhng while playing be kitchen o' bu parent bouw it Glebe and was severely scalded that he died ten Arne btrtte DlRf JOd T3T9 I old rerehng at Irfi hhardt met a feiritii death today He wa amting himrelr widi oilier liovs of that suburb by jumping tbe foxkoant rtcuu trnk when he missed his footing and fell between the whul which pareed over his neck and practically severed the bead from the body Lieuictunt A Stephens of the Naval Artillery Volunteer ba revived intruc two to hold himrelf in readimrea to pro ceed to Sxith Afnc in the Manchester P' rt as tecil service effiere CotHederahle nnUment oceurrel on thecamer Peregioe to night owing to a drum of wrbnn hesubhid expWing through erwnmg contact with the rteun piper The bumlphidw ignited as soon ut wm set te and (fared amongst othertrum of the some chemical riming thmo explxic and ignite It wa not long be fore lb)trid fire was running te dcknto tbit gturpM and down the ride into the bartew Tag oAuwex of the wee! sxm hod bone al' work and a there wa good prewane of water the dajpggem hrritot k'We 'txrfMirf Hnsus n4 some oetec tck rergn ronfaring of now nf re reuWc 1e btektHde wheebi used re the making of daunforvaute perhap the ten recorded even thejmnorastee tbe Dw owner was killed IB actfcri taring i young widow fog wtare benefit the care of whisky a raf ted by te roremiarernt and it brought £13 A I andon war correspondent won tbe first rix bottles and tel night every fnend hod tua called to pay tetr treonsk Ths winner went into the hoapitel a tew day later ufienng frag nm stroke but there was no smulicancc whatever in the sequence of event THECWU8OW MKKT KU In speaking ot that' period it is alsmiit pick the penod between tbe hundredth and one hundred and twentieth day roughly tbe last three weeks of investment We had looked forward to tbe completion oi tbe one hundred day as aa ejoch specu lated upon the double potability of Genml Baller making that a day of advance the Boer one of attack' The enemy were tbe flrat and had kept such good count that all who might hare otherwise over looked the thrve tigure score had a hint of it when a few minute after midnight they fired half doom rounds from their bg guns into th te Only state we had had after dart far a tag time past may have be inundbd ana triumphant advo in aefobrattared tta fact that for a hundred daya And riim veta tbe other ban htif we pfased regard it as MrepBreentary salute in iccognittou oi os having for one hundred day kept them out But it might have meant too sotnethiBg more than mere empty so in tbe expectation of eone thirg uuusutl atir we' turned out with the moon i hirung brilliantly and the Dutch toarcblights sweeping the town from end to end Little fear of either side attack ing on such a night Yet Kaffirs creeping through tet night tad come io contact with the bdHrtre had thu raised an alarm and for a time there was protaocuou ktaoting wk cactaa plants shadow and things It wa one cf tbe suspert periods wbeu men were sick iu body and mind or three days there had been btavy fire the southward followed as tunal by trying ukeoce broken at long intervals only by th rear of a siagie gun eunily recognisable now a the familiar note of the Dutch fl ineh During the day ANNUAL MEETING bVDNEY May The fiftv fir annual meeJug of tbe AMP Society wa heal at th? YMC A Hal! to day There wi a lunnernta at temlan uif members Nir Joseph AbtaU who presided in movms the adoption live report and bahnee ahert stated that the net increase in tbe viJune of business of Australia about Christinas time hung over the beigbu upon and round about which the stern dram of war wa in progress were stat oat alto £ftler for a week and oor feritographn were Useless NriB where the ey foiled te ear wa a sure guide in dictinguiahing be tween Boer and British lire Every gun tad double te firing and th' bursting of the diue When the interval lctwefn the two wa but a few reconds we knew it for oor gun when it wa half cirnuiidaoree peculiarly dmitLlibl ntr4tffo under die bw of Buhiwn to nud a malic i 1 A redden from every redoubt sseiuervMdbetter on tbe