Washington Gazette from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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the it JOSEPH WATSON A it5 JWB in I rTc inanng oraer to Umt effect) Three elegant Cabinet Secretaries no MusES POOR sue 'xxoacxarsau UXtixxxor MAN Bank Stocks stall time buy stock the following banks parket ptica for csth vix: i and MechaiHca Bank of Georgetown Bank of Georgetown I Bank of Georgetown and Waahingtqp Colombia If Metropolis Bank Washington Washington fch to buy United States 3 5 6 and 7 pc atocka bad aeU all District Banka and other stocks fcommiaaiot all those wishing to buy and sell Bo call on 1 hare now for sale stock of I and Mechanics Bank of Georgetown ank of Georgetown 1 re in meet of the other Banks in a few daysr BOM ULUS BIGGSm nor tory that wisdom whispered to himj in friendly aceent the life of the hisfofuu tniist be start and precarious the self exiled Jein her inspirations con verted an obscure and dreary desert in Syria into a school of Eloquence and to the contemplative Rousseau js' i VN 3v6mKer 23 1821' SHIP NEWS Nov'' 21 sloop Matilda days from kew York a fall freight to Is Coca Chauncey and merchants of the Stag Nerkt 3 days from Baltimore a fall merchants of the District is Neck lilcJnieeh'eounJyGco on the 29th Mt Hrsff*ckMa ou aged hundred and bdsjf tha lit InstiCapt Ma Inhabitant of Baltimore A krpsiafal'duty to aantance the death of the cidNapty Ajaeriaao Miasionary at torn bay Pe kp ilfocsa of twelve hours ofcholera and also Mrs Sosa Peoa wife of the Rev Sorj Mwsiouaiy hl jCeyion The information iiS receivtd ina letterfronn the Rev Mr Bard febaUa Jus friend Andover 5 vr Bssrtn Necardsr Jndia China dinner setts Li verpool blue printed do i Anen nevi inrnin a ra wiiri A complete assortment of white edged anjl en smelted ware lEPfi Georgetown Ielttd fresh Muscatel and bunch Raisins rs Grapes bast apanish Cigata soft shelled Almonaa shelled do tfblCS nrtment of West India Preserves Cbil fac complete assortment of Confectionary ids all of which he wille II as cheap as gbt in the District He has commenced Pitl amilies can be supplied with trta Jellies and other deserts He can Vrehmentfor Balls and other Parties Orders Bikfally received and the articles will be sent of the city or town B6W The Wheels of THE UNIVERSITY LOTTERY Of Maryland aava aaiasa aistso or 10000 DOLLARS The drawing of the Lottery is half finished and highest prize that has yet come out is glOuO Tht Undrawn Prizes are: 1 prize 30000 DOLLARS 1 10000 DOLLARS 5000 DOLLARS 13 1000 DOLLARS 500 DOLLARS 100 DOLLARS 11 9 I I Bl MkiV ai hire copied an edilriaHrtiele en thrsub jcct of Spain from the LaqdM Ctaney pears to to claim of" the reflecting politician In this iec tbe plg of conduct which the holy 'alliance and the En glish government would willingly pursue towards legenersted Spain and Portugal is developed plainly and fully All political relations ire to be broken off with the former countty because truly the British mtnarch is censured or resiled in Spanish newspapers with impunity Yet the ministerial press of both Londoe and Pan its has for too years past incessantly railed with out the least molestation against every member of the Spanish government and io the wry com plaining article of the Courier th Spanish Convh tuliunsiists are stigmatrted as Jacobins There is no pprobrioos erithrt nor foul imputation which the British opposition papers and opposition ora ton of Parliament did not apply lo King erdi nand in tbe interval (of 6 years) between hi re torn from rance and his acceptance of the Cool stitution Gazette i Erily wwhigjlje Mretini for tbe rtVTrriawrcr of tho MaU Inspectors Pt TbwapMO wilMrawa) the reteswere Mat JR vote jumt meeting proceeded to When Mr Parker had S4 votes Mr Ti pe rr Uaelsrad dal I TwN lv Evan Evant and Gersboen Le inspectors of the State Prison i' rf Sfvtfifl tvtepMft in vwo vaewwm of BtodetV thro Inatrtntioa ts ex MBUI VIHMBC ictrmiy pvvt'wr kale distributed Classes as f4tow Seniors Jun wannsifixr i a of a edifice fur tbe ac wHftQ Win VfWvnLne nnammsM Aaaas formerly President of the tatorM orvioe ist meu lae wymy ww of bto age Atappf Ud nun! tatar te a ana wwswAab aaisan rsww i wwssk ii a wa rich tactile experience of years Wnrrf! of TZCires wnren rue cuiaruv ga tot' hesitate