mountain poured out a stream of man The dark figure oom a stream like bee from hire antu taws New South Wales 35 Victona S3 Qtcntamd 9 South Aumralm 7 Tu rnon 5 and Western Australia A Gaisw definition has been amended eo that shall mean te Conunoowerirh of Aimualla evtabtabed under thu kci subye to the provuecMH of tbe Cofonml Law Valdity Act" 1 1aum 26 deohag wnh tbe number of re pras ntaxivA of eadi Ntaie in te HouKe oi Reprerentatrevta ha been altered as to road "If We tern Australia taler as an onguml wate the number of menbers to be cheats I OWLER Ltd 1 ADCLAIDK PtUMAXTU mrot reused over £1nm wwth cd datMige A dssrihkar cd Mr Mrfvte Adanuo earth over the teUboeks put on a new tawterj resnated the gt aery tawtenant The lew tay ini ro maiineti in Ladiwiaith north to sheer their indifference to the Nutation by wearing eimuwtae tarertumneta btaumo with reription more or fa such for example as touched me "Get off the earth your time up1 or porting lite killing All mind you while their fathers te arusaiw ot the town were employed in building pointing and lettering of Stomw te grave Some of them wnh a ghoulishkrire for boH odvoKtament did all their work ou ther front verandahs that neather aridier nor civilian could go by without these gruesome etubienu of mor tality staring them in the fate IS TRADE Tlw re ws much in the conduct of tbe people of Ladywtath during the day of death and deprivatMa worthy of unshntou prate a grod del too that made me bl'jah tones for the Anglo Saxon race The system of irregular private safa by aue turn brought mto prate after the or Londce May 17 Tne bubonic i lague has now made rt ap pearance in Smi ma An expfosiosi fans occurred on a Rntann torpedo bo at Petersburg Sis ot those on bourd received fatal injuries A tire has occurred at ue null vf Ed ward Lfoyd Limited popeHmirm wtale ale and export statioocc NHt ngbimroe Kent Six new nx chines were senouety damaged AMUSING SCENE AT A CHURCH MEETING wtle gloom uioti eittar face wa the herald uf dreyuir Whmi Sir tteorpe patted a ciriki un the head and raid "YouTl soon ret iwv Jniaea" it was passed round a distinctly promising and became par of the nr new of the day BITYET JfEWAGE I hi the 101M day one nf the enemy on Hol wan wfo was erideutiy familiar with England's national game called ap the dgnd'er at Career Camp and ftehed the iurt mesmjr "IM net not" The Man chester were eqari to tbe little replied "LadyMnith still butting" hrr ikrotion to spot in te earlier day of theege puzzled them a it ha puzzled ntmy other nation the ose of stal ling them" aid a weary Bwv artillery aan "They just go on playing cricket" ft was the armada and the game of howl over again All the cricket tad gout t'lough with te day when men of Ladv areidi tad mill sone heart end muscle left It wa a town fall cd wmrhotcHne emotion rather than good oarahr atumai Bntta im pulses toward sport and reoeatio RKOody apprehension which struggled for supremacy with patrimtai and faith in our destroy Bnndlv Irmned th 1 Jon stating that ne nopriul nt tbe uc fal tin rvJt in roeoeeiiou with the xtnmuDwralth Bill rotdd fave mm greatly taken admtage of the misfiwTunsa of hie fellow men of thee fellow would I bdieve have rem the whole tarrmnn A ite grave rather than hive given up the right ot arie over a single doom of Ba taunted egg It tra one of the infamies of the siege The remarkable thing was that far of those men tar from having a sense of atatne oeer their trvuacuona Kwted of and 1 doubt iW are taoateg rift of te high prwe obtained SPOCKS AND SHARES London May Myil My17 Mor A CDXTflvrr In fine roionu was th attitude dikeo by men wte were storekeeper and raer ctiants and therefore Mime memrare jttobffed selhng the dearest markm It wt their burine to trade and they traded in a w'jrthy of their manhood There wa Durid urkes a merchant of She loam who declined to rate hi prite a single fasten because ot tbe riege But Mr Sporkee wan atuneUuag more ten storekeeper: he wo a brave and able officer of eariMneer stere pluck in te held and kindly concern for te men vote a model aU officer to follow And there was Stanley butane of Mnntaburg tai a nun ot btMnere crdinanly as yuu will find tn booth Africa He was an army a tractor nometime with good reason uted army and one oi te fortunate few who had a Idr stock of good in hand The hu reed Act shall bww the town and it prov rriemog to the Queen stall ex teml to Her Mspxy hen and nucrteor rta of sta United word "abal! bind the luve been Hruck mH bi rtaure 3 which JvViwxh the proda motion oi ine iwnmoaweh the tn me oi withdrew qinetlv under hado ot ibe thorn bushes grating aMnewhat tanky then and sent a messenger in hsrtc to warn the Matwho tora ttr iut the lookout wa jwrta The MatMlieirt i tli their uigtit gls iud noted vrj tr ovmnent ol the enemy and amt wun ing to the pM keU that their meriigei met tatfwav They were seen from histiv utter point and the vtzjlan if ut in: valour of ow men wu aattaanonly texted The many ame on lor time i ontidouii enough and tta MrrngtiH ocd outpua were getting readr to give than a vulin which aitouid be at ontn welcome tnl 1 aiming when nxidenh' a it nad di vefamd the threatened attack melted ay There bad been all tlie preiMiration hoi ohmuIl It uuy have been that iey tound cnotang the open flat in tlie mooiibgt i mure xenou mcrin Limn tiirir Hihu tad die right to ask of anyhow tley jaliered toiieil and went bwrk Twnw within a few week they ha1 mu tt red hftinly to aiault du town in twice at the crui ial moment their coacmi lud faded them Tin i vnd failure their last senvua threat againri Lad unith be exerted to its full capacity tfat ha ester would never he rafiHed mufl it was estaHiatad in the tear emterv and be sincerely trusted that DO crvn fear of i being great would prevent it taking its rightful place aide by side in Gram Bntain with the world great life amuraoce in stituriona sow operating there Mr Affleck MUA objected to tbe daue in the report iWeermg to the ex trarioa rf the operatian to any part of the British Anri item atni intimat ed bi iMeutta to more for it exetaoo Tbe Chairman stotai that radt an aroend traban opinion tn connection with the Cotn mrinweihh Btfl tbe federal delegates ug gest um an Jicratiou should be made in toe Bill t' sufficiently prot et imerial Interest without disregarding Uoe wibe ot tbe Ausiraiitn people bond NLv 18 Lvrrt Nelborre I oJcr Srereuiy for the The pm k3 9 1M per oz since yestonfat TRADE AND HUMANITYBy our perial War (orrwpondeiit Donald Macdonald If any one of the besieged of Ladrmnith to humanity MeuUtiif you can the aul of a man who when children were crying for food mck aokiier dying fa vast of nourariment and eating blAc snaige made from starch sweetened ku soothins syrup had the hanfi hontl to offvr at pumic auctfon the luxuries that mignt have been Item poor tellow salvation There were mfaiit waatim jam to moke toeir maine mesl porridge wholesome yet one bright oraamen of the Legbdotare of Natal vra selling hw epare swpulte at exortanna prices that ttee to whom money was ot a euOMderatahi Kvmely taroed WILTANNIA May the PMO to dote fe out to the rotieul as though it were bqotd gold If te price eem prohibitive to aa ordinary barer what must they Imre looked to the soldier wta ordnwKily seu te test brandsm Ncocdr wfak fro his cantata fire of to the tadiets at ordinary eaatea pnc and Tommy At kins had no more resourceful or better friend ia Ladysmith And there wa a woman too who when tbe provost i rut not went round and seized upfta had managed tv hide away a large stork of Inxorie This wa wrong verv wruuc but there are thrifty htare whres wta the storing insrimS of te xquRref ud this wotmn might have now te undying admiratwa of the bwebter bjd she followed up her ueraro in a buri nera Kke fashion Hut she fell away ironi grue altogether and her la ttage worse than live first or undead of put ting her good on the Bracket and making rerord price to brag about he KnugrtaJ teem out of door in her edd taaket and gave them away to other wumen wfeu hml uule one suffering Some called her a foci and some ginned in tar folly and tad that tee tad gnt more for her goods than even milhonairr could pay And tta