apply to a younger itpjet iQuatre aKlonops arcana JMVCTIW BU ffiedt ifan jif 'plerimie ut bomjta 'ttagnifico lata veisret eed quo Brmlpr Hversut fartmta qewwu in neat mind uot as some to platan hflder a splendid name but tyatbv J4nlnst the aorideots we ne mnt ue the TucihaCJr (btg Gas i Hnudr i Wwhh pletsure'that we copy i bmok from 'the Ltmdoo Moatbly 'Migazihe for We of nos awa up ita MtmdtmeM perfectly at fcr tbe periodical productions of Britain have llflW a ft as i laurishiiir''oMMitoa of American Literature mA AWtaMWKS am warn rvcnuuiLai ruuruaia litrth jtowriM turiew pubdsbed in Boston jouniBMHMncuiw wa rii hv Ur ChaMBnn DubliihelaurkcrV Journal of ScfiMMi cdked bf rrofeMor I a a AAlikAAt rnkniallw AllCrvWNKri 10 VMnumMU iniuaiiv a ne works ia Europe for good Jj OatiaiE Oplober 22 It BIDV BM fo IoXW4UI dwclliag house on fobo jane mm nt jopepn streeu nuroourg so rapid was Us progress that fourteen other gut hottw wi coDBumod befoft it ooura JI miriantod to a kttchea' and caught The buildbws destroyed were aM of one tadmfe ofwkod Most of the farnitureo bouao wsa fa much danger end Yf SXM BX)NaagALT Extract of a Irttw frim row avill I tn a friend of Grn Browq jB Albany dated Jiuv 15 1 have learned that some very unfavorable ac counts of the health hate been carried from Albany to New York and for the purposfe of putting you in poiireiioo dl'ihe precise facts on the stale of his health and I have the satis faction to inform you that tbe General has been for some days able to walk about his hoose with out any Ssiiitaoee nod that he 1 gradually ting tbe Me of his right His general health never was beitn and bls friends nd phyriciaa have ao doubt of his speedily (wig to his accustomed health Hw has been (or a cot siderable time considered euticcly out of dati The Buffalo Patriot of Tuesday last says that Jb i Jupiter struck With the nobleman As ho voain en the verge of tbe oceaa (Pithed a tbe figure and calling it man Endued it with fife and motion A creature so glorious in mind and in frame So stampt with each impression Among them a point of contention became Ead claiming the right of possession He is mine said Affliction I gave him birth I alone am his Cause of creation Tbe materials were by me Earth gx bim said Jot aauuauoii The gods all assembled in solemn divan After hearing each petition a definitive verdict on And thus settled his dipoatioc: Let Affliction possess her own child till the woes Of life cease to barcaswand goad it After death give his body to Earth whence it ruse And bis spirit to Jove who it Jfr cxiy on VMpday mowing Mr lows Dur pfjhq firsqf and DuffieH mer 0 i I Mqr byJtbe Rav (r 'ArPusviev one day as she hark'd to the roar Gt the stertry and struggling billow 'Drew a beautiful form on the sands of the share With the branch of a weeping wilfow X4nt Strigfnrdii fa wuligp pqMMnf national pride fait We insert thp follorine ttatw so truly wbtthy of our euimiryirtl fa fright' honoratye to Iter representauvefCKd Strijuford Of tjta chsracter of fhaLrwiile many admirable iraiu buthiflnetsiA tor itrratofr bis love of the his devotion to werel twve'wxMw brHlinilyillusirated that by jljis tetwbfeb perfohnrdtw! re have rrery reason jjo ia red the most intereitiug vestiges of antiquity in Treecr froujuttef LUtrarf Gaz' CoxsTiariNoni Letter from his lighnets f1e grand io (lie governor Grner al of the Moren and to the comuiauder uf tbe Turkish troops fa foi'e 'Athens: t' Lord Viscount Strandford the English Am ta sador to he Sublime Porte' having learnt ihat the toaidn tnop (may victory thvir mart io liver Athens ft om the tebris Who have takenpassesuoo 01 it he has pt exnied au ofl ial note signed with his respec table name in which hr sigtnfi that it would be Kghly agrfo all to 'his Majesty the King ol Great if orders were gi en for the pruec tibu andqxesrrvkiion of iihe ancient edifices $nd lDplManlf blhef'ornittheatj ly which ate hj th' city and enyifoiv of A'hen ynd hirh biye' ntwhyf' been so highly interesting to the learm( of Eiiiope I NJw asbti Britannic ijesiy is fall of fi iend ship towards the Sublime Porie ud the cordial nt tachmrat anrf confidence between the 1 wo Govern jhe'XULrhi'tjwr' 'r so to (J tv UsWA fifcaBtutbufancdaadswiAtoxysttm To him that Jels ij wUe and fa be 41t iV tKo wccitot i Sougnt'tastniwateratidbtaeaih 