poor old rail with her wwil ambition I have little doubt well content MfiiiK QTnrvnoNK The last trnblic sale of any kind yj bell on ebruary 13 Tbe ly ia that for the credit of the town they were sot stopped two inonlus ear er Aud tnugl it mnack of twun the prices at that umr ket are a curiosity of trade worth quot 1 tin oi jam "iV: ll lb tin of jam 31 small ttn local made iwhh elight traces of sugar 2Ss jr oi stewtxl (wache 25 14 lb ot ilug tobacco las lb do lb of Boer to bacco 43 lb ot rolled lest 70 Three f'Mk dgarrato 11 Market of Dkl Gold igarrie 17 fid Jt cetamcn cigar £9 10 iuO Unioa cigk £18 lUa vegetable marruw 2a each tnrni and rarvots 8 dd per bmeb tnralie (green 3 8d per rob egg 40k to per dnaea: tosnatoes 2 61 wn At om of the earlier markets tbe more utrikin sale Ifocket oi Old Gold cigarette 25 fid 1 lb of plug tobrnro fl lb of Navy totacca Wa fh of sugar 10: grape 13 fid per lb nta too 7 fid lb brandy £1 pr hot tie: whisky aay brand £4 per bottle rum £4 Mb per buttle port te £3 per tattle champagne? 13 lfla per bottle There last were esmpurativety rariv price for alter Clinstea is Wa rmpooMhle ex eept upon a reruflfate ebeoud official enquitr to get spirits at any pryce leoj low ly 1 lu SADDLES and HARNESS of Every Kind TENTS TARPAifijNS AND: ALL KINDS CANVAS WORK "1 You want the Bt'fflt'Vahio for your Money and you can procure it Give us an Early Call 'and yoUwifl ba astonished aud delighted at our Goods and Prices of tar attver today i being a rec ot 1 lfid Tlie quotation for soft Spanish is fI7 per ton Pm nn Tta latent price quoted is ft: Sjw The price lor thia mtal i now fi Thj nmrkct is firm Standard brand 1 quoted at £73 10' per tm i against £74 7 6 per tun tat week ami at three months £3 5 Brailford Buumi i rwcricted Common Ws ore uuotod at 23d per and super at 24a er lb The market firm German beet re per vent quotrn at per Java Nu la is not quoted derxtand what it want He had received no ommunication from the delegate op the question nor had be heard iroin them rtspevting tbe compromise which wa re ferred to in our cable rne sage from on fon yesterday have noticed tta tele mm about a remarked Mr Holder Txrt tbe delegate hi ve no autho rity to nuke any compronu nor do 1 think it likely they will do so Hu there been any communication to the delesau "Tbere ha been no oimmumvatHin from me nor fir a I know from any of the utter Premiers except Qutewdand autho nzing or Maraeong to the delegates to de jiart from liietr original xisifion which was tn accept the whole Bill and nothing nut tne BiU" Kczardiag the nygeHCin that the It JI should pan mud on th Com ranwehh ISrbament agreong to adopt the Imperial Court of Appeal the Premier oliren eil probable that 11 the dele 'iU ami all the prexenl lremier will be in the ederal Parliament but etill they woukl nnh be a mtrxnty there and i they rannnl pledge it to rake any particuiar hlta llhlriar riia PPteMVted dam of fierce red heat oil wbmb not a breath tarred uon the roared veteu ftuek period a there alway gave iba alarauM their opportunity in affording for roeturroque and it xeemod to me that the more the Ixriy wa (fluted Vf deprivation the more wtldly the imagin tiin ran riot Tbe hand weakened ta tte curb and the mind went at a gallop Yet aauonueed Jt was eeurae Admiral ieW Tbe ram of the iwaneediog were placid A third resolution wa paawd condeanning denial by maar Board of Guard ion to uumihers oi the Uburte of England msdr their rare of tta miuatraiMMt of te cterjrv to which bv law enti tled" Aftzr a jocular reference tatbc corneal and vetameoent to which the meeting had listmed tee Areh butep said the attack on the Church waakf of rourre be mewad and Im thought before very long They mud pea par in odvanev for te false argtreen and tbe fa)e Htatements that wonM hr mode Thore anrement and rtatrinrnt bad already beta rrnettedly refuted and they MUM or refuted again It was quite certain they had made a real impreurion their ojqxment who we fa relf confi Lomfoa May 17 The American nmbuj sup ply of wheac is now 83tlftiUU8 buatait Hread Kufti The Engbdi and American wheat