1'' Cowyxiu vf the kiman a view io4e mprovemennd yelmeht if its facptiephas eagi fed tbi attention oYaU agcsjn every aectio of tus eivZra world psdescnbablei an ir resjible china Of celestial descent be conducts her iotarjes to the tempfe of Truth ani in the language of rJ7al yalmfat may be mid fa(sd them pie still waters of comfort ber ways are ways qf pleas antness and all bey paths srq paths of She not only guides her followers to Eune butto the sorrowful of heart by footateps je as the brightness of the sound of her voice as tbe touaic ef tbe harp of joy Her iiaunts are the seats of thp Mups thegefreebifig shades of solitude tbe borders of jibe tranquil stream Amidst such scenery it was that the celebrated Giaaos felt her sovereign and salutary fafiueace when be pen ned the last words of tbe bistory of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire To ueq be description of that historian was 00 tbe nigbf of the 27tb of June 1Z87 between the hours of eleven ahd'twehre that I wrote tbe last lines of tbe last pageia a summer house in my garden The air was tempers) tbe sky Knyae the silver orb of the moon Way refit cried an tbe waters and mH nature was silent? Heart thriHing moment lo ami ns the temples and other le th ben'K" wh etiUemall voice wooed aniiquitiri'of Ath'Ads hhvr excited the ud to Sie with'yiriumts rapture on the wild beauties of miration of Euriopb fa becoming Ihe dignity of 8'trland the woilJ wisdom foreakes not the Sublime' Poite' to adijpf jntosurex for tbe pre wboroj'abe has won to ber cWms Happy aervatlbn of thoe remarkable objects and also for bPPf be that fakes her for Kw communion I of doing bat may be agreeable to the wbo renouncing tbe gfere of tta giddy the gay tiog of Epghibdand to bia ambassador our good I fashionable ciiyita4f4wMies of pleasure friend directs hie course by tberceplrndency of that lamp the We'' therefore call upon you by your prudent Sees of which are xuppEed by tle light that comeh teal and by the applications of your authority to from above Happy thrice bappy is the youth who issue the necessary orders to all whom it concerns commencing the drama of Luman life wisely listens to (hat the antient' edifices in Athens and the vicinity I tbe counsels of this sage directress in whose hands we way be preserved uninjured that no damage be I length of days and riches and hpuor A View of the done to thoj and that pncotoplMQlginay be made I reverse of the picture led us into ike foregoing train of to us by pur friend the ambassador or by others I reflections On so interesting a (he(pe much might be that our commandi have not bees punctually obey added put for tbe present we defer our remarks that fLH I we may subjoin the following letter to Aucmasa NEW EXPEDITION TO ARICA I which as being not irrevelant to our subject we recom rom an English paper I mend to observation His majesty who ever hulds in consideration To AlCavdsm and tikeacyqry opportunity of promoting the in I I do not think your remark without foundation that tereat of lettuce and of art expressed hia desire I (he minds of our young mert bf fashion are leas adorned a abort time atnee that an expedition ahonld be 1 knowledge than might be presumed from theadran formed to explore certain partlof Africa which tige which lbe Ttaoauswof hiaWfeot may border upon Ervnt The idea was luggeMed in fwlndt wnie 1b of consequence of the uccetsfal researches of bkwe W1 on Bnd Belzoni in tbe latter country but the object ot tbe present expedition is of different character from MT a the pursuiKf that tenUogmnginamcM it the discovery not ofthe ponderous monuineoto of orfd Egyptian labor buLof tta remains of Greek sod Jntuced Roman edifices wljich it it conjectured gre scat life presents to a yrtuig man a perpetual tered in different pvtoof Libya a country which Peuure? that keep Chaw cclebrtCI ntin visited and io which ttipy iB establishel cotmiies at several different periods IsPP00 The pohte'amtnLlhereAalender store but which it swpposed ni Europeans have since of coattmatibh yd ridicule would fall 'explored' JI I on discourse that was directed to iMtructiou tends lit The gentleman who has been itffosdh bygdkern tmri the cfasire rfhwowte Th eatery of ment with the pprobatien of hi majeSty to su lhe worid nd t0 bfendiatmenta