market are dull and quiet avour able crop report ore ccroing hand from America 1 nlorian cargoe prompt bi ment arc qutfej at 29 and pan Lt ft aw qnart New Zetland ordinaryiaut realized 23 fl Bevn were ld al 32 and Victorian ev arc worth 27 fi The market fi dull with a fair tae Wellington hemp diipment from May to luh i quoted at £25 per ton Money The open money market rate tor uie ui wouni ot btil i 2 rent KILL bET'EN AND MOUNDS PERSONS Loodtm May IX A nun name! Nordlung ho had been impruoned on a change of jurendianm hut wta wa mhuequentB direhanted ran amuck on board a rtramrr and killed aereu penona and wounded five Nordlung armed with moi rec and a dagger com muted this fngitful deed on board Pnnmrl a bita on a voyage from Westmunsland to Stockholm He killederen people indudmg toe roptoin of toe veasel and injured five oter Several were among4 the victim Nordlung evaded hi pursuer on board tta steamer and escaped in a boat ortunately however he wa eapuired when he reacted the jbare lOfi Mi 1A4 era Atu Jj 191S19 102 LW so to jhil aiiay out uur bora uront bta son into £3 jm aay ilqiy jJirl wa tuc ivrager could Mwe in mf captare a uurre tongue a a break tne manutvny vt mu orown mevi M'tab a uter iron dtapeaied we ured to keep atatp lookout lor tne lomi i a wteia fay about a Urge a a rituw terrv and with snuething ot the tame tenor It gnter on a low ahnib on tta to ot the stoay kopjes but tta gatherers were ma nod the Uurd kvei buafiev very far ia toe mfifet of the a araty comeb uapteosant dforarery wkuto led mutant Iv a fnmher cutting down of rauuti Owing so tad Mdering ime the tiu of beef sod broaut had iMcwne mouldy and hut for te uipliaa brought by the Indian troop faoud bav reached tta atrees ut toe nege macii earlier hen they were landed ia Durban tbe ta al cotunuraai iat iauiihed and Mid "Why bring thw stuff all the way from Indio? wa a waate oi tftne and wrote vi Uamisit Me have abundance tare aud wtfl only have tbe trouble of rv up dy ing tbe Indian regi ment" Yet that bit forethought tee part of tbe Item enutmgent ju about saved Lteymnite from dimmer av the presred fe: age taro ftanlPindi tefad ten keep at a few term abut To add to oor trouble mom rnsMte during tte nioge bod been Aoete MV teu rone hod banced and arenwu Itare i Miwtere much gc neral mpueiten fa tbe ttn tate tfm ouwMre Lttie by really ex 1891 Tta nwreare oi fund wax ata the 1 Urgent ia any tngle year Mr John Conte ot idocia fectroded the mot: an which wa Kupporud by Mr ormat MLA Quemdata Mr tawis Pre mter of Tasmania: and Mr Stone 1 of Western Australia Mr Goods Deputy Cbairm oi te South Aurahn local Board As repraeetiDg tbe South Amtralian Braaeh it give him great ptarore to be in a pom i tio to Maim ttea tex the buotnero ot te iciety in ttat colour wa a healthy orii diuon in every department South Auur lia tad goffered from a amrewfoon of unfo vouraKe aataooa wlucb coupled with the low pnee that hud nded fur when for care time past had effected to certain extent die progm and )npenty of Che province NutavittKanding adrore conCQ tiun however the popfaanty of tea AM I xety continued unimpaired The volume of ww bumne had bee well mainuined and they were attain able to chraricfe a the reun ot tbe yrari opera tion a fufaamial addition to the inur anre in tone Tiiew securitae had re ceived Hie usual careful investigation and thy were in an exceedingly rotiHctary poeftwm Tfie advance mortgage amounting over wee amply revured Interest hid iieen punctually poul and on Do ember 31 tvieie wereinrnrs on only four ti ount the owmt including that in tuc dv ot grace being but t72 Sr Id and root ot ths tad since been paid Dunug the year they had disposed of with but one ezraptaon their feredo tii propertire at profit of £419 12 Id over the book value Tome now only one forecloHure on the took and tne net rental receivable in rrej evt at it represented a return of over 7 per cent on the value ot whuti it appeur in the ImI aiwe tact Turning to die on the whofe btisinrea he congratulated tbe mem bers on theuncraMtng piuperity of die So ieiy is toerein dnwiirod rom every point of view the rextLU ot te year afforded toe rtrontje evidence ri earriul prudent and xuccetaiil DMnagreodM Tte Directors were to be congrmulated on their decido toct aside a sum of about LjOftU a tta nurleu of a reserve to enaidc the actuary to employ a rate ot mien ux the voniputatioa of the pel icy tabtaies teraidawh a covr later be uauaderud advie able Seeing that the rate now em4oyed wa 14 per cent while they realized over 41 per cent oa their fund thm Mep might by some be considered an excero of caution but to term wii merely further evidencew the earefnl and farming pohej whirii toe Ihrectno tad alway followed of plac ing tbe Society far ro howtin foresight could pta it in an abeoluudy impregnable position His vrifeugue tad demred him to express their hearty cunciurroce in the ac tion which te Director were taking with the object of exteoifeng the btanera oi tbe Xu iety to the 1'mted Kingdom They had given much conridcruivn and alien tion to this very important aubjeut and irivtng they briievRl kinked the matter from every punt ot view had come to tbeMtK luion that the beri interest of toe So ciety would Lie erved by effecung tta pro powd extension Tliey felt aaretl that member had everything to gam and no mng to luxe A large held of firt cte budneu awaited the buonos winch thank to the pna tige toey enjoy i toe Etnpire birgeet and mart am cera ful oftite and the iiwreomagiy ioUmate relationrfnp between Auetndia and tte mother country they should te aide to curtatacompiraiively fow rate okexpenro The text metocsl ttant ot Great brutaia would be at their itaponal and there wa ne rew am to believe that their edection ot firn would be any fa stringeat there than here I he Ltilii branch wiki te iu a che touch with die Director Svdnev a the Ixx aJ Board' in some of tot other coioiue for cumuanMatwia by tele graph with traa alirwaU rapid a with New Zealand or Western Australia Indeed nnaM be remmnberej that tta extablithmeut of toe New Zealand branchxne thirty year ago wa at toas time and tinder the condition ten ruling a hr guire moovmtou Mcp than toe est arion oow ropoed Ui roilrognea in aupporiaag the propreed new departure were rainw rirongly influenced by the fact toot the trcrwval Manager Mr Terre having thoroughly conmdeied every aqieet of tte flatter nail alway? expretari hi op i mon that it could hut conduce to the ibcrearou pro pcri tv of the tadeQ This oftinina tiv hid doubtless been carefully weighed bv UwMt to wbocn the management of the Society tad been imted and on whom dcvoivcl the resporsibilitr of watching it nterrete and euggrating any movement whicfi might be to it advantore They badn te pit on tte recommend tion ofthelli rert rs aud their expert adviser Mnction ed ianovauons ot a ctaratier ten practi cally untried the oM crantry uch a the "noa forfeiture regulation" annual diri smns of MirpItB and rhe abolition of stringent policy condition and ttey had ocrer had to lining for ter fad fouTMl that all tboe innovation bad tended to the advancement of their own and their children interest: Uonxidcred with que ti of i bar kind toe extenrioa to Lon don wa ri comparative unfoportance ana at ita worwt wj but an inexpensive vxeri mert There plenty of rawn for very healthy sentiment in cotsddering this ques tion TTiey were sharing with te tome land the full rreponaihilitie of tbe eain pawn which now proceeding aad tad afown ther frifow rounUymm Grea Britan what they can do ia toe art of war 1 The time bad cone when they ought abo to xfow them that in the art of pmee and in everything that made for te weilberag of toe nation tbe rare tad unt deteriorated in there southern farod Row eouM they thh better than by introduce to te Rn tito people the advantage of this tathnut question AiMrafa'x greatest ta tiroal institution ounded by AuMrttoans rortrned by Australian Director fflamd bv men educated and Tatmd in Arofinb te Snaetj stood today a auroumro of Atncraban energy foresight and utonfat otratree rfaoritr He brid ttat the bene Loudon May 18 DEPARTURES ir Atasoco barque from Liver pooL or Bomvruxo barque from