of fortune qpnspire perinteud tins expedition is Mr Beecher many with the follies of fashion to divert from the weber pur tears secretary to Mr Salt thio English consul to suits of study A restless habit is that delights Egypt and the constant companion' to Belzo in vsin burry and change of places frivolous engage ni in his late indefatigable researches The lopds menta tbe care of dress and equipage the praise of petty of the admiralty baye also' afforded every assist accomplishments engage tbe thoughts andpccupy the a nee in their power to advance theobject uf this leisure if this be tbe train of fashionable bfe ia it expedition by fitting out a small vessel with a strange that so small an accession should be made to that complement of men 'and entruating the command knowledge which was brought from tlie lectures of the to one of the lieutenants who wore engaged under tutor? 1 speak not of those mofe' blameable expesaea captain Parry in the last Northern expedition anil that are too much sanctioned'by tbe 'examples of fasbion the officer um whose drawings were execu 1 hle life and are yet so detrimental to the improvement ted the engra' ings that embellihed the account of I of ye understanding to which our manners grant so that voyage bl which the jfablic are in possession eUy a parddn and of that pernicious rage of gaining The vessel is intended to sail round the coast and which scatters tbe seeds of mischief Sod ruin on all sides tu wait upon the expedition whica will only pro After all there be cause to complain that our young ceed so faf in the interior as will be consistent men fortune are too careless in making intellectual with its xafety or allow an easy re urn to the remenU be ttfel Sffirmed tbtinthe eoast The expedlti wi wtll depart from Tripoli endownteilt of the mind they Orpamthoae of theaame the Bey of which a co mumcation has Is en rank in other counlri Ths our meBt hspatched from thia Gvernment to request aimis on tg it excitM rfor tance which will no doubt be afforded as it has I Losivvr to cultivate and improve the mind be ofneet of state formerly been by that power upon stunlar occa are beltowtjd by lbe of Libra the countrv about to be explored by our he b' obuned here without adventurous countrymen is that whch in ancient tal'T young times contained thJ two countries of Cyrenaica en h'gher rank some areore ambiuou arid Marmarcis The former was called Pentapo Prit who not the dj lia from the five great cities which it contained: ment of nor "li sufe all the pnzes in the one of which was called Berenice or Heperis tate borne away by peraoua of Ubacure attUon now Bernie the spot where the celebrated ganlens of the Hesperides are generally supposed to have China Glass and EYthCtf Ware existed Not far rlistant was Barce or Barca a ml rpH bers awe reCei Wby the late arri Ptolemais now rolometa lo the east of the V1f jew York and fall supplies of extreme northern part ol the coast called Thyus the above articles consisting ia pirt of the following: rromontonum now vape reasar was nppononia O(HV Maria Susa or formerly the port of Uverppol blue printed do '50 Cyrcne the city being situated a little inland: was founded by Battus who led thither Lscedre Ampfete assortment of white edged anjl en inonian colony from Thera one of the Cyclades smelled ware and the kingdom was afterwards bequeathed to Cut glass Decanters and water bottles the Romans by the last of the Ptolemies surnam TumWersandwiaeGlassea edApion and was formed by that nation into a province with Crete The expedition will explore pufa*gfarf Ml lands the vettiges of it which are supposed still to re Passage Lamps with balls and chains main under the names of Curin to the east of this store do stood the fifth city of ancient Cyrenaica called Lamp Glasses an assortment Darmis now Deme South of Marmsrica (before mentioned) which our countrymen will visit and in the midst uf the I puted lJuuour with cut glass bottles sand of the Libyan desert was a small and beau 1 Britannia Coffee and Tea PotB bugars and Creams tiful spot refreshed by the streams and luxuriant Wire and pierced enders tea Trays with verdure in which stood the temple so cele Hearth Brushes Bellows brl i Jpiie have been founded by Bacchus gratitude to bis Browng H(Xelj father Jupiter) who appeared to