redrictamdu or Nor them Monarch brogue from UrerpaoL tame tliough entrowted with a ufa meat rexnlution left te budding and tor Arehbiateop of Canterbury who ocrupted tta tair rinsed hii eves a ttotwfe infarober Two voice went that of te speaker a he punned tte robjei 4 into it tar ramification aud that ut thu who to the amuxemeM oi aud tbe srandal of vtber ladie Httuia saw hiai audibly whperad aad many another exclamation of unf a troare "And mid trie rev grodoaa whm be tad been speaking a 'C roe ord for cloro on an hour come tu efee subject of tunerafe" "(fad fod!" brake forth Admiral ield vnnghig tauds and apparent! airanet driven to te extremity of tearing fa hair Hot at Lta tta opreeh came to an end vtempon tte Anikbistap rammg hmi nett ro to put the rexulutioa to tta voteJfo no" riiouted Aditera) ield spring ing to his teet "let me fii enter pro Ufa very it rang prAefa aainu tta UlM of the roretenunrsmi vra1ed wild mw absurd and ndtcolMM resoluuci aa thio The trumpet tone and nrorum grature are ever ronto coniixd fa*g and the Arebbitep resuming bi Mfa a convulsed with laughter "I fart handed out te seafaring jeremiad tte Ga vurauwut ich majority of 140 at teir tack and ttev don't think it wire deal with tbe mat ter Very well why tomiM we be asked to toed tear and look ndicu tea hecauie vou don't get vrhit rar ri't tau friend Mr dtat and other foolieh people Then the Adwtifa down panting: and te Arehbitonp riill staking wnh tevrinev nut te rvvdutroo fa to dey when pnere swt abgtotiy harder The fniloiriw rales are Oporae Aid mi 8d Weft 8)d Bum Burra td CenaUy tfad i Maraten IHdr Wdiara 18jd Dogucrth 2bd 11 Admiral ield a mj unwil ling to be bmed why did be go tn nwwuug? a liiai ut toe uurch tom nnUee lor Church defwu and Cburvli in xtruutMiu end the Church House West ounetar ta xrldoin been uccu)d by earuext an assembly Admiral 1 Id hii tbe trunt row i the tneetiug He quirt a listener a any during toe iqtetxli in which Vmcuuu it uioied a urging tlie xinuncni ul a Committer "ur al least a vvteiar" everj tanso to aretel in arrauamg lectures dilriuuiii I Herat are and cultatiug luud and na tter urging te vital importance of xenutuung an urate knu edge "of I lie hir lory and work uf Che National Churxh" Having deufored a taiitn off in rata np iKHin Locil rm spuke ul the twd pie lure for muwed attack on tte tfoan a the General ul whndi otter bc aufes tte gallant Admiral gave their full at tention Tlie Mmu ter might pentane give some clue to te mind ot ttw vernment with regard tn the date I lie next contort in te eonrtituencie Lwd (rose parentitefally i GeuMta Klmion at al) likely to he al tend" bull te troue before Churvhnwn was a great a rf not greater than vvi before: and it behove them to make resdv berimes to defend "te greatest insutuiion that this world ha ever kuown or eui will know Aln ww Admiral teid at tentive and undcmonstrativi during the spaetfi in which Jxwd Hafarres MJ refined tte opinion that another and mnre ngoro attack would be delivered upou tte tatablitonu nt Tfa rewdutMU bring unanimously adopt efa another wa muvivl ly Mr 1 al tat ALP Lt txprereed regret that the Ho vurmnent fad declined to make pnniMou te Census Bill fur te taking of slatn rim a to religioui profeauuro Mr Tal bot iu a cbararterirtie oisech went into te nmuer with some fulnero explaining ttat Great RriUia and rance were almon alone in dipening with a religion renu Aad it was that the Admiral team' rvutltSK a wa apparent to ail who watched tbe working of hw fare nnjw tarot Rut hi endurance wu drai ned to a gruntre tna) than thro which Mr Tallx't tmpoaed nfun it The Rev nampfoii Mrittll seconded te nxftio loug biit that lome great wfirme waa npening to maturity and the faith in lawd Ittefte wa shown in the fact ttat most people briieved be would have a hand fa it Tte oufe humiliating tiling wa the zraeral be lief ttat we in tedyraiith were tafa*g rood a ground bait for the Boer army No there ix something sportsmanlike about fly though satiriMs hare diwovrevd ia it te eooBet Ung link between a hah and fool but ground I Mil it wa imglifjiBf reffectioo to meu wh i had iieeu rather pet ting tbetnseive on the tack a tte rorotyrii of the Enqiire It wa not only tte staff meat of the thing but these long ai teres alwars meant start ration ami men were thankful then for small roerefa sronefaHy thankful for a change from hor effesh to either mule or donkey meat both mate tenter and paktlafte thin tbe nulta aadal The hule Mlver lining fa tested Wa slight diminution in tbe fever end cksentery due 1 think to te fact ttat ail tbe more sUM i ptible or oarefa had al ready goae duun rotter tea te aay marked impruvemetii io the raaitay coo ditiowu The fact that every man Gw vrrnmret employ and all bote wfa wore rely to voluutrer now earned tte nA showed wviue wrong belief that tteuBSOfa might lake advantage ot Buller' faastfai 92 and 94 Bundle Street UrtOOL Oj 0 Street nj Trunksregulation Size a Specialty ft dolMloattiar Trunks Saratoga Trunks Ladles Dross Baskets irn Iv tefente lwd Limmcron agaittM Mr King mi ttarge trereff iniru ShOO Mr Kindim anotoer letter to declares that ir 1 nay dsUcr of South Aurtralu ha itnifht by errei eonrmable means tn isrrtly under me the upped cLiw Mr Kin ton eom plain tta has been impoiwible to nb a rpT for I ii a'TT)'ilct II proto'U aaainet the appoint jim ct wbt he ann journey man judgetogM" being odculateil to sap tbv ii indejieruieme ata render itar mis in tenor that ttair sterjin) tta Bencn Mr Kingston funner cvnrc surpnse viat he ata otters hoult iuv been kept in ignurnre Mr iiimtar rHrtite icl mem iratiilum respecting repeals which wa given Mr Reid then Brenner of New rsxan WJe ci ctly after the mm'rrmr wnh the Auxtnluo Jremiei in Ixmdon in July 1WT tern mausl Tta Bill rs inirodurrd by Jr fa bo that wvetwl afarauns hare been made In te prea mlile wfik out list the (ivople of Auurafa havegreed to unue in one indio dubte euvra' Gmmonweatah under tfa crown i the I nrtod Kingdom Great Bn: un and Ire land the worte "And under th? oKKUtioo hereby exfiibMieu have been orantnl a th it oa arear'i Hill I be "LhgaK the Pretorian imper wgid it Mrnuglr pointing out ttat I lie attack January fi i hough it faded houmd al fact tne pTto dxItty of Tjdimtab toefa*g taken by a detenniued rash We WSSU use unwilling (list they should try bw a tbe strength rd tbe gunsoo declined te strength of the defence incrvarad PkKPtiUMi tonr The rieg worn soldiers though quite OU fitted ir fatigue were newr iw At pmat whew thought IftHp tte enemv might uin ratne danc night errop forward haretoot nr upon fata rote faroro broken botiles were thickfe spread upoa tte graau after dark At other psfato aid tio were strewn oh tbe veldt that usi could not coroe forward without tew datter Every device that tbe town outed afford either to ebeck a moalthy roomy give notice of bi approach wa trite Be fore the fight at araur Hill wu tote trusted too muck tn tte reputed urorilta tiee of the Boer eitlter tn attack night nr n'srt a fortified porotwa at any tiro but after ttat we made no mistake Tte harficd wire entanglements were a roefeut death trap The man Who unagre ed tfa there 0p were Itet tag a stupid eremy for fa oaavu nience own hkriy te make Ue pwtest aad loot mistake of his bfe the tape tafav cunningtr te ia at pointe where avfaf te te cootoor of te ground ter ware not vible front te enony'x fine It sms fa vty cunoMg and enroptee and tta son in spite of ite prevention oftea prayed indon May I The inrrrapoiiih nt nf ta report mit rhe nment of orea hnr? graniel Ilia ia a site at Meounpho Har bour for a coal depn ata naval hospitalml hive undertaken nut to alienate ra Ugw Tfinl elwewliere tic Riisrim dipkitn itiM fas intimated that tlie harbaur of Mexiinphu only he ed as winter hcadquartera tor tlie lleet The "Titru owniumting on liie ooute Australian 34 a 1339 8 Arotralnn Queensland 4's 1915 24 119 1 110 Queensland 3' 1924 10 i 1034 New Zealand 1328 109f 110 5r zeoiaiM a a mmu ire NX 3 1945 April Oct Tasmanian 34' 1M0 MM 117 I JM'191iiUr Sep 103 103? JT l9U5April Oct 99f 10: re rijy ita te wvre 7T" te7 tatamr ate a ral 12 pi bet fast mt naif.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.