him when perish nT i Ls avriwe ing with thirst in the formof a ram and showed him a fountain Here was the oos Solis whose I ranklin Insurance Office waters were cold at noon end hot at night Here 7tfl ATovember 1821 also the celebrated aacient Oracle so difficult of nreg President and Directors of thia Institution have access through the Libyan Deserts and which was JL declared a dividend of 6 per cent for tbe last six consulted by Alexander the Great after a memo months on the capital atock rd in rable and dangerous journey the token of which Conformably tothe provision rf the charter creating a rauic auw 5 I surplus tuwd one third will be retained for that purpose transmitted to posterity is the ram horn upon Jbe remainder or four per cent will be payable to the the head of that conqueror on numerous medals (tockhoiders on or after Monday the 13tb of this month The expedition will in all probability be en A BRADLEY 3d Secretary gaged three or four years nov dStfaecGt 5 71 (t? The price of tickets wih shortly advance but at preaent my be had as follows: Whole tickets RIO 4 iatters 250 Halves 5 Eighths 25 or sale in a variety 'of mimb at LUCKY01CE it on city Orders by mail enclosing ixe ticket or cash will receive prompt attention if addressed to 8 fa ALLEN fa Co nov Washington city TO LET THAT well known THREESTUKY HOUSE on Penn sylvania avenue between hotel and Du snuff store formerly occupied by Mrs Peyton and lately by the Misses ulks or terras apply to EtlAS T1UVEUS neat door Pnssemion may be had itamadiately Best Spanish Cigars 1XHE subscriber has juat received and offers for sale at his City Anction and Commiaaion Rooms an in voice of 100 loxes besf Spanish Cigars in whole half and quarter boxes manufactured of genu: ine old Spanish tobacco They will be sold at private sale on reasonable terms and warranted good by MAURO sue (fj Chairs of every quality and price and oil eloth Carpetting for rooms or passage may be had very io by applying as above nov eoot Chea'p all Goods WLLIAM WARD has just received an elegant assort ment of all and liloter Gtadt among which Sunerfine cfotlu and caaimerea second snd common do: cassinelta velvets and corduyoV 1 black and white satin Italian lustrings lorences and otner silks Plain and figured pattinett linen cotton and jackonct cambrieki thread and silk laces inserting edging plain figured muslins and caps Merino silk eottow and caasimere ahswls and ribbed and plain English silk hose and worsted lambswool and Merino hosiery boys and lambswool worsted and cotton ditto Plain and figured scarlet flannel white and red ditto very lov rtiSe and point blankets ine and superfine Ingrain carpetinga ailk and tabby velvet fanev velvet and love ribbon Irish linens law ns and dupera bombazettes and boas bazines calicoes and ginghams tartan plaids linen and cotton checks domestic cottons Mareeillescounterpahtt A complete assortment of gentlemen's and chib gloves large tortoise and ivory combs pelisse wadding an excellent assortment of servants Together with almost every article in tbe dry goods line The above goods having been purchased JoW and se lected with care will be soldMlow as they can be bought in the district for cash or to punctual customers Nov 2a v3w Latest ashions from Europe ELEG aN Braver "Hats of tbe new fashion made in WashingtonPhiladelphia Baltimore and New York canbe bad next door east of Brown's Hotel' Gentlerpen living at a distance and intendingtospehd the winter'in Washington will find it to" tbeir advantage to defer buying until they arrive as nothing is more in jurious to' hats than travelling and here they can be sup plied with that necessary article made in the beat facto ries ia the United stales Superb Chapeaux de brya co*ckades Eagle HANDY fa Co nov dtf Military and ancy Hatters Lamp Glasses TH subscribers have juat received 2 cases of Lamp Glasaesvcompriting a complete assortment BUTLER Jr Co opposite Hotal Pennsylvania avenue nov 3t A New Academy JOHN GARD1NKR late chief clerk of the General Land OfBce reiecUully soheita tbe patronage of bis friends and fellow citizens after having been employed in that office for fourteen years (lt past) he finds it his interest to resume his previous avocation tta instruction of youth and has opened tbe school rooms lately occu pied by the Kev Mr Hanning in the bouse of Mr njnehy Confectioner on Pennsylvania avenue near tbe old Theatre Maa Gaanutsa will aid in the undertaking Tbe course of instruction will comprise Reading and Writing the English language correctly History Geo graphy Arithmetic and Book keeping and to females (in addition to the above) plain and ornamental Neeale Work Embroidery and Music Tbe priors for tuition will be moderate nor eoGt Cabinet Secretaries swab eoenery it waa'xrhea Wtaiddgn kit pen wdrwal ff'OvMORUOW (Saunxlv) auerowun at half past thyee ved in Itis mind what might be tbe foture fate of bia His uction rooms I shall sell witbputre Missouri Alabama POOR sue Bank uf Washington Stock OR sale on Saturday tbe 1st dsy of December next317 full shares of Bank of Washington Stock Sale at 4 Terms cash nov dtd MaURO Stale of Illinois Office Vandalia Oct i 1821 Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance the act of the Legislature of the state of Illinois entitled An act for the relief of person whose Landa Bank Stock Ac have been aold far taxes and for other pur Approved Jappary 31 1821 the lands and bank stock of non resident of aaid state upon which tbe taxes have not been paid for tbe year 1818 1819 182(1 or 1821 will be aold at public sale st Vandalia the seat of gsvernment of said state on the first Monday of My next for the amoeat of tbe tax interest and cost due thereon BERRY Aud A 111 (jTbe New York Daily Advertiser Boston Palladium Advertiser and the New Haven Herald will insert the above once a week tixweeka and forward tbeir accounts to this office with affidavits of publication BERRY Vandafia oct lawfiw Military and General Agency 2 Washington City £9lh October 1821 2 PAYMENT TAXES fa RECORD DEEDS fce rHE Auditor of tbe spue of Illinois having notified 1 that aU lands on which taxes shall not have been uatd in conformity with tbe relief act approved on tbe 31l January of tbe present year will be sold at public sale on tlx first Monday of May next 1822 tbe under signed give notice that he will procerd or send a trusty person to Vandalia about tbe first of April next for ttapurpeseof payingup arrears of taxes and having deeds recorded Person desirous of confiding Such business to this Agency or having other matter attended to in Ohio Indiana or Missouri are requested to commu nicate their wishes pttage paid at an early date Titles to land in Illinois may be perfected by purchases at th public aalea In consequence of the death of Abraham Beck Esq tbe undetrfened contemplates establishing a brunch uf this Agency at St Loui or Cole ou the Military survey 3twtf snow fell at that place Tridj night last to the depth of 8 i ache Sale at Auction AT II on Siturday tbe 24th instfwill be sold at tbe Auction Store ol WRIGHT Georre town Shawl 'and Bandanna Hfa 10 4 1 1 4 Rose Rlsukete Colored Thread Sewing Silks and Cotton Balls Superfine doth Csasinaere and ftattineta Bleached Shirting and fine Dowlas Brussel and Ingrain Carpetings Knives and orks facfac Utt one tfclock Mould and Dip Candle Chairs Table fap i rar'y Candlelight A small invwiog of BcoJca Copperplate Portrait qC public di trader Map Prints fae A tew setts of elegant Mantle Ornament some af wfacb arebtaahtal paMfiog JS? Ewive and rokam fuM setts of 51 self Tip sad white Bon Dt Warranted of tta beat quality Rich tea iraya ahd waiters and varioux new and beautiful article of 8 useful and ornamental de cription Tbe above articles will be opened and numbered bj 12 ofe lock on riday when la(l nd gentlemen art respectfully Invited to call and siew them Geonretown Nov 22 Auction Sales ON Saturday afternoon at 3 at my auction room Pennsylvania avenue I shall sell a very ex cellent assortment of Household urniture and other 1 elegant Sideboard (with secretary in same) 1 doxRush seat Chairs 1 elegant rench dressing Glass and Toilette Tabla Hich Cut glas and Decanter 2 English Coal Grates very haodaome 5 excellent Bed and Mattnuwa Bras ton fire enders Polished steel Shovel and 1 ongs fac few Quarter Boxes Spanish Cigare I soldier Patents for 160 acre fand in Illinio 1 uitt 160 1 Ditto 160 Twp jMyl Zlr jU ilw 2 i ll XAI £vtaM fjgy pJwTfj ui Him Sw Jim ii 'Ail Aoliv '1? 1 1 HP wn t'li I I II 4 ntnanva 1 1 1 Mferiortl 3 